Disney Company Shares down 45%

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4 Jul 2022 11:19 am in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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5 Jul 2022 4:22 pm
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Monderegal » 05 Jul 2022, 2:34 pm » wrote: I think all the controversy still probably hasn't hit their bottom line to the extent to represent their painful loss in equity value. There is probably just a sell off due to the dislike of some investors of the controversy surrounding Disney. It is somewhat a dilemma for the company given the DeSantis move against Disney World and they probably aren't trying to be activists socially on a larger political sense. Its a tightrope with LGBT favorable views that they have to balance with those who disapprove of such marketing/activism. That puts them in a tight spot businesswise and the company is probably trying to please everyone at this point. Disney is a business after all and they probably worry about the negative publicity.
Yes, Disney is in business.  And, as a business, Disney has violated one of the cardinal rules - the customer (or "guests" as Disney likes to call them) is always right.  Disney could be completely neutral on sex, sexuality, and homosexuality and hardly one of its queer workers will say a peep about it.  Because if they did, they'd get fired and quickly replaced, if Disney was a company that catered to the needs of its guests.

Disney World definitely catered to its guests up until about 30 years ago. It all started with "red shirt day" - gay-day.  Since then, little by little, they have come under the influence of the homosexual political agenda.  They are now less about families and kids than they are about siding with homosexuals politically. That's really sad too, because Walter would have been mortified about this.
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5 Jul 2022 4:54 pm
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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Skans » 05 Jul 2022, 4:22 pm » wrote: Yes, Disney is in business.  And, as a business, Disney has violated one of the cardinal rules - the customer (or "guests" as Disney likes to call them) is always right.  Disney could be completely neutral on sex, sexuality, and homosexuality and hardly one of its queer workers will say a peep about it.  Because if they did, they'd get fired and quickly replaced, if Disney was a company that catered to the needs of its guests.

Disney World definitely catered to its guests up until about 30 years ago. It all started with "red shirt day" - gay-day.  Since then, little by little, they have come under the influence of the homosexual political agenda.  They are now less about families and kids than they are about siding with homosexuals politically. That's really sad too, because Walter would have been mortified about this.
Hollywood is always trying to be edgy to sell their product, that being entertainment. It was successful with Frozen that brought record profits to the feature film. Now the company tries to backpedal a little bit with the latest LGBT backlash from the right. The new Buzz Lightyear film featured a two second gay kiss from what I hear given that they can't cave as a company but also remain respectful to the new political environment. Unfortunately, like so much of our politics, this is an issue that is also a major dividing line between liberals and conservatives. So which customer is right? Can they really escape precedent? Tough hit to their stock seems to be the result. 
Nothing is easier than defending the status quo.
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5 Jul 2022 4:56 pm
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Skans » 05 Jul 2022, 4:22 pm » wrote: Yes, Disney is in business.  And, as a business, Disney has violated one of the cardinal rules - the customer (or "guests" as Disney likes to call them) is always right.  Disney could be completely neutral on sex, sexuality, and homosexuality and hardly one of its queer workers will say a peep about it.  Because if they did, they'd get fired and quickly replaced, if Disney was a company that catered to the needs of its guests.

Disney World definitely catered to its guests up until about 30 years ago. It all started with "red shirt day" - gay-day.  Since then, little by little, they have come under the influence of the homosexual political agenda.  They are now less about families and kids than they are about siding with homosexuals politically. That's really sad too, because Walter would have been mortified about this.
Is This like your theory about how labor unions actually didn't destroy Communism?

You got some real knee slappers hoss
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6 Jul 2022 8:01 am
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SJConspirator » 05 Jul 2022, 4:56 pm » wrote: Is This like your theory about how labor unions actually didn't destroy Communism?

You got some real knee slappers hoss
If you would like to refute anything I said, then do it.  Otherwise, your post is non-responsive and not worth any reply by me beyond this.
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31st Arrival
6 Jul 2022 8:13 am
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Skans » 06 Jul 2022, 8:01 am » wrote: If you would like to refute anything I said, then do it.  Otherwise, your post is non-responsive and not worth any reply by me beyond this.
https://i.postimg.cc/Z5ZDRJH1/Picture-153.jpg here is a graph of 3 perpendicular axioms of social justification vertical rank get its privilege top down or bottom up.

That leaves 4 horizontal points of leaderships and fellowships, left and right wings. Now really study that form and figure out how 6 of these unite as my first pick all 6 degrees are governed from one global center, economics.


Remember global intellectual governance works from thinking outside one of these https://i.postimg.cc/9XK6W3vh/Picture-151.jpg
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6 Jul 2022 8:16 am
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Monderegal » 05 Jul 2022, 4:54 pm » wrote: Hollywood is always trying to be edgy to sell their product, that being entertainment. It was successful with Frozen that brought record profits to the feature film. Now the company tries to backpedal a little bit with the latest LGBT backlash from the right. The new Buzz Lightyear film featured a two second gay kiss from what I hear given that they can't cave as a company but also remain respectful to the new political environment. Unfortunately, like so much of our politics, this is an issue that is also a major dividing line between liberals and conservatives. So which customer is right? Can they really escape precedent? Tough hit to their stock seems to be the result.
This is not about customers for Disney.  They could have made the Buzz Lightyear film with no reference at all to homosexuality, and not one customer would care or notice.  No, this is about the thousands of employees who work for Disney who are homosexuals.  Disney has become a haven for homosexual entertainers and other homosexuals looking for work.  These employees are infusing their sexuality and their politics into Disney's brand and corporate operations.  

This is not that much different than what happened to the Catholic Church.  No doctrine in the Catholic Church supports homosexuality or pedophilia - far from it. But, because these perverts came from traditional Catholic families, becoming a Priest was an honorable way for someone, who was not predisposed to fornicating and marrying women, to go about his life.   Over time, more and more perverts and homosexuals found their way into the Catholic Church, and then deep into the organization, corrupting and rotting the institution to its core.  The same thing is happening to Disney before our eyes. 

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6 Jul 2022 8:24 am
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omh » 06 Jul 2022, 8:13 am » wrote:  here is a graph of 3 perpendicular axioms of social justification vertical rank get its privilege top down or bottom up.

That leaves 4 horizontal points of leaderships and fellowships, left and right wings. Now really study that form and figure out how 6 of these unite as my first pick all 6 degrees are governed from one global center, economics.

Remember global intellectual governance works from thinking outside one of these
Here is a 4-dimentional graph of life thinking outside the reality of his anus, navigating time on your front lawn, exceeding being alive now. So much so, the pooch navigates time being eternally separated from his sphincter here in plain sight.
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31st Arrival
6 Jul 2022 8:39 am
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Skans » 06 Jul 2022, 8:24 am » wrote: Here is a 4-dimentional graph of life thinking outside the reality of his anus, navigating time on your front lawn, exceeding being alive now. So much so, the pooch navigates time being eternally separated from his sphincter here in plain sight.
I describe the kinetics of genetic changes eternally separated in physical absolute displacements occupying space now and all you do is picture ****. Thank you for showing everyone what you oppose in social discourse, instinctive honesty about self awareness with never same results twice.

that equally evolving here now regardless universal position, inorganic or ancestral.
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6 Jul 2022 8:57 am
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omh » 06 Jul 2022, 8:39 am » wrote: "Adams? Adamley? Adamowski? Adamson? Adler? Anderson?"Image

I decide the kinetics of genetic changes eternally separated in physical absolute displacements occupying space now and all you do is picture ****. Thank you for showing everyone what you oppose in social discourse, instinctive honesty about self awareness with never same results twice.

that equally evolving here now regardless universal position, inorganic or ancestral.
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31st Arrival
6 Jul 2022 9:07 am
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I want to thank you for showing I type slower than I think and I used decide instead of describe. I edited it. Now for the rest of it, your one sided radial projection of life evolving from the core of mutually evolving here shows all you mind is less than 6.25% of your DNA brain to navigate being alive now.

Your mind obeys social consensus like tomorrow only exists when people hope, faith, charity follow the possibilities it did so the few(1%) with power, wealth, fame can typecast 99% of existing population forward now.

your career as disciple of doubt is coming to an end, one way or another. the self destruction of the homo sapien species you are already performing.
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6 Jul 2022 9:14 am
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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So Disney has specials days for gays.  I see this as a positive thing, as not all gays have really functional "gay dar", and so a day when everyone is assumed to be gay makes a place for them.

But it also likely makes other days- the MAJORITY of days, more gay free. So guys like Skans, Blue Devil and dumbduck won' have to suffer the angst of being hit on, when it is so terribly painful for them to do so.
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6 Jul 2022 9:17 am
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your career as disciple of doubt is coming to an end, one way or another. the self destruction of the homo sapien species you are already performing.
Yes, it is true, the human race is destroying itself, and it is only a matter of time before the only remaining homo sapien is Sole. (or Ohm, who resists sanity for the common good)
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31st Arrival
6 Jul 2022 9:25 am
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Xavier_Onassis » 06 Jul 2022, 9:17 am » wrote: your career as disciple of doubt is coming to an end, one way or another. the self destruction of the homo sapien species you are already performing.
Yes, it is true, the human race is destroying itself, and it is only a matter of time before the only remaining homo sapien is Sole. (or Ohm, who resists sanity for the common good)
I figured out why and how that was done to current events. Doesn't have to end as prophized and governed into fruition within the species itself.
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6 Jul 2022 9:37 am
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The BIG question is whether Sole will be "profized" and governed into fruition as the species unto himself.

After all, sole's wacko linguistic obfuscation games are what everything is all about, anyway. 

The only valid topis is about how sole is sane and the rest of the 7 billion human inhabitants of this planet have gotten it all wrong.

Why? Because "intellectual Armageddon", how the Rule of 72  proves that E=MC3 and the Hugh Downs Stockholm Syndrome.
*><* chuckle, chuckle *<>*

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6 Jul 2022 9:57 am
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Staplophobia » 06 Jul 2022, 9:41 am » wrote: WHO THE **** IS OHM? 
OHM is OMH, formerly known as Sole or Sole Result.
YOU are the dummy..
Go staple yourself, twit!
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31st Arrival
6 Jul 2022 10:03 am
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Staplophobia » 06 Jul 2022, 9:41 am » wrote: WHO THE **** IS OHM? 
Just the average reproduction that recognizes how kinetic evolving works in plain sight those debating the topic of evolution won't discuss in real time of genetic compounding DNA actually occupying space now being eternally separate results specifically here in series parallel displacements as conceived to decomposed occupants of space timed apart now.

the kinetic changes compoundingly changing population forward each great great grandchild added to specific gravity and personal DNA.

My brain escaped power of suggestion between like minded people denying how living doesn't exceed mutually existing here now. Relative time is simple logistics to adapt in the compounding moment individually here, proportionately alive, as ancestrally positioned.
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