Better start dredging the Mississippi river before it is done or commerce up and down will be severely restricted by low water levels from unforeseen droughts. Look what happened to Lake MeadsupraTruth » 02 Jul 2022, 4:10 pm » wrote: ↑ We could fill Lake Powell in less than a year with an aqueduct from Mississippi River
Reader submissionsRegarding the Mississippi water letters of June 26, citizens of Louisiana and Mississippi south of the Old River Control Structure don’t need all that water. All it does is cause flooding and massive tax expenditures to repair and strengthen dikes. The best solution would be for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to build an aqueduct from the Old River Control Structure on the Mississippi to Lake Powell, fill it, and then send more water from there down the Colorado to fill lake Mead.
About 4.5 million/gals a second flow past that structure on the Mississippi. As mentioned, New Orleans has a problem with that much water anyway, so let’s divert 250,000 gallons/sec to Lake Powell, which currently has a shortage of 5.5 trillion gallons. This would take 254 days to fill. Lake Mead has a somewhat larger shortage, about 8 trillion gallons, but it could be filled in about 370 days at 250,000 gallons/sec.
Within a year and eight months of the aqueduct’s finish, both reservoirs would be filled and most of the Southwest’s water problems would be gone. We built a California aqueduct that saved Southern California and a crude oil pipeline across Alaska that were far more difficult than this proposal.
Don Siefkes, San Leandro ... 751467001/
U didn't read the article, did u?omh » 03 Jul 2022, 7:35 pm » wrote: ↑ Better start dredging the Mississippi river before it is done or commerce up and down will be severely restricted by low water levels from unforeseen droughts. Look what happened to Lake Mead
ARE U TRYING TO TELL US THAT DEM ******* POOR SOUTHERN HICKS WOULDN'T WANT TO MAKE A $ ON THEIR EXCESS WATER?crimsongulf » 03 Jul 2022, 7:20 pm » wrote: ↑ Could one single progtard dumbalina explain why they think they have water rights for the Mississippi?
why bother, it's typical statistically averaged one side's propaganda, again. there are more than 3 dimensions reality bases space time continuum within mind over matter, context controls content, symbolism rules(measures) eternal separation created by life only evolves here now by believing real time only is understanding now is eternity regardless universal point of displacement is inorganic or ancestral.
STAY IGNORANT, LOONEY TOONS!omh » 04 Jul 2022, 7:27 am » wrote: ↑ why bother, it's typical statistically averaged one side's propaganda, again. there are more than 3 dimensions reality bases space time continuum within mind over matter, context controls content, symbolism rules(measures) eternal separation created by life only evolves here now by believing real time only is understanding now is eternity regardless universal point of displacement is inorganic or ancestral.
I think that it would take a WHOLE LOT OF PUMPING to pipe water over any part of the Rockies to anywhere in the Colorado Basin.Holdor » 02 Jul 2022, 4:45 pm » wrote: ↑ I think a Pipeline from the Mississippi to Lake Powel and Lake Mead is a Good Idea, Invest in America.
what exactly am I ignoring? Because I am not the one defying natural genetic displacement to DNA streaming of life in plain sight by the numbers occupying space at this time.
crimsongulf » 03 Jul 2022, 7:20 pm » wrote: ↑ Could one single progtard dumbalina explain why they think they have water rights for the Mississippi?
I don't know what @nuckin futz malfunction is as to why he would give this reddies. However, I am all for it. Our beloved Lake Mead is drying up. They will take from Lake Powell before they allow the Mead to dry. This would be good for both AZ and NV.supraTruth » 02 Jul 2022, 4:10 pm » wrote: ↑ We could fill Lake Powell in less than a year with an aqueduct from Mississippi River
Reader submissionsRegarding the Mississippi water letters of June 26, citizens of Louisiana and Mississippi south of the Old River Control Structure don’t need all that water. All it does is cause flooding and massive tax expenditures to repair and strengthen dikes. The best solution would be for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to build an aqueduct from the Old River Control Structure on the Mississippi to Lake Powell, fill it, and then send more water from there down the Colorado to fill lake Mead.
About 4.5 million/gals a second flow past that structure on the Mississippi. As mentioned, New Orleans has a problem with that much water anyway, so let’s divert 250,000 gallons/sec to Lake Powell, which currently has a shortage of 5.5 trillion gallons. This would take 254 days to fill. Lake Mead has a somewhat larger shortage, about 8 trillion gallons, but it could be filled in about 370 days at 250,000 gallons/sec.
Within a year and eight months of the aqueduct’s finish, both reservoirs would be filled and most of the Southwest’s water problems would be gone. We built a California aqueduct that saved Southern California and a crude oil pipeline across Alaska that were far more difficult than this proposal.
Don Siefkes, San Leandro ... 751467001/
Then why the **** didn't you fix it with greenies?Vegas » 04 Jul 2022, 10:33 pm » wrote: ↑ I don't know what @nuckin futz malfunction is as to why he would give this reddies.
Already did it.
nuckinfutz » 02 Jul 2022, 9:29 pm » wrote: ↑ Look at a good map! To cross the Rockies you will have to pump water uphill to 7000-9000 feet minimum! It would require massive pumps, and much more than one pump. Do we even have pumps capable of such?
Now, I would gladly divert the plastic and garbage **** from the Mississippi that comes down the river starting in Minnesota.Cannonpointer » 04 Jul 2022, 10:29 pm » wrote: ↑ The proper way to do such a project is to use FLOOD WATERS from the midwest - not tap the mighty mississip.
The sad truth is that nuisance flood waters which otherwise pollute and destroy could easily be diverted to retention ponds and shipped over the rockies - but instead, we treat this country like a bic lighter.
The midwest has a flooding problem - for a fact. Shipping that water over the rockies solves that problem - while giving us the opportunity to reduce our trade deficit with the crops which can be produced from those nuisance waters. The pipeline could also be daylighted along the route to create residential, recreational and commercial opportunities, which would help to pay the project's cost. What's wanting is leadership.
We......can work this deal out.Holdor » 03 Jul 2022, 2:50 pm » wrote: ↑ on the west coast of Mexico they mix their water with Sea water For Showering, Washing etc, and there are Mom & Pop Reverse Osmosis Water creators all over the place, they sell 5 Gal of Purified water for $1 Delivered,
They actually drive around in Trucks saying AGUA, AGUA over the loud Speaker, you flag them down and the guy brings in a 5 gal Jug of Water for $1 and takes your empty bottle.
There is a reason (whatever that is) both lakes have a shortage of water.supraTruth » 02 Jul 2022, 4:10 pm » wrote: ↑ We could fill Lake Powell in less than a year with an aqueduct from Mississippi River
Lake Powell, which currently has a shortage of 5.5 trillion gallons.
Lake Mead has a somewhat larger shortage.