Brittney Griner calls on White House to bring her, other Americans detained in Russia home: 'I miss my family'

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By MR-7
5 Jul 2022 6:18 am in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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6 Jul 2022 10:58 am
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Xavier_Onassis » 06 Jul 2022, 10:33 am » wrote: You show yourself in your posts to be a despicable racist and have a poor understanding of US history.
Most Black people did not come to this country because it offered them a better life, They came in chains as a source of free labor. Between 1619 and 1865 they were bought and sold as livestock.

After the Civil War, they suffered Jim Crow and were not even given the vote in most of the states they inhabited until the 1960's.

Unlike the immigrants that came later, they could not blend in with the rest of the population as did the Germans, the Irish, the Jews, the Bohunks, Polacks and others who arrived with nothing, because of skin color.

But this woman does not deserve to be thrown in a Russian prison for years

for the minor offense she is accused of, and the only word for those who think she should be imprisoned for not worshiping the flag is ASSHOLES, because Americans are not required to worship the flag.
We sure as **** don't need a history lesson from the likes of you or anyone else that lacks respect for our country, our flag, our traditions, or the laws issued by another country!  This stupid bitch was never a slave and it's doubtful there were any of her ancestors from the past few generations were either, making your lectures on racism nothing but typical liberal irrelevant ****!  SHE was not discriminated against in her career as a ballplayer and to the contrary was probably paid more money than most in this country, and her fame has undoubtedly gotten her more attention than anyone else who has ever been arrested for drugs outside of the US and had to suffer the consequences of their actions.

Her singular advantage will now be that she's got a demented US president who hates this country as much as she does, and will probably end up getting her release from prison when Putin takes advantage of the situation and holds out for a deeply one-sided deal with the brain-dead turd he can easily bamboozle that will cost us far more than what this dumb bimbo is worth!
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6 Jul 2022 11:01 am
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Xavier_Onassis » 06 Jul 2022, 10:47 am » wrote: She is NOT asking for special treatment, she is asking for FAIR treatment.
Any American in her situation has the perfect right to petition the President for assistance in such matters.
She is not screaming, she simply wrote a letter. And you don't think she has the right to do that.
Why? Because you are a racist asshole.
Piss on you!
 Back to Griner...the more she screams for special treatment and the more she "reminds" the rest of us how special she is and the more people we have like you who are all over this "liberal cause" like flies on ****..the more this whole shebang makes me laugh    Image    
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6 Jul 2022 7:38 pm
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Xavier_Onassis » 06 Jul 2022, 8:20 am » wrote: Am I addressing Russia when I post in this forum? Are you, perhaps a representative of Putin?

Her infraction was minor and harmless, and assholes in this forum want her jailed for remarks about the US flag, which are 100% LEGAL in this country.

Why? Because they are RACISTS!
Perhaps you are correct.  Perhaps they are RACIST!!  
If a country does not have a law against RACIST, but does have a law against bringing in multiple cannabis oils into their Nation ...  and a person ignores that fact ... how is that my problem???

She thought the rules didn't apply to her, ... she was wrong. 
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sooted up Cyndi
7 Jul 2022 10:07 am
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Water Cooler Poleece
Water Cooler Poleece
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Staplophobia » 07 Jul 2022, 10:02 am » wrote: She pleaded guilty today. Off to Siberia she goes for a reeducation.
what kind of drugs was she caught with?
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sooted up Cyndi
7 Jul 2022 10:59 am
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Water Cooler Poleece
Water Cooler Poleece
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Staplophobia » 07 Jul 2022, 10:55 am » wrote: hashish oil. Don’t ask me about it. I am drug stupid.
only did hash once. What do you do with the oil i wonder. I am not a druggie.
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sooted up Cyndi
7 Jul 2022 11:07 am
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Water Cooler Poleece
Water Cooler Poleece
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I dont smoke pot either. Have nothing against it. People smoke it in my house. i dont care.
I like the smell of it. Dont like the effects it has on me personally.
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7 Jul 2022 6:19 pm
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TB7 » 05 Jul 2022, 6:18 am » wrote: Brittney Griner sent a letter to the White House Monday to make sure President Joe Biden and the rest of his administration do not "forget about me and the other American detainees" in Russia

 "… As I sit here in a Russian prison, alone with my thoughts and without the protection of my wife, family, friends, Olympic jersey, or any accomplishments, I’m terrified I might be here forever," the WNBA superstar wrote."On the 4th of July, our family normally honors the service of those who fought for our freedom, including my father who is a Vietnam War Veteran. It hurts thinking about how I usually celebrate this day because freedom means something completely different to me this year."

"Please do all you can to bring us home. I voted for the first time in 2020 and I voted for you. I believe in you. I still have so much good to do with my freedom that you can help restore," the letter read in part. "I miss my wife! I miss my family! I miss my teammates! It kills me to know they are suffering so much right now. I am grateful for whatever you can do at this moment to get me home."

Used her influence to protest the National Anthem at games and went so far as to say it has no place in WNBA games and now she is begging for help from the US. That Karma is sure something, now isn't it.
Brittney Griner calls on White House to bring her, other Americans detained in Russia home: 'I miss my family' | Fox News

Leave her there and send her wife there too....they aren't important to the success of anything in America....good riddance 
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7 Jul 2022 6:55 pm
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You miss your family?

I miss my country, you stupid entitled bitch
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7 Jul 2022 7:18 pm
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Staplophobia » 07 Jul 2022, 10:55 am » wrote: hashish oil. Don’t ask me about it. I am drug stupid.
Hash oil is like what distilled whiskey is compared to beer. 
I've had it a few times and always saw it as a novelty like if somebody hands you a shot of 151 Bacardi.
A person can get stoned quite well  from today's strains of very potent and unadulterated "Polio Pot" I suppose only the most "FRIED POTATOES" nowadays need Hash Oil to get "the full effect" during one of their SEMI HOURLY  DOPE SESSIONS.
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7 Jul 2022 7:36 pm
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Staplophobia » 07 Jul 2022, 7:25 pm » wrote: thanks for the info. 
no drugs for me. never have, never will.
I admire people like you who make your way through life without needing drugs and alcohol for your recreational needs.
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7 Jul 2022 8:00 pm
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Ironically Trump would have gotten her out in a second. Votes matter bitch.
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7 Jul 2022 8:35 pm
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Independent » 07 Jul 2022, 8:00 pm » wrote: Ironically Trump would have gotten her out in a second. Votes matter bitch.
That's an interesting "What IF"...but yeah, Trump could have traded Putin a bottle of Kentucky Moonshine to get Putin to let HeSheIT out of IT'S cage.... Image  

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8 Jul 2022 8:37 am
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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...a lot of you trumptarded drug prohibitionists, etc. assorted @ssholes, [and monetary ignoramuses] feel kinship with the communist authoritardian drug prohibitionists... isn't that special?   ;)  
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8 Jul 2022 8:39 am
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Independent » 07 Jul 2022, 8:00 pm » wrote: Can someone help me with the orange stain on my mouth?  :o  
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8 Jul 2022 8:42 am
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Staplophobia » 06 Jul 2022, 9:34 am » wrote: You can say all you want! But there are laws that will be followed and enforced.
...stoooopid f@ck laws promulgated by stooooooooopid f@cks like you... word...  ;)  
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Ike Bana
8 Jul 2022 8:55 am
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ConsRule » 05 Jul 2022, 8:07 am » wrote: I know several people who attended Baylor during her time there.  The were two poorly kept secrets on was that she was gay, the other was she liked her weed.  Therefore, I don't find it hard to believe she had what they say she had.  She is high profile, gay and playing in a country that doesn't tolerate that, and gave them an excuse to come down on her at the wrong time.  Obviously she should have known better but has always had the reputation of being a prima donna who thought the rules simply didn't apply to most other extremely gifted athletes.

We have others that are probably truly wrongfully detained that we should focus one before her.  She screwed up and is probably being held accountable for the first time in her life.  Unfortunately for her, it is by an authoritarian regime who has no problem making an example out of her and using her as a political tool.
Bull **** hockey.  Straight on payback for the sanctions on Putin and his Nazi strategy in Ukraine.  And speaking of, as I said before, lock up every Russian citizen NHL player...and start with that whiny, prick, cheap shot artist, Putin cheerleader, Ovechkin.  And keep them all locked up until Griner is released.  There's only one Russian in the NHL who has opposed Putin and his genocidal war...Artemi Panerin, who's family back in Russia has been threatened.  So Panerin keeps his freedom, which he has earned in recent days.  No first amendment in Russia (no second amendment either).
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8 Jul 2022 8:58 am
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IkeBana » 08 Jul 2022, 8:55 am » wrote: Bull **** hockey.  Straight on payback for the sanctions on Putin and his Nazi strategy in Ukraine.  And speaking of, as I said before, lock up every Russian citizen NHL player...and start with that whiny, prick, cheap shot artist, Putin cheerleader, Ovechkin.  And keep them all locked up until Griner is released.  There's only one Russian in the NHL who has opposed Putin and his genocidal war...Artemi Panerin, who's family back in Russia has been threatened.  So Panerin keeps his freedom, which he has earned in recent days.  No first amendment in Russia (no second amendment either).
Arrest them then.  Besides, I have often pointed out US laws don't apply in other countries.

FYI...she has plead guilty.
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8 Jul 2022 9:00 am
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IkeBana » 08 Jul 2022, 8:55 am » wrote: Bull **** hockey.  Straight on payback for the sanctions on Putin and his Nazi strategy in Ukraine.  And speaking of, as I said before, lock up every Russian citizen NHL player...and start with that whiny, prick, cheap shot artist, Putin cheerleader, Ovechkin.  And keep them all locked up until Griner is released.  There's only one Russian in the NHL who has opposed Putin and his genocidal war...Artemi Panerin, who's family back in Russia has been threatened.  So Panerin keeps his freedom, which he has earned in recent days.  No first amendment in Russia (no second amendment either).
****. She is lucky she was caught in Russia rather than China. Entitled brat was caught with what the US still considers a class A narcotic. She would have gotten ten years in Russia before the Ukraine thing, she would have gotten a similar sentence in many parts of America. Americans have done more time on American soil for Marijuana possession. 
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8 Jul 2022 9:24 am
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Staplophobia » 08 Jul 2022, 9:00 am » wrote: She is going to Siberia and she is going to get reeducated.
By the time she is done SHE WILL LOVE THE ANTHEM AND THE FLAG.
You are an ignorant idiot.
We all know this by now.

No need to add more inane posts.
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31st Arrival
8 Jul 2022 9:29 am
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Xavier_Onassis » 05 Jul 2022, 7:55 am » wrote: She was clearly not importing drugs for use by anyone other than herself, and Russia should simply deport her.
Remember the old Phrase, "When in Rome........".

Oh another idea came into my brain, when a person pretends to think like someone else, "If I were you I would _______________ .". the blank is empoying your own methodology of self deception different from their self deception used cradle to grave.

See universal equal action and reaction balancing out to both side lost the same thing given away willingly.

I will leave this post finally with one more thought about old sayings, "So goes a man, so goes mankind in the balanced whole left here now.".
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