what does it take to make a choice?
5 generations and only discuss those directly related by genetic continuation(leave out siblings each generation as they become extinct or separate ancestral lineages combined as a whole species.
Let's start at point of origin as first generation evolved(mutated) from something else between conceived to birth and it had to happen multiple times during that cycle, like a major change in diet causing a change to the gestation in the parenting species that altered the DNA to not be compatible with previous generations but work within same generation the change it diet happen for the time the food chain recovered where the parenting species either became extinct or reproduced as it did before and lost a couple of reproductive cycles.
Anyway, back to arriving origins of a new species and or ancestral variety within a species due to geographical locations/environment. those first to arrive either reproduce or become extinct in life always being an adapt or become extinct situation where energy of life works in series parallel displacement. thermodynamics and molecular elements sustaining forms shape at the same time evolving in the same atmosphere.
so, original DNA configurations reproduce originals become those parenting and those that didn't with next generation a combination of those that had. evolving happens until 2nd generation reaches reproduction stage of evolving forward. Same applies as did the original siblings that did reproduce and those that didn't, The 3rd generation now has total sum of the first two each separate individually here as 3rd generation. ssdd 4th, 5th, upto current somewhere between 300 and 450 generations homo sapiens created civilization controlling each o the 5 generations present averaging only 3 mostly still alive since great grandparents and great great grandparents die off before great great grandchildren arrive.
5/3rd is everywhere? Simple compounding interest to DNA combinations yielded each reproductive cycle of each ancestral progression, rest became extinct but those siblings that moved forward brought forth the entire DNA stream of that ancestral progression.
Now is eternity of eternally changing details in plain sight. Really is that simple, until ideas that anything else is possible block understanding of kinetic genetics with hope, faith, charity, opportunity with power of suggestion, creates symbolic power, wealth, fame, and in governance of we believe individuals are trained in the arts of mayhem, madness, misery on anyone not paying to play a role saving humanity on a world's staged events.
This is why I don't raise hell, I simple explain how symbolic Eternal Hell is brought to fruition in societal evolution.