Fill Lake Powell in less than a year with an aqueduct from Mississippi River @SRuhle @NBC @ABC @CBS @CNN @KamalaHarris

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By supraTruth
2 Jul 2022 4:10 pm in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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Jinn Martini
5 Jul 2022 4:00 am
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supraTruth » 02 Jul 2022, 4:10 pm » wrote: We could fill Lake Powell in less than a year with an aqueduct from Mississippi River
Lake Powell, which currently has a shortage of 5.5 trillion gallons.
Lake Mead has a somewhat larger shortage, about 8 trillion gallons.

nuckin » wrote: Look at a good map! To cross the Rockies you will have to pump water uphill to 7000-9000 feet minimum! It would require massive pumps, and much more than one pump. Do we even have pumps capable of such?

Digging out a tunnel at a selected place through the Rockies seems a more feaseable solution.

Europeans dug a tunnel under the **** Channel an one through the Mont Blanc !

Those are an awful lot of miles of rock they dug out !
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Jinn Martini
5 Jul 2022 4:04 am
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supraTruth » 03 Jul 2022, 2:12 pm » wrote: If we can pump gas , we can pump water.

Not sure the comparison is appropriate  . . . 
Gas tends to go up  . . .  water tends to go down .
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Jinn Martini
5 Jul 2022 4:11 am
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Taipan » 03 Jul 2022, 3:00 pm » wrote: I am buying DeSanti Water.
24 bot.  =  $5.00.   
Once a week.                           
YOU  . . .  and  . . .  WATER   ? ? ?

Surely to make ice cubes for your JD,  right ?
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5 Jul 2022 4:57 am
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crimsongulf » 04 Jul 2022, 10:21 pm » wrote: ​​​​​​​We would prefer to see the dumbasses that decided to live in a desert to dry up and blow away.
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5 Jul 2022 5:05 am
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california fog collection wins. floating nuclear power plants win. /// biggest reason for lack of rain in california is apple. look in the back on any old tv. lots of dust. tv ionizes dust particles and they collect. water molecules collect on dust particles, get heavy, and fall as rain. seed and ionize moist air and you get rain. volcano dust into the air creates massive storms. as southern california cleans up their air quality, rain fall decreases. as southern california ionizes its air with apple phone radiation. the decreasing amount of dust particles collect on each other and fall as dust on your car. /// use pacific ocean floating nuclear power plats to produce electricity and evaporate the ocean water. increase the fog bank. install nets and plumbing to collect the city water.
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31st Arrival
5 Jul 2022 5:18 am
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walkingstick » 05 Jul 2022, 5:05 am » wrote: california fog collection wins. floating nuclear power plants win. /// biggest reason for lack of rain in california is apple. look in the back on any old tv. lots of dust. tv ionizes dust particles and they collect. water molecules collect on dust particles, get heavy, and fall as rain. seed and ionize moist air and you get rain. volcano dust into the air creates massive storms. as southern california cleans up their air quality, rain fall decreases. as southern california ionizes its air with apple phone radiation. the decreasing amount of dust particles collect on each other and fall as dust on your car. /// use pacific ocean floating nuclear power plats to produce electricity and evaporate the ocean water. increase the fog bank. install nets and plumbing to collect the city water.
Gee, and here I thought as water vapor(humidity) combines it gets heavier as the higher it goes the cooler it gets and at low pressure dewpoints in the atmosphere it rains, storms, and all that jazz molecular characteristics of 2 parts hydrogen and 1 part oxygen do when combined.

Some would call that inorganic evolving where no two snowflakes are ever duplicated same as genetic compounding of ancestral displacements inception to extinction.
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5 Jul 2022 5:19 am
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reroute the high altitude snake river. from idaho thru nevada, down to bishop california. no pumps needed. use huge siphon pipes to lift water over hills. china has been doing this for years. as long as each reservoir is higher than the next, down goes the water. along the banks of the reservoirs, most on federal blm lands, build retirement villages for the rich.
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31st Arrival
5 Jul 2022 5:23 am
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walkingstick » 05 Jul 2022, 5:19 am » wrote: reroute the high altitude snake river. from idaho thru nevada, down to bishop california. no pumps needed. use huge siphon pipes to lift water over hills. china has been doing this for years. as long as each reservoir is higher than the next, down goes the water. along the banks of the reservoirs, most on federal blm lands, build retirement villages for the rich.
Why not bore through the mountain using the natural rock as the pipeline from the destination point to point of lift with a half inch decline per 10 feet natural septic drop so only one pumping station is necessary? Add the above ground pipelines in the valley areas like the old Roman aqueduct. Or better yet leave the aqueduct open to catch rainfall on top of the water shipped from the snake river. let gravity do it for free is my point.
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5 Jul 2022 5:50 am
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shortest route supply for water for sacramento valley farmers. dam up the kalamath river near weed california. increase the size of lake shastina. build a 38 mile siphon pipe along i-5, and dump the water into the headwaters of the sacramento river.
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31st Arrival
5 Jul 2022 5:57 am
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walkingstick » 05 Jul 2022, 5:50 am » wrote: shortest route supply for water for sacramento valley farmers. dam up the kalamath river near weed california. increase the size of lake shastina. build a 38 mile siphon pipe along i-5, and dump the water into the headwaters of the sacramento river.
you are a complete intellectual idiot that gave away use of your own brain to mind ruling elite mentality. You will not recognize what eternity is and eternally undermining life in plain sight to save socially manifested humanities.
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31st Arrival
5 Jul 2022 6:02 am
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Taipan » 05 Jul 2022, 12:31 am » wrote: We......can work this deal out.
I promise.                                                      
your promises and yesterdays compounding mistakes, sure to fail the more your ideology succeeds denying how life is limited to genetics eternally separating ancestors born here now. Oh, the term ancestors is next generation population replacing those added them to each species still existing one lifetime at a time in the atmosphere now.

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5 Jul 2022 1:56 pm
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omh » 05 Jul 2022, 6:02 am » wrote: your promises and yesterdays compounding mistakes, sure to fail the more your ideology succeeds denying how life is limited to genetics eternally separating ancestors born here now. Oh, the term ancestors is next generation population replacing those added them to each species still existing one lifetime at a time in the atmosphere now.


You & Jesus are just sooooo forgiving.                                         :rofl:   :rofl:                     
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5 Jul 2022 2:18 pm
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supraTruth » 02 Jul 2022, 4:10 pm » wrote: We could fill Lake Powell in less than a year with an aqueduct from Mississippi River
Reader submissionsImageRegarding the Mississippi water letters of June 26, citizens of Louisiana and Mississippi south of the Old River Control Structure don’t need all that water. All it does is cause flooding and massive tax expenditures to repair and strengthen dikes.  The best solution would be for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to build an aqueduct from the Old River Control Structure on the Mississippi to Lake Powell, fill it, and then send more water from there down the Colorado to fill lake Mead. 

About 4.5 million/gals a second flow past that structure on the Mississippi.  As mentioned, New Orleans has a problem with that much water anyway, so let’s divert 250,000 gallons/sec to Lake Powell, which currently has a shortage of 5.5 trillion gallons. This would take 254 days to fill.   Lake Mead has a somewhat larger shortage, about 8 trillion gallons, but it could be filled in about 370 days at 250,000 gallons/sec.

Within a year and eight months of the aqueduct’s finish, both reservoirs would be filled and most of the Southwest’s water problems would be gone.  We built a California aqueduct that saved Southern California and a crude oil pipeline across Alaska that were far more difficult than this proposal.

Don Siefkes, San Leandro ... 751467001/

Frankly speaking......I am open to big problem-solving like this.       
It should be on the table for discussion of the pros & cons.                                           
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5 Jul 2022 3:07 pm
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But Building a Pipeline would create Infrastructure in THe USA and Many good paying Jobs, Republicans hate both of those things.
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31st Arrival
5 Jul 2022 3:24 pm
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Taipan » 05 Jul 2022, 1:56 pm » wrote: You & Jesus are just sooooo forgiving.                                         :rofl:   :rofl:                     
I don't forgive, I just won't destroy actual life on purpose to pretend I am outside being one of a kind. p.s. don't mistake that for I won't end the life of those wishing to end mine or my family's time equally occupying space. I am a real sociopath with a consciousness beyond social consensus.

Serenity has a cost deniers refuse to pay attention towards. One has to use their brain delivered when conceived that keeps them within their own radial position of never same results again surviving eternity separating biological ancestries specifically occupying space here.

Philosophy, psychology, psychiatry, hope, faith, charity, power, wealth, fame, mayhem, madness, misery are the 12 disciples of manifesting doubt ancestrally forward socially practiced by homo sapiens since dawn of civilization used by saints and sinners alike.
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5 Jul 2022 3:35 pm
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I have No Problem with building a Water Pipeline from the MISS to Calif, sounds like a good Idea, would take 10 years and Create many Thousands of good paying Jobs.

The Hoover Damn Was hated when Proposed, created many good paying jobs, and until Lake Mead runs out of Water it Produces Electricity.
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5 Jul 2022 3:56 pm
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Democrat's Invest in America, Republicans want Tribal Warfare like the Governor on the Walking Dead.
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31st Arrival
5 Jul 2022 4:38 pm
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Holdor » 05 Jul 2022, 3:56 pm » wrote: Democrat's Invest in America, Republicans want Tribal Warfare like the Governor on the Walking Dead.
Dems created the carbon tax. Both parties created regulations forcing production of goods out of this country to then become dependent upon the world's supply chain. this nation's elected representatives were never supposed to become leaderships of the electorate.

I see beyond your talking point of possibilities because my body equally evolving as things eroding and decomposing are replaced by added great great grandchildren one at a time until none continue arriving again.

Point of no return, extinction.
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5 Jul 2022 4:43 pm
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omh » 05 Jul 2022, 4:38 pm » wrote: Dems created the carbon tax. Both parties created regulations forcing production of goods out of this country to then become dependent upon the world's supply chain. this nation's elected representatives were never supposed to become leaderships of the electorate.

I see beyond your talking point of possibilities because my body equally evolving as things eroding and decomposing are replaced by added great great grandchildren one at a time until none continue arriving again.

Point of no return, extinction.

I find you very Pompous and do not read you. Sorry, See you would not want to be ya
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31st Arrival
5 Jul 2022 4:45 pm
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Holdor » 05 Jul 2022, 4:43 pm » wrote: I find you very Pompous and do not read you. Sorry, See you would not want to be ya
you project your character role performance onto my behavior defending my time equally occupying space as anything universally positioned here now. That isn't pompous, that is knowing my position displaced as an equal part of the whole.

You couldn't fine understanding kinetic self evident results when an honest sole explains them to you in cyberspace.
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