The Criminality of Donald J Trump

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By B.See
28 Jun 2022 8:10 am in Liberals Only Political Chat Room
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16 Sep 2022 5:38 am
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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Imagine if you will, a con-man two bit shyster, guilty of MANY frauds, and now facing possible charges for MULTIPLE CRIMES, threatening America with consequences if he's charged or indicted for any ONE of them.

Such is the unmitigated GALL of Donald Trump and his sidekick SYCOPHANTS like Lindsey Graham et al, the former who's attempted to incite a treasonous overthrow of DEMOCRACY, and who's absconded with STOLEN top secret government documents, not to mention various OTHER crimes he's yet to be charged with.  Now THREATENING AMERICA with what his MAGA cult might do if he's brought to JUSTICE. 

So presumptive the arrogance of these fkrs, that they haven't even stopped to consider the consequences for AMERICA, if his *** ISN'T charged..

Trump declares that Trump can't be indicted, and warns of 'big problems' if anyone tries

Ex-federal prosecutor urges Merrick Garland to ignore NON-EXISTING '60-day Rule' AND INDICT DONALD TRUMP NOW

How Trump Spread Incitement of Violence Throughout the GOP – Mother Jones  
'Oh my lord!' CNN legal analyst astounded by 'all the crimes' Trump and his lawyers could be charged with 

'Charge Trump now': Legal expert says DOJ shouldn't wait for midterms to indict Trump
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17 Sep 2022 6:28 am
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Dim-0-craps are idiots.

Dim-0-craps are ignorant about the Constitution, socialism, political candidates and the history of the US. What it takes to be a dim-0-crap these days…to “feel” something based on no facts or evidence whatsoever.

They are the flat earthers who don’t ever even try to find out the truth. They just believe their social media headlines and tiktok videos. And they hate Donald Trump.
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17 Sep 2022 6:54 am
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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Buffalo » 17 Sep 2022, 6:28 am » wrote: Dim-0-craps are idiots.

Dim-0-craps are ignorant about the Constitution, socialism, political candidates and the history of the US. What it takes to be a dim-0-crap these days…to “feel” something based on no facts or evidence whatsoever.

They are the flat earthers who don’t ever even try to find out the truth. They just believe their social media headlines and tiktok videos. And they hate Donald Trump.
Typical MAGA "alternate reality." Democrats are supposed to be "idiots" only MAGAS are mad because we're WOKE (as opposed to delusionally ASLEEP, I suppose.  And the fact is MAGA'S are the ones trying to keep everyone IGNORANT, of US History, the Constitution, political candidates, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, fascism and EVERYTHING ELSE THE MAGA REICH HAS EMBRACED.

I post THE TRUTH here ALL THE TIME. And less than ONE PERCENT of Trump's MAGAS have been able to rustle up even a SEMBLANCE of a legitimate rebuttal.  

MAGAS just think all they have to do is post their twisted version of "truth" - sans EVIDENCE, to make it so.

Though you've got ONE thing right. Because AMERICA HAS GOOD REASONG TO HATE DONALD TRUMP.

He's a criminal, a fraud, a dictator wanna be, a peddler of Q- uack conspiracies, a traitor in Putin's pocket, a treasonous one at that, and a lying mfking divisive rabble rousing riot inciting GRIFTING sonnuvabitch.  The man's PURE EVIL.

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17 Sep 2022 8:06 am
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B.See » 17 Sep 2022, 6:54 am » wrote: Typical MAGA "alternate reality." Democrats are supposed to be "idiots" only MAGAS are mad because we're WOKE (as opposed to delusionally ASLEEP, I suppose.  And the fact is MAGA'S are the ones trying to keep everyone IGNORANT, of US History, the Constitution, political candidates, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, fascism and EVERYTHING ELSE THE MAGA REICH HAS EMBRACED.

I post THE TRUTH here ALL THE TIME. And less than ONE PERCENT of Trump's MAGAS have been able to rustle up even a SEMBLANCE of a legitimate rebuttal.  

He's a criminal, a fraud, a dictator wanna be, a peddler of Q- uack conspiracies, a traitor in Putin's pocket, a treasonous one at that, and a lying mfking divisive rabble rousing riot inciting GRIFTING sonnuvabitch.  The man's PURE EVIL.
YOU are a delusional, ****, liberal idiot that I do not directly respond to normally. An asshole that bans posters he doesn't agree with.  

Tell me, just what is it, in your own words (not your **** incessant copy and paste of liberal sourced articles no one reads) without mentioning Trump, exactly what braindead biden has done to make the lives of the middle and working classes better.  Tell me that that average American family is not struggling to put high priced fuel in their cars to get to work where their wages are shrinking, struggling to pay for 12% overall food inflation, cool and heat their homes because utility prices have soared tell me what has braindead biden done to make the lives of middle and poor class American families better?

I know that on my fixed retired incomes I was a hell of a lot better off financially when Trump was President and wasn't labeled an "semi-fascist".

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17 Sep 2022 7:38 pm
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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Buffalo » 17 Sep 2022, 8:06 am » wrote: YOU are a delusional, ****, liberal idiot that I do not directly respond to normally. An asshole that bans posters he doesn't agree with. 
First of all, that's a fkng LIE, seeing as how I ALLOWED your post to remain in this thread, in spite of the fact that you've consistently TROLLED AND ATTACKED ME in most all of my non-pg threads.

And did so even though your posts come with the treasonous rebel flag, a symbol USED by racists, bigots, supremacists, and other hate filled, malevolent minded sorts.

So I allowed all that, and responded with my OWN rebuttal.

After which YOU (AS EXPECTED) resorted to your USUAL personal ATTACKS.  So I'll leave all of the above as PROOF of the **** YOU and YOUR SORT regularly engage in, while you whine about not being treated fairly. 

Goodbye, and **** YOU.
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