Nope. More like 800Holdor » 07 Jul 2022, 12:36 am » wrote: ↑ Add them up How many WHITE People? it is about 350 Million.
No...I'm just realistic. You are the idiot that cares.Holdor » 07 Jul 2022, 12:38 am » wrote: ↑ Actually you should not, but you are a racist idiot that cares about this stuff.
jews are **** 14 million you stupid ******. Now what?Holdor » 07 Jul 2022, 12:42 am » wrote: ↑ You are too stupid and missed the point, the White race is the minority.
FOS » 07 Jul 2022, 12:47 am » wrote: ↑ suck jew cock then act like you don't worship them?
Yr typing too much I think you need to get back to your jew dick.
When is a White person deemed "White" ?
That's pretty farfetched, considering that Turks repeatedly invaded Europe, up to Vienna and almost all of Spain and Italy . . . all the while raping just about everything that moved . . . women, goats, chickens, asses . . . you name it . . . they raped it !
...your boy trump brags about being on 'jew dick' and you still suckFOS » 07 Jul 2022, 12:55 am » wrote: ↑ Yr typing too much I think you need to get back to your jew dick.
...then why did you vote for/support trump, you goddamned idiot?!?FOS » 07 Jul 2022, 12:47 am » wrote: ↑ suck jew cock then act like you don't worship them?
ridiculous mantra overused ancestrally so much, it has become believable.FOS » 03 Jul 2022, 4:08 pm » wrote: ↑ Thing about it. One goes with the other.
The white man emerged from a tiny little continent...the SMALLEST continent. The continent with the LEAST natural resources. And Europeans were drastically outnumbered.
And by 1900 about 95% of the people on earth were ruled by some European country.
And you complain about that and say it's unfair...but the fact remains that people cannot accomplish that UNLESS they are somehow superior.
Yeah. we had far superior technology and enlightenment. We invented calculus before the black man figured out the wheel.
And one of the side effects of the white man being the global leader was a dramatic improvement to the quality of life of all people.
Now you hate us? For EARNING our dominance? And for making your life better in the process?