Your argument certainly has SOME merit - but the aspirationl types won't be affected. They have the wherewithal - the resources, the competence - to travel. The only ones who will be affected are the ones slinging criminals - and they are not uniformly too stupid or unmotivated to walk to a nearby clinic. They ARE, however, too stupid to make and keep an out-of-state appointment.FOS » 30 Jun 2022, 9:40 am » wrote: ↑ I actually think this is a common misunderstanding.
The most feral criminal blacks don't even bother with abortions.
An abortion actually requires enough agency to even think about family planning. I know youthink abortion is a sign of less agency than simple birth control...and it does.
but there exist a large population of blacks who don't even have the agency for that.
It's the same with white people. The majority of white abortions come from the aspirational middle class..'I need to think about building my career first. Trailer park whites don't have them.
The blacks who know abortion won't be an option are probably going to alter their behavior. They will just use birth control or more likely they will turn gay.
very few people have abortions these days. Less than before roe v Wade.
Just think how much worse the situation would be if de Burf Mamas wuz forced to gibs burf to mo' chilrens 'nsheet...?roadkill » 30 Jun 2022, 7:55 am » wrote: ↑ Most of the violence now is in blue cities. No shortage of abortions there.
Notice that your argument sustains my thesis. They will have to "get off their ***." They will have to "do something." They might need to "pool their resources."ConsRule » 30 Jun 2022, 10:22 am » wrote: ↑ Adding "complexity" and logistical issues does not remove the fact that abortions will be allowed. Just means that those that cum all over themselves at the thought of another baby being torn apart may need to pool their resources so they can help others overcome the obstacles and pay the expenses. It's a chance for them to get off their *** and do something.
Cannonpointer » 30 Jun 2022, 10:36 am » wrote: ↑ Notice that your argument sustains my thesis. They will have to "get off their ***." They will have to "do something." They might need to "pool their resources."
Again, if you bother to google "supply and demand," you are going to learn that adding cost and complexity discourages any activity.
Take snow skiing. The reason that relatively few do it is that it is both expensive and logistically complex. Basketball is cheap, and convenient.. As a result, more people engage in basketball.
Make abortion harder and costlier, you WILL get less abortions. Just check me on this, for yourself. I DARE you to just google "supply and demand" and study up on the topic.
Cannonpointer » 30 Jun 2022, 10:36 am » wrote: ↑ Notice that your argument sustains my thesis. They will have to "get off their ***." They will have to "do something." They might need to "pool their resources."
Again, if you bother to google "supply and demand," you are going to learn that adding cost and complexity discourages any activity.
Take snow skiing. The reason that relatively few do it is that it is both expensive and logisticlly complex. Basketball is cheap, and convenient.. As a result, more people engage in basketball.
Make abortion harder and costlier, you WILL get less abortions. Just check me on this, for yourself. I DARE you to just google "supply and demand" and study up on the topic.
By the way, I am with you on that. Whatever asshole argued that abortions won't still be available is wrong.ConsRule » 30 Jun 2022, 10:22 am » wrote: ↑ Adding "complexity" and logistical issues does not remove the fact that abortions will be allowed.
GHETTOBLASTER » 30 Jun 2022, 10:29 am » wrote: ↑ Just think how much worse the situation would be if de Burf Mamas wuz forced to gibs burf to mo' chilrens 'nsheet...?
People are goldfish. They are completely clueless to what pre-Roe crime rates were.GHETTOBLASTER » 30 Jun 2022, 10:41 am » wrote: ↑ Some people will be forced to be more responsible and careful..but I have no doubt that the net result of this will be more babies that end up burdens to our society.
I can't believe that this needs to be debated.
Possibly - but I am informed they are launching teevee shows glorifying teen pregnancy and motherhood. They want more children raised by children, for the sex trade. Ending Roe is gonna help them get it.SJConspirator » 30 Jun 2022, 10:42 am » wrote: ↑ I predict a new charity will emerge, run by shady shysters who use maybe 25% of the money donated to the cause, and pocket the rest.
the charity will be marketed with some phrase that implies abortion is the key to upward mobility for pregnant teens who don’t want to be saddled with motherhood. “Brighter futures” or something like that. Latte libs and mega donors will send money.
There will be an app you can dl on google play to access the charity, it will operate like Grubhub. A van will pick you up and take you to the nearest abortion clinic. The free market responds to every needin society. Even with this, though, overturning Roe WILL cause some decrease in abortions, hence my thread
I would give to a cause like this if I knew 90% would go directly towards the cost of providing the abortion.SJConspirator » 30 Jun 2022, 10:42 am » wrote: ↑ I predict a new charity will emerge, run by shady shysters who use maybe 25% of the money donated to the cause, and pocket the rest.
the charity will be marketed with some phrase that implies abortion is the key to upward mobility for pregnant teens who don’t want to be saddled with motherhood. “Brighter futures” or something like that. Latte libs and mega donors will send money.
There will be an app you can dl on google play to access the charity, it will operate like Grubhub. A van will pick you up and take you to the nearest abortion clinic. The free market responds to every needin society. Even with this, though, overturning Roe WILL cause some decrease in abortions, hence my thread
I predict that the knee-grows that work for these companies and get offered 4 k dollars to get an abortion.SJConspirator » 30 Jun 2022, 10:42 am » wrote: ↑ I predict a new charity will emerge, run by shady shysters who use maybe 25% of the money donated to the cause, and pocket the rest.
the charity will be marketed with some phrase that implies abortion is the key to upward mobility for pregnant teens who don’t want to be saddled with motherhood. “Brighter futures” or something like that. Latte libs and mega donors will send money.
There will be an app you can dl on google play to access the charity, it will operate like Grubhub. A van will pick you up and take you to the nearest abortion clinic. The free market responds to every needin society. Even with this, though, overturning Roe WILL cause some decrease in abortions, hence my thread
There once was a time when if something like this happened in my old neighborhood ..there would have been massive retaliation and the police could not have cared less..SJConspirator » 29 Jun 2022, 5:38 pm » wrote: ↑ in 20 years, this will be common
NOCannonpointer » 30 Jun 2022, 9:51 am » wrote: ↑ You force single, uneducted she-boons to germinate street thugs, this is what you get.
This is what we HAD, before roe put an end to that ****.
What - did you think CLINTON caused the rates of violent street crime to fall off a cliff in the early 90s? No, sir. It was Roe.
Cannonpointer » 30 Jun 2022, 10:28 am » wrote: ↑ Your argument certainly has SOME merit - but the aspirationl types won't be affected. They have the wherewithal - the resources, the competence - to travel. The only ones who will be affected are the ones slinging criminals - and they are not uniformly too stupid or unmotivated to walk to a nearby clinic. They ARE, however, too stupid to make and keep an out-of-state appointment.
Xavier_Onassis » 30 Jun 2022, 11:06 am » wrote: ↑ NO
It was NOT ROE, it was the huge increase in birthcontrol pills 28+ years earlier. Street crimes are generally committed by males in thier late teens or twenties: when there were fewer of them, there were fewer of them that were criminals.
Nice side-stepping.Xavier_Onassis » 30 Jun 2022, 11:06 am » wrote: ↑ NO
It was NOT ROE, it was the huge increase in birthcontrol pills 28+ years earlier. Street crimes are generally committed by males in thier late teens or twenties: when there were fewer of them, there were fewer of them that were criminals.
FOS » 30 Jun 2022, 11:18 am » wrote: ↑ well the basic stats dont lie though. Very few people are even having abortions anymore. This is probably thanks to a combination of plan b pill..and also the fact that young people today simply arent even having sex. They apparently just jerk off to porn.
they could hop one of those shuttles transferring illegals from the border to all over the 50 states and DC..Cannonpointer » 30 Jun 2022, 10:28 am » wrote: ↑ Your argument certainly has SOME merit - but the aspirationl types won't be affected. They have the wherewithal - the resources, the competence - to travel. The only ones who will be affected are the ones slinging criminals - and they are not uniformly too stupid or unmotivated to walk to a nearby clinic. They ARE, however, too stupid to make and keep an out-of-state appointment.
Cannonpointer » 30 Jun 2022, 11:30 am » wrote: ↑ It is still one of the most frequently performed surgical procedures in the United States.
Every abortion stops a beating...
from a skreet thug.
FOS » 30 Jun 2022, 11:34 am » wrote: ↑ well keep in mind that the most feral and sadistic psychos are from africa. And if black people are not beating and raping enough white people in some aprt of the country, the state will just import a few million somalians there.
there basically is no way to avoid getting raped by blacks until after this country collapses. Currently the most expensive military in the history of the world is dedicated to getting white people raped.