Another Public Event, Another Mass Shooting.

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By ScottMon
4 Jul 2022 8:25 pm in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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5 Jul 2022 11:01 am
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IkeBana » 05 Jul 2022, 9:42 am » wrote:
ScottMon » 04 Jul 2022, 10:17 pm » wrote: Don't see it that way.  Israel has no issues with school shootings.
The Israelis are mature enough to have something like a Second Amendment.  But also smart enough to know they don't want anything like a Second Amendment.  Israelis want their gun laws that treat firearms ownership laws and carry laws as a highly restricted privilege, not some **** up "right" for any **** asshole walking the streets.  In Israel, if there is no legitimate reason to need a gun as part of one's employment, you can't get a permit.

But **** with the Israelis and you find out right away what kind of stupid mistake you are making.  The Israelis use their firearms more effectively than anybody on this planet, including the US Professional  Image  Military.
Yes, that’s why they murder unarmed Palestinians at will 
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5 Jul 2022 11:01 am
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ScottMon » 05 Jul 2022, 9:35 am » wrote: you're wrong.  Nothing changes.  We still have school shootings.
You have  proven over and over to be a liar.
What sort of lies do you plan on spreading today with no remorse...?
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5 Jul 2022 11:04 am
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@Ghetto Blaster, Hush. The adults are talking.
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Ike Bana
5 Jul 2022 11:21 am
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Cannonpointer » 05 Jul 2022, 9:50 am » wrote: You are a dithering old woman with mouthal diarrhea.
You are a paranoid  Q-Anon, **** slurping on Putin weenie.
However, if your pathtic existence ever gets to that point, and you asked me nicely, I could put a 7.62 nato round in your head from 500 yards with an M-14 with a **** little peep sight.  Or with a  Remington 700 SPS Tactical 308 if the military equipment is unavailable.
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31st Arrival
5 Jul 2022 12:17 pm
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ScottMon » 05 Jul 2022, 10:51 am » wrote: I have no doubt of that.  But your suggestions will fall on deaf ears.  Because even the smallest changes will be met with "Muh Freedom!" chants and "Shall Not Be Infringed."
look at the human rights activist denouncing "Muh freedom".
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5 Jul 2022 12:24 pm
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ScottMon » 05 Jul 2022, 11:04 am » wrote: @Ghetto Blaster, Hush. The adults are talking.
ScottMon » Today, 7:35 am » wrote: 
Today, 7:35 am
you're wrong.  Nothing changes.  We still have school shootings.
You have  proven over and over to be a liar.
What sort of lies do you plan on spreading today with no remorse...?
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5 Jul 2022 2:14 pm
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IkeBana » 05 Jul 2022, 11:21 am » wrote: You are a paranoid  Q-Anon, **** slurping on Putin weenie.
However, if your pathtic existence ever gets to that point, and you asked me nicely, I could put a 7.62 nato round in your head from 500 yards with an M-14 with a **** little peep sight.  Or with a  Remington 700 SPS Tactical 308 if the military equipment is unavailable.
Another limp-wristed gun grabber posing as Chuck Connors...  Image   Image  
"Because I SAY I am" is fallacy, not science

You cannot betray me - only yourself, to me.

Who cuts off your dick is not your friend

An opinion you won't defend is not yours. It's someone else's.

Humanity's Law of the Jungle: Survival NOT of the fittest, but of the tribe.

When peeing in the pool, stand on the edge.

Only religions declare heresy; only lies require protection.

If gender is not sex, why should a gender claim change what sex you shower with?
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5 Jul 2022 2:33 pm
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IkeBana » 05 Jul 2022, 11:21 am » wrote: You are a paranoid  Q-Anon, **** slurping on Putin weenie.
However, if your pathtic existence ever gets to that point, and you asked me nicely, I could put a 7.62 nato round in your head from 500 yards with an M-14 with a **** little peep sight.  Or with a  Remington 700 SPS Tactical 308 if the military equipment is unavailable.

I love the M-14.
It is on my A++ list.
(and no, I have not shot one)
I would choose it, to die with,........ over AR-15 & AK-47.

Here is my problem w/ you.
By voting are working against the strength
& prosperity of the U.S.   
A good Marine fights for this nation......not against it.

I am asking you to please reconsider your position.                  
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5 Jul 2022 2:37 pm
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Cannonpointer » 05 Jul 2022, 2:14 pm » wrote:
IkeBana » 05 Jul 2022, 11:21 am » wrote: You are a paranoid  Q-Anon, **** slurping on Putin weenie.
However, if your pathtic existence ever gets to that point, and you asked me nicely, I could put a 7.62 nato round in your head from 500 yards with an M-14 with a **** little peep sight.  Or with a  Remington 700 SPS Tactical 308 if the military equipment is unavailable.
Another limp-wristed gun grabber posing as Chuck Connors...  Image   Image  

In his mind,  Gunny Highway.  In reality he was more like Lt Ring.  
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Ike Bana
5 Jul 2022 3:07 pm
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ScottMon » 05 Jul 2022, 10:51 am » wrote: I have no doubt of that.  But your suggestions will fall on deaf ears.  Because even the smallest changes will be met with "Muh Freedom!" chants and "Shall Not Be Infringed."
I just enjoy having had that part of my life, particularly when I can use it every time some conjob decides to call me a libtard who knows nothing about guns.

I suspect my skill with the M-14 would make any of the con gunners in this joint look like the pathetic, rank amateurs they are.
More pathetic, surgeons at Highland Park Hospital reporting the "surreal" experience treating the injured.  Except for the one guy who was a trauma surgeon in Afghanistan who was quoted as saying, "These are war wounds."
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Ike Bana
5 Jul 2022 3:36 pm
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So sitting here in Metro Chicago watching a live NBC NEWS report from Central Ave. Highland Park, IL. Several stories about panicked parents who didn't know what to do receiving instructions from their elementary school kids who have regular active shooter drills at school.

Remarkable and pathetic this country we live in.
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Ike Bana
5 Jul 2022 3:42 pm
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You're a dumb **** heartless gunner cocksucker.  You are the reason this country has become the **** it is.
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Ike Bana
5 Jul 2022 3:44 pm
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Staplophobia » 05 Jul 2022, 3:43 pm » wrote:
IkeBana » 05 Jul 2022, 3:42 pm » wrote: You're a dumb **** heartless gunner cocksucker.
and you are dirty cocksucker

So original.  Did you formulate this comment all by yourself?
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5 Jul 2022 3:50 pm
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ScottMon » 04 Jul 2022, 8:25 pm » wrote: And nothing changes...

Of course nothing changes.  Most mass shootings happen in gun restricted blue cities.

Get a clue Scott.

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5 Jul 2022 4:01 pm
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IkeBana » 05 Jul 2022, 6:19 am » wrote: I wouldn't think, of all people, somebody like you, FUZ, would support the revocation of  Bobby Crimo's Constitutional 2nd Amendment gun rights because of some disturbing **** he posted on social media.

If you knew anything about mental health practice or mental health law you would know how complicated it would be to create legal guidelines for gun ownership based on an applicant's mental health history, that wouldn't end up in court every time.

For instance, most mental health professionals I know (we are the ones who would be used to write the language in any law) if asked "should anyone who has ever had a judge grant an order of protection against them, be able to get a gun license?"  The answer from the mental health community would be a resounding "NO!" 

Every **** mental health restriction would be challenged by somebody and dragged into court.  Every one of them would end up appealed all the way to the SCOTUS.  And this SCOTUS would say every time that you can't deny someone their Constitutional guarantees because of something somebody thinks they might do.  And I think you would agree with such a SCOTUS majority opinion, wouldn't you FUZ.

So what's your **** plan for allowing only "sane people" to legally get their hands on a gun?  There are places in this country where the court has decided that a citizen who is blind cannot be denied a gun permit.

What's your **** plan?  You don't even know what "sane" means legally.
1)  a person is not insane merely because they don't agree with your world view. 

2) there IS NOT SOLUTION. You are just going to have to accept these mass shootings as being part and parcel of living in a totally dysfunctional society.. 

People go on sheeting sprees for the same for of reason that they commit suicide (also very high) od on drugs (also very high) or start drinking regularly (also very high and I do it myself). It is cause we live in a **** society. 

And the reason this society is **** is frankly largely because of people like you. 
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5 Jul 2022 4:05 pm
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They fired like 720 rounds at Bonnie and Clyde and only 16 hit, from like 20 feet, talk about bad shots.
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5 Jul 2022 4:09 pm
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Seriously they fired 720 ROunds from BARs etc, at 20 Feet on Bonnie and Clyde, and only 16 hit

I scored Markman in both the M16 and the M202 Grenade launcher.
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5 Jul 2022 4:11 pm
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IkeBana » 05 Jul 2022, 3:07 pm » wrote: I just enjoy having had that part of my life, particularly when I can use it every time some conjob decides to call me a libtard who knows nothing about guns.

I suspect my skill with the M-14 would make any of the con gunners in this joint look like the pathetic, rank amateurs they are.
More pathetic, surgeons at Highland Park Hospital reporting the "surreal" experience treating the injured.  Except for the one guy who was a trauma surgeon in Afghanistan who was quoted as saying, "These are war wounds."
Just stay from YOUR  Democrat Run URBAN CONGO OOGA BOOGA **** HOLES and my chances of getting shot in the USA drop by easily 50%...maybe more..!!!


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5 Jul 2022 4:12 pm
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I can put a Tear gas Grenade through a 3 foot window, at 30 feet, Or put a High Explosives' round on a target at 400 feet.
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Ike Bana
5 Jul 2022 4:56 pm
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The dumb **** parents are Bobby Crimo's dumb **** parents.
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