Another Public Event, Another Mass Shooting.

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By ScottMon
4 Jul 2022 8:25 pm in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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4 Jul 2022 10:46 pm
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Cannonpointer » 04 Jul 2022, 10:42 pm » wrote: List them fruitcake. Tell us wha changes they made. And tell us how it worked out for them.

The last time you did that, you got your words shoved up your weak ***. Now you wanna spout NEW ****, as a way of out-dancing your OLD ****? Image   Image   Image   Image
I don't have any solutions.  I just know that other countries don't have nearly as much of a problem with mass shootings as we do.  
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4 Jul 2022 10:52 pm
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ScottMon » 04 Jul 2022, 10:46 pm » wrote: I don't have any solutions.  I just know that other countries don't have nearly as much of a problem with mass shootings as we do.
most countries are not a hodge podge mongrelized mix of diverse ****
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4 Jul 2022 10:53 pm
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ScottMon » 04 Jul 2022, 10:46 pm » wrote: I don't have any solutions.  I just know that other countries don't have nearly as much of a problem with mass shootings as we do.
You keep making grandiose claims about "other countries" having solutions - and when challenged to back your claims, retreating to vague general complaints.

You just want to virtue signal.

You don't have the balls to propose solutions - or the brains to back the propositions you lack the balls to posit. 
"Because I SAY I am" is fallacy, not science

You cannot betray me - only yourself, to me.

Who cuts off your dick is not your friend

An opinion you won't defend is not yours. It's someone else's.

Humanity's Law of the Jungle: Survival NOT of the fittest, but of the tribe.

When peeing in the pool, stand on the edge.

Only religions declare heresy; only lies require protection.

If gender is not sex, why should a gender claim change what sex you shower with?
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4 Jul 2022 10:53 pm
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ScottMon » 04 Jul 2022, 10:12 pm » wrote: More excuses.  No change.

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4 Jul 2022 10:59 pm
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ScottMon » 04 Jul 2022, 10:12 pm » wrote: More excuses.  No change.
ScottMon » Today, 7:12 pm » wrote: 
Today, 7:12 pm
Australia. Denmark has its first mass shooting in years.  Israel.  Japan, China, Russia, etc...

""You said they had REDUCED mass shootings. Now you tell me Denmark is setting records. 

Isreal has had 17 mass shootings in its history. 3 of those were this year. That's 17% of ALL MASS SHOOTINGS in its history - this year. What is that - chopped livah? This is a reduction? ... _in_Israel

Russia had 33 mass shootings in the entire decade from 2010 to 2020. That's 3.3 per annum.  22 the previous decade - 2.2 per annum.

They've had 11 in this decade - that comes to 4.4 per annum (11/2.5).

Looks like you're running a cheap bluff, son."" ... ssia#2000s

""In OTHER news:

One of the ways to "reduce" mass shootings is to simply REDEFINE "mass shooting" - which is how they did it in Australia, which has far more guns in civilian hands than it did before the 1996 buy-back scheme, according to a newsweek fact check."" ... ns-1710584
Furthermore, a 2019 report by The Australia Institute stated the number of guns per gun owner in the country had increased from 2.1 guns per gun owner since 1997 to 3.9. Additionally, it found the number of firearms reported in Australia were higher than pre-Port Arthur levels.
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4 Jul 2022 11:14 pm
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Just another tidbit related to this thread. Before today's event, there have already been 12 murders in Chicago for the holiday weekend.

Not a peep in the news about that.
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5 Jul 2022 12:23 am
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Cannonpointer » 04 Jul 2022, 10:53 pm » wrote: You keep making grandiose claims about "other countries" having solutions - and when challenged to back your claims, retreating to vague general complaints.

You just want to virtue signal.

You don't have the balls to propose solutions - or the brains to back the propositions you lack the balls to posit.

May I participate. ?

I am pretty good,,,,,,,,,,,,,,at baseball.
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31st Arrival
5 Jul 2022 4:30 am
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ScottMon » 04 Jul 2022, 8:25 pm » wrote: And nothing changes...
ever watch everything evolving at the same time and of that total sum nothing stays the same form or shape it originated from its point of arrival?

your mentality is of radial proportion from your own point of origin forward any direction you evolve from here. Stop focusing on what you rather believe and concentrate at never staying the same since a fertilized cell adding you to the moment here equally occupying space as one of a unique kind. Snowflakes to DNA displacements your brain has been crystalized by context you mind hypothetical values more than your onw instinctive awareness of self proportionately alive.
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5 Jul 2022 4:42 am
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Cannonpointer » 04 Jul 2022, 10:33 pm » wrote: Another "right wing white supremacist"...  Image   Image
 Actually...........he attended trump rallies.Image
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5 Jul 2022 4:59 am
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Squatchman » 05 Jul 2022, 4:42 am » wrote:  Actually...........he attended trump rallies.Image
So what, recon, setup a staged event so Trump people are the blame. Martyrs do anything to feel like heroes within their own one sided narrative groupthink.
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Jinn Martini
5 Jul 2022 5:55 am
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ScottMon » 04 Jul 2022, 8:25 pm » wrote: And nothing changes...
**** !

EVERYTHING  CHANGES  . . .  just not the way you leftist freaks would like it to go !
Nothing ever stay the same !
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5 Jul 2022 6:05 am
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Jinn Martini » 05 Jul 2022, 5:55 am » wrote: **** !

EVERYTHING  CHANGES  . . .  just not the way you leftist freaks would like it to go !
Nothing ever stay the same !
and yet you refuse to accept now is kinetic eternity with your own body limited to only mutually evolving forward now as one of a kind. Why intellectual realities always fail and you won't change your mind.

Pride before extinction self inflicted.
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Ike Bana
5 Jul 2022 6:19 am
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FOS » 04 Jul 2022, 8:40 pm » wrote: Your solution? Wait let me guess. Take guns away from sane people.
I wouldn't think, of all people, somebody like you, FUZ, would support the revocation of  Bobby Crimo's Constitutional 2nd Amendment gun rights because of some disturbing **** he posted on social media.

If you knew anything about mental health practice or mental health law you would know how complicated it would be to create legal guidelines for gun ownership based on an applicant's mental health history, that wouldn't end up in court every time.

For instance, most mental health professionals I know (we are the ones who would be used to write the language in any law) if asked "should anyone who has ever had a judge grant an order of protection against them, be able to get a gun license?"  The answer from the mental health community would be a resounding "NO!" 

Every **** mental health restriction would be challenged by somebody and dragged into court.  Every one of them would end up appealed all the way to the SCOTUS.  And this SCOTUS would say every time that you can't deny someone their Constitutional guarantees because of something somebody thinks they might do.  And I think you would agree with such a SCOTUS majority opinion, wouldn't you FUZ.

So what's your **** plan for allowing only "sane people" to legally get their hands on a gun?  There are places in this country where the court has decided that a citizen who is blind cannot be denied a gun permit.

What's your **** plan?  You don't even know what "sane" means legally.
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31st Arrival
5 Jul 2022 6:25 am
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Ike Bana » 05 Jul 2022, 6:19 am » wrote: I wouldn't think, of all people, somebody like you, FUZ, would support the revocation of  Bobby Crimo's 2nd Amendment gun rights because of some disturbing **** he posted on social media.

If you knew anything about mental health practice or mental health law you would know how complicated it would be to create legal guidelines for gun ownership based on an applicant's mental health history, that wouldn't end up in court every time.

For instance, most mental health professionals I know (we are the ones who would be used to write the language in any law) if asked "should anyone who has ever had a judge grant an order of protection against them, be able to get a gun license?"  The answer from the mental health community would be a resounding "NO!" 

Every **** mental health restriction would be challenged by somebody and dragged into court.  Every one of them would end up appealed all the way to the SCOTUS.  And this SCOTUS would say every time that you can't deny someone their Constitutional guarantees because of something somebody thinks they might do.  And I think you would agree with this, wouldn't you FUZ.

So what's your **** plan for allowing only "sane people" to legally get their hands on a gun?  There are places in this country where the court has decided that a citizen who is blind cannot be denied a gun permit.

What's your **** plan?
Same as your, don't **** with what never fails forward. But someone started removing reasonable doubt manifested in theories and theologies now wasn't eternity, as eternity is just perpetual balancing universe perpetually changing total sum life present per cycle added until extinction happens.

Extinction is simply end of arriving great great grandchildren added again never same results as came before. Simple compounding DNA rule of 72 yielding population present.
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5 Jul 2022 6:34 am
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ScottMon » 04 Jul 2022, 8:25 pm » wrote: And nothing changes...
Except the gun laws which will never address these shootings.

"Dem Rep. Jones: If Democrats Get Two More Senate Seats, We’re Ditching Filibuster to Pass Gun Control"

The government wants our guns for complete control.
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5 Jul 2022 6:39 am
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roadkill » 05 Jul 2022, 6:34 am » wrote: Except the gun laws which will never address these shootings.

"Dem Rep. Jones: If Democrats Get Two More Senate Seats, We’re Ditching Filibuster to Pass Gun Control"

The government wants our guns for complete control.
Stop doing that, blaming government. People enabling doubt created the government they end up with ancestrally here. Karma.
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5 Jul 2022 8:15 am
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Squatchman » 05 Jul 2022, 4:42 am » wrote:  Actually...........he attended trump rallies.Image
Oh, we can all see that he's a right winger, fruity. Just like you're a real gun enthusiast. 
"Because I SAY I am" is fallacy, not science

You cannot betray me - only yourself, to me.

Who cuts off your dick is not your friend

An opinion you won't defend is not yours. It's someone else's.

Humanity's Law of the Jungle: Survival NOT of the fittest, but of the tribe.

When peeing in the pool, stand on the edge.

Only religions declare heresy; only lies require protection.

If gender is not sex, why should a gender claim change what sex you shower with?
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5 Jul 2022 8:26 am
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Ike » wrote:
FOS » 04 Jul 2022, 8:40 pm » wrote: Your solution? Wait let me guess. Take guns away from sane people.
I wouldn't think, of all people, somebody like you, FUZ, would support the revocation of  Bobby Crimo's Constitutional 2nd Amendment gun rights because of some disturbing **** he posted on social media.

If you knew anything about mental health practice or mental health law you would know how complicated it would be to create legal guidelines for gun ownership based on an applicant's mental health history, that wouldn't end up in court every time.

For instance, most mental health professionals I know (we are the ones who would be used to write the language in any law) if asked "should anyone who has ever had a judge grant an order of protection against them, be able to get a gun license?"  The answer from the mental health community would be a resounding "NO!" 

Every **** mental health restriction would be challenged by somebody and dragged into court.  Every one of them would end up appealed all the way to the SCOTUS.  And this SCOTUS would say every time that you can't deny someone their Constitutional guarantees because of something somebody thinks they might do.  And I think you would agree with such a SCOTUS majority opinion, wouldn't you FUZ.

So what's your **** plan for allowing only "sane people" to legally get their hands on a gun?  There are places in this country where the court has decided that a citizen who is blind cannot be denied a gun permit.

What's your **** plan?  You don't even know what "sane" means legally.


The current background check does look into mental health:

Have you ever been adjudicated as a mental defective OR have you ever been committed to a mental institution?

h. Are you subject to a court order, including a Military Protection Order issued by a military judge or magistrate, restraining you from harassing, stalking, or threatening your child or an intimate partner or child of such partner?

ATF Form 4473 ... 9/download

If you answer yes, no gun.  If you lie, within an hour after the background check is complete, no gun and a felony charge. 
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5 Jul 2022 8:40 am
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Squatchman » 05 Jul 2022, 4:42 am » wrote:
Cannonpointer » 04 Jul 2022, 10:33 pm » wrote: Another "right wing white supremacist"...  Image   Image
 Actually...........he attended trump rallies.Image
Dressed as Waldo?!?!?  What does that tell you?
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5 Jul 2022 8:57 am
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GeorgeWashington » 05 Jul 2022, 8:40 am » wrote: Dressed as Waldo?!?!?  What does that tell you?
  That you scum have zero fashion sense.
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