The Continuous Republican Assault Upon the Rights of Women, Minorities, Immigrants, and the LGBTQ Community

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By B.See
8 Jul 2022 8:21 am in Liberals Only Political Chat Room
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17 Jan 2023 10:10 pm
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Republicans Still Pushing Abortion Bills After 2022 Midterm Flop | HuffPost Latest News

Republicans, Having Learned Nothing, Are Coming for Abortion Post-Midterms-Flop | Vanity Fair

Alabama Just Said It Will Use Drug Laws to Prosecute Women for Taking Abortion Pills - Law and Crime

Virginia abortion proposal: Youngkin's 15-week ban has FEW exceptions - Slate

Idaho Republican legislator apologizes for comparing women’s reproductive care to milking cows - Yahoo

Democratic victory in Virginia special election likely dooms GOP proposed abortion ban - Yahoo News

DAFT B------ DEPT: or, MAGAS sure love their Black props for white supremacy and fascism DON'T they??

Candace Owens Declares ‘I Don’t Think Andrew Tate Is a Rapist’ the Same Day Text Reveals He Said He Loves ‘Raping’ - Mediaite


GOP House's first immigration bill would shut off asylum to ALL MIGRANTS INCLUDING CHILDREN - Dailykos


Tennessee Wants to Criminalize Drag Shows. Welcome to the Right’s Latest Assault on LGBTQ People - Rolling Stone

Wisconsin Republicans block a ban on conversion therapy - NBC News

At least 20 states and the District of Columbia have restricted the discredited practice of trying to change a person's sexual orientation or gender identity.

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24 Jan 2023 7:29 am
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Voters told them no, but Kansas Republicans are advancing wild new anti-abortion legislation anyway - Dailykos

Abortion Ban States Are BEST At Killing Newborn Babies AND Mothers - Wonkette

Lauren Boebert's first bill of the year centers on defunding Planned Parenthood - Alternet

Alabama Attorney General Threatens to Prosecute Anyone Procuring an Abortion via USPS - The Mary Sue

Police looking for arsonist believed to have set fire to Illinois Planned Parenthood clinic - Yahoo News

FBI searching for 2 suspects wanted for throwing Molotov cocktail at Costa Mesa Planned Parenthood - ABC7

Florida threatens pharmacies to not fill prescriptions for abortion pills - CBS


White House Takes Action To Help Protect Medication Abortion - HuffPost Latest News


Viral video surfaces of Andrew Tate admitting to sleeping with 16 year old girl - FirstSportz (that's Candice O's bud...)

Viral video surfaces of Andrew Tate admitting to sleeping with 16 year old girl! - YouTube

(NOTE: in case anyone doesn't know, I'd been barred here in "no holds barred" (and elsewhere I'd imagine) from posting new topics, images, and links. Too many FACTS I'd imagine. However, all you need do is highlight the words in blue, copy, and past them to a search engine. You'll find the article)
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24 Jan 2023 9:49 pm
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Republicans Propose Flurry Of Stupid Bigot Anti-Trans Laws, And When We Say Flurry We Mean 167. - Wonkette

Ron DeSantis wants to know a scary amount of medical information about trans students in Florida - Dailykos

Over 71 percent of LGBTQ youth say restrictive state laws have negatively impacted their mental health – The Hill

As If Trans People Weren’t Enough, New GOP Bill Also Comes After Furries - The Mary Sue


MAGA Activist Group 'One Million Moms' Calls For Boycott Of Animated Disney Show Due To a Character With Two Moms - Comic Sands   Conservatives are accusing the Disney Jr. show of 'pushing an agenda' by including gay parents. (heavens forbid)


Azealia Banks praises right-wing, anti-trans Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in new interview - TheFader (dot com)  A favorite of the far-right for his targeting of trans healthcare and African American education, Desantis earned praise from Banks, a new Florida resident

Candace Owens Calls Women In The Workforce 'A Distraction' - Newsone

GOP's first
(allegedly) openly gay representative thinks same-sex marriage is ‘an attack on the family unit’ - Dailykos

acknowledgements - Thanks to ...skums... (I think it was??)... for showing me the error of my ways by, not only ****-posting this thread, but by including a typically unhanded fraudulent "direct quote" which he (she?) posted as if it were my own words.  A real CLASS ACT if ever there was one.
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31 Jan 2023 6:24 am
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As usual I've spent some of my weekend compiling the latest batch of news items from the week prior. Knew you were looking for 'em. So let's get on with it, shall we?


Idaho abortion ban prevented woman suffering miscarriage from receiving medical care - Boing Boing

Arkansas Republicans’ New Abortion Ban Bill Includes Miscarriage as a Prosecutable Offense - The Mary Sue

Federal judge could decide as soon as February to yank abortion pill nationwide - Raw Story

Tennessee Refuses Federal Money for HIV Testing Because Planned Parenthood Would Get Some of It - Yahoo News

Here we go again: Kansas Republicans pitch another anti-abortion constitutional amendment - Dailykos


Virginia Senate Democrats throw out Gov. Glenn Youngkin's anti-abortion agenda in key votes - Dailykos

Virginia Democrats Defeat 15-Week Abortion Ban And Glenn Youngkin's Anti-Choice Agenda - HuffPost Latest News

Oregon launches abortion hotline offering free legal advice - ABC News


Sarah Huckabee Sanders makes attacking LGBTQ+ people top priority as governor of fourth poorest state - Queerty

Utah Just Became the First State of 2023 to Ban Gender-Affirming Care – Mother Jones

Utah Gov. Bans Life-Saving Care For Trans Youth Upon Advice Of Non-Existent Experts - Wonkette

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9 Feb 2023 8:56 am
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Dobbs Was ALWAYS Just the Beginning: The Worst Judge in America Could Outlaw the Abortion Pill Nationwide. And That's Not Even the WORST OF IT - SLATE
  • "Less than a year after the fall of Roe, conservative activists are trying to put the issue of abortion access into the hands of a single man for whom no one ever voted: a federal judge in Texas named Matthew Kacsmaryk.
  • In the coming weeks, there is a very real possibility that Kacsmaryk will single-handedly outlaw medication abortion in all 50 states, massively disrupting access to reproductive health care across the entire country. Worse, there is a substantial likelihood that higher courts—including the Supreme Court—will let him get away with it.
  • [Plaintiffs filed a suit] in the remote Amarillo division of the Northern District of Texas... because they were guaranteed to draw a single judge: Kacsmaryk, whom Donald Trump placed on the bench in 2019.
  • Before donning his robe, Kacsmaryk served as deputy general counsel at the far-right First Liberty Institute, where he fought [against] LGBTQ equality, abortion, and contraception. (He once said that being transgender is a “delusion” and scorned “secular libertines” who sacrifice children to their “erotic desires.”)
  • Since his confirmation, he has gained a reputation as perhaps the most lawless jurist in the country.
A Trump judge is about to decide a case that could affect abortion access in every single state - Daily Kos

Texas lawsuit to ban abortion drug mifepristone nationwide sparks fear - The Texas Tribune

Mailing abortion pills could break law, Republican AGs tell pharmacies - Reuters


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10 Feb 2023 8:40 am
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THE REICH WING MAGA WAR ON WOMEN (continued from above):


The overturn of Roe cost the GOP. So why are Republicans now doubling down on abortion bans? - Salon   (short answer: Hate and misogyny is what turns out their fanatical base)

RNC Urges Candidates to Double Down on the Party’s Anti-Abortion Crusade Because that worked so well for them in November. - SLATE

Colorado hospital says women can’t get their tubes tied unless they have cancer - Daily Kos


Minnesota Becomes First State to Pass Bill Enshrining Abortion Rights Post-Dobbs – Mother Jones

Critical victory: Anti-abortion group forced to pay nearly $1 million to local Planned Parenthood - Raw Story


GOP's new bizarre obsession shows it has gone crazy: Morning Joe - MSN   MSNBC's Joe Scarborough ripped the Republican Party for focusing on a "bizarre obsession" to stoke a culture war that targets vulnerable teenagers.

Texas Republicans See Attacking Trans Kids As Political Win - HuffPost Latest News

LGBTQ people face being erased in Michigan schools thanks to right-wing group's legal loophole - Raw Story

Republicans Declare War on Sex Education - Newsweek

Tennessee To Only Prevent/Treat HIV/AIDS In *Nice* People, Not Those Sinners - Wonkette

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19 Feb 2023 9:15 am
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South Carolina Supreme Court struck down 6-week abortion ban. Republicans are debating it again - Dailykos

Abortion-rights activist who was body-shamed by Matt Gaetz confronted him at SOTU address and thanked him for helping her raise $2 million - News.Yahoo (dot com)

Chelsea Handler Taunts ‘Hate-Masturbating’ Tucker Carlson Over Latest Meltdown - News.Yahoo (dot com)

Wyoming Republicans are criticizing a child marriage bill that seeks to raise the legal age to 18 - News.Yahoo (dot com)

The fkrs are wearing AR-15 lapel pins in CONGRESS! (tells us all we need know of them):

“Terrifying”: Advocates say court ruling letting domestic abusers keep guns defies “common sense” - Salon

GOP feigns outrage MSU killer wasn't prosecuted for a felony gun law they are working to eradicate - Dailykos

Missouri Just Decided That Kids Wandering Around In Public Openly Carrying AR-15 Is Acceptable - Dailykos

Republicans quash Democratic ban on carrying guns in a congressional committee room - NBC News

(the same fkrs, mind you, who'd have the nerve to feel "threatened and intimidated" if Democrats responded by showing up armed to the teeth.)

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20 Feb 2023 8:27 pm
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MAGA WAR AGAINST WOMEN - They want their "constitutional right" to marry children while taking away a woman's right to CHOOSE. Par for the course, arrogant misogynistic bastards that they are:

Wyoming Republicans Fight For Their 'Constitutional Right' To Marry Children - Wonkette

Attorney behind Texas vigilante abortion ban drafting similar book ban bill to sue librarians - Alternet (dot org)

Florida couple unable to get abortion will see baby die after delivery - The Guardian

Virginia Rejects Bill To Keep Menstrual Data From Police - Dailydot

MEANWHILE their war against the LGBTQ community continues as well. Again, MAGA'S "constitutional right" to dictate who and what people can and cannot be:

South Dakota Passes First Law That Will Force Trans Kids to Detransition - Jezebel (dot com)

Kristi Noem signed bill forcing trans kids to de-transition then flew to D.C. to stir up 2024 chatter - Queerty

GOP anti-drag bill would send performers to prison for up to 10 years in Arizona - Raw Story

Federal Judge Throws Out Lawsuit Opposing Florida’s ‘Don't Say Gay’ Bill - TheDailyBeast


Amid tidal wave of anti-trans legislation, Democratic states race to become refuges for gender-affirming care - News.Yahoo (dot com)

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23 Feb 2023 10:20 am
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Like all things MAGA, these fascist start with soft targets and false flags then gradually move on to what they're really trying to do.

With abortion it started with late trimester abortions, then moved earlier and earlier, then the 'life begins at conception' ploy, and now they're attacking the morning after pill and (in some quarters) even CONTRAception. Any birth control being the ACTUAL target.

Or, they start with the widely OVERBLOWN notion that all of these under-aged kids are getting gender reassigned (relatively FEW), and drag queen story hours, and just like that, gay kids and adults (the actual target) are being marginalized, called 'groomers' pedos, silenced, erased, threatened, attacked and even killed for who they are.

Or they jump on the bogus assed notion that critical race theory is being taught in lower grade schools, and before you know it, advanced placement African American studies and black history in general (the actual target) gets banned, not to mention the corresponding jump in racial attacks and assaults both in and out of school because of their hateful rhetoric.

(Which figures since minorities are the actual target as well).

Then there's their BIG LIE about widespread voter fraud, upon which voters are inconvenienced and disenfranchised, polling places in minority neighborhoods disappear, ballot drop boxes become scarce or under attack, as is mail-in and early voting, voting on college campuses is quashed, and it becomes a crime to hand someone a bottle of water in a long *** line.

Not to mention, for good measure, the mfkrs are putting election deniers in charge of elections and passing laws to give themselves the power to overturn election results when, after all that ****, they STILL lose. Underhanded vermin that the are.

U.S. Groups Suing To Ban Abortion Pill Lose Bid For Early Trial - ibtimes

Mississippi Senate passes limit on transgender health care - MSN

Nation Anti-LGBTQ+ Bills Allowing Outing, Pronoun Bans Advance Around Nation - Advocate

This was written back in March '22: Nearly 240 anti-LGBTQ bills filed in 2022 so far, most of them targeting trans people - NBC News

Oh... btw, they care SO much about children don't they? Guess that's why they don't give a **** about the marked INCREASE in attacks upon trans, Black, Asian, Native American and minority children - being ridiculed, insulted, and attacked in the classroom, in schools, in sports, in their own neighborhoods and elsewhere. After all, they're just making America GREAT again, aren't they??

Alaska Republican Touts Benefits of Children Being Abused to Death

Alaska Republican Argues Child Abuse Deaths Can Be a ‘Benefit to Society’

Anti-Choice Leader/Aspiring Child Rapist Going To Prison For Next Five Years - Wonkette

Cruel Candace Owens says she would beat her trans grandchild with a cane if they came out - lgbtqnation

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6 Mar 2023 11:35 pm
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South Carolina GOP bill would subject those obtaining abortions to death penalty - Salon

Pro Life Is A Lie, Forced Birther Tells His Sickening Truth. Child murder cost effective - Dailykos

Tennessee lobbyists oppose new lifesaving exceptions in abortion ban - BPR (dot org)

In Tennessee, Even Abortion to Save a Life May Be Illegal - NYmag

Control — that’s all they care about: How Tennessee’s unconstitutional anti-abortion law imperils women - Alternet (dot org)

A Texas Republican Wants to Ban People From Reading About How to Get an Abortion Online - Vanity Fair

Texas abortion pill case: close-reading the 113-page lawsuit is very revealing - Slate

South Carolina Woman Arrested For Allegedly Taking Abortion Pills – Mother Jones

Who is Matthew Kacsmaryk, the Trump-appointed Texas judge who could ban abortion pills? - Yahoo

Walgreens Bows To GOP Pressure, Won't Sell Legal Abortion Pill In Some States - HuffPost

Democratic-led U.S. states challenge restrictions on abortion pill - Reuters

Texas prosecutors can't target groups that fund out-of-state abortions, judge says - Reuters


Iowa Republicans Want to Ban Gay Marriage - Yahoo

Anti-trans bills aren't pro family values. Data show they cost lives - USA Today

Voices: Why the Tennessee ban on drag shows should terrify us all - Yahoo

Oklahoma Republicans Pass Bill Banning Gender-Affirming Care for Kids and Adults - The Mary Sue

Texas Republican files bill to ban almost all gender-affirming health care for adults—yes, adults - Dailykos

Texas anti-drag Republican captured on video performing drag: Report - Raw Story

Texas Republican who wrote anti-drag bill filmed skipping, running and dancing to 'Sexy Lady' in drag - Alternet (dot org)

Anti-drag Tennessee governor runs from a reporter when confronted with a photo of himself in drag - Dailykos

Tennessee Governor Bill Lee Lashes Out After Yearbook Picture Of Him In Drag Surfaces As Anti-Drag Bill Heads To His Desk - Comic Sands

Yes I am threatening you: Nebraska Democrat vows to make life painful for Republicans pushing anti-trans bill - Alternet (dot org)


Ron DeSantis Wants to Make Transporting Migrants a Felony... the same man who flew 50 asylum seekers to Martha’s Vineyard - Motherjones

Latino Republicans push back on party's immigration agenda - ABC News


FFS! Newly appointed DeSantis Disney oversight board member claims tap water turns people gay - Dailykos

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10 Mar 2023 1:29 am
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Red States’ War Against Women Gets Hot - Dailykos

Florida Republicans File 6-Week Abortion Ban That’s Very Likely To Become Law - Huffpost

California to not do business with Walgreens over abortion pills issue, Governor says - Reuters

Gavin Newsom announces California is done with Walgreens due to abortion pill - Yahoo

As States Seek to Limit Abortions, Montana Wants to Redefine What Is Medically Necessary - The Good Men Project

5 women sue Texas over abortion bans, saying their lives were put at risk. - ABC News


the REAL reasons why these sick **** fascists use false flags and phony quack-anon mischaracterizations to discredit liberals - hateful pos's that they are:

Tennessee Republicans pass bill letting clerks efuse marriage licenses to LGBTQ people - Salon

More States Are Proposing Bills Targeting LGBT rights. "It's Only Getting Worse" - CNN

How Hitler Started: Cyndi Lauper's Chilling Warning About Anti-LGBTQ Republicans - Huffpost

Alaska re-legalizes most forms of LGBTQ discrimination on guidance from Republican attorney general - Dailykos

Texas bills affecting LGBTQ people: Here’s what you need to know - The Texas Tribune

Kentucky rep drops the mic on authors of bill restricting gender-affirming care for trans kids - Dailykos


Vandal Who Painted "Groomer" on Libraries Had Disturbing Evidence of Child Sex Abuse in Apartment: Police - Raw Story

Anti-LGBTQ Republican Left Heart Emojis and Compliments on "Raunchy" Gay Instagram Account - Raw Story

Busted: Fox News Producer Behind Network's Crime Fearmongering Has Criminal Past - Raw Story

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10 Mar 2023 1:35 am
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right... minus one point from the underhanded btch. Go **** yourself.
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17 Mar 2023 11:13 pm
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Voices: South Carolina Republicans want to murder women for getting abortions because all life is sacred - MSN

21 "pro-life" South Carolina Republicans sign onto bill to execute people who get abortions - Salon

The Republicans who want to sentence women to death for abortion - Yahoo

Texas Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk tried to hide his abortion pill hearing - Slate

An anti-abortion judge overseeing a Texas lawsuit that could ban an abortion pill wanted to delay announcing the hearing date, The Washington Post reported - Yahoo

In a very irregular order, Trump judge tried to keep medication abortion ban hearing secret - Dailykos

Extremist Texas judge poised to take unprecedented action to ban medication abortion - Dailykos

Will One Controversial Texas Judge Outlaw the Most Popular Form of Abortion for the Whole Country? – Mother Jones

Watch: Cecile Richards condemns Texas' inhumane abortion restrictions as lawsuits loom - Alternet (dot org)

Under the Texas abortion ban, a woman went into sepsis before doctors would treat her and nearly died, lawsuit says - Yahoo

Doctors warned her pregnancy could kill her. Then Tennessee outlawed abortion - Salon

Virginia Judge Uses Slavery Law to Rule Frozen Embryos Are Property - NBC New York  
The decision has been called "repulsive" and "morally repugnant" by one scholar and criticized widely by others.

Don't want to be pregnant? Here's what men can do to you in Texas - Dailykos

The Price of Walgreens Capitulating to Republicans on Abortion Pills? $54 Million - Yahoo

"I need a woman who looks like she got punched": Republicans become more openly pro-abuse - Salon


"So sayeth a recent hire by Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., Andrew Kloster.

As Roger Sollenberger of the Daily Beast (and formerly Salon) reported, this self-proclaimed "raging misogynist" is hardly just some random troll the famously provocative Gaetz picked up off Twitter.

Kloster denounced sexual consent as a "pernicious fetish" and argued "Natalie Portman should have stayed 11 years old."

Kloster is also a member of the Federalist Society, the GOP pipeline for their far-right federal court judges.

He also worked for the Donald Trump administration and was once a clerk at the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals.

He's worked with religious right groups like the Heritage Foundation, while also tweeting, "If you don't defend child pornographers, we are only one step away from naziism."

Kloster isn't just some frat buddy of Gaetz, he's a member of the Christian right and Republican Party in good standing."

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18 Mar 2023 2:51 am
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B.See » 17 Mar 2023, 11:13 pm » wrote: MAGA'S MISOGYNISTIC WAR AGAINST WOMEN:

Voices: South Carolina Republicans want to murder women for getting abortions because all life is sacred - MSN

21 "pro-life" South Carolina Republicans sign onto bill to execute people who get abortions - Salon

The Republicans who want to sentence women to death for abortion - Yahoo

Texas Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk tried to hide his abortion pill hearing - Slate

An anti-abortion judge overseeing a Texas lawsuit that could ban an abortion pill wanted to delay announcing the hearing date, The Washington Post reported - Yahoo

In a very irregular order, Trump judge tried to keep medication abortion ban hearing secret - Dailykos

Extremist Texas judge poised to take unprecedented action to ban medication abortion - Dailykos

Will One Controversial Texas Judge Outlaw the Most Popular Form of Abortion for the Whole Country? – Mother Jones

Watch: Cecile Richards condemns Texas' inhumane abortion restrictions as lawsuits loom - Alternet (dot org)

Under the Texas abortion ban, a woman went into sepsis before doctors would treat her and nearly died, lawsuit says - Yahoo

Doctors warned her pregnancy could kill her. Then Tennessee outlawed abortion - Salon

Virginia Judge Uses Slavery Law to Rule Frozen Embryos Are Property - NBC New York  
The decision has been called "repulsive" and "morally repugnant" by one scholar and criticized widely by others.

Don't want to be pregnant? Here's what men can do to you in Texas - Dailykos

The Price of Walgreens Capitulating to Republicans on Abortion Pills? $54 Million - Yahoo

"I need a woman who looks like she got punched": Republicans become more openly pro-abuse - Salon


"So sayeth a recent hire by Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., Andrew Kloster.

As Roger Sollenberger of the Daily Beast (and formerly Salon) reported, this self-proclaimed "raging misogynist" is hardly just some random troll the famously provocative Gaetz picked up off Twitter.

Kloster denounced sexual consent as a "pernicious fetish" and argued "Natalie Portman should have stayed 11 years old."

Kloster is also a member of the Federalist Society, the GOP pipeline for their far-right federal court judges.

He also worked for the Donald Trump administration and was once a clerk at the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals.

He's worked with religious right groups like the Heritage Foundation, while also tweeting, "If you don't defend child pornographers, we are only one step away from naziism."

Kloster isn't just some frat buddy of Gaetz, he's a member of the Christian right and Republican Party in good standing."
I know you probably know this because I spotted the error and reported it to you...
same deal with this one..
Hey dude, the links don't work
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19 Mar 2023 7:26 am
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POM » 18 Mar 2023, 2:51 am » wrote: I know you probably know this because I spotted the error and reported it to you...
same deal with this one..
Hey dude, the links don't work
Fact is, POM, I've been banned from posting links. I guess I provide too much information. Or maybe information some people don't like.

So I post headlines (in blue) with the name of the site (I can't post dot com either).  Just copy and paste the parts in blue. You'll find them.

And thanks for TRYING to check them out.
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19 Mar 2023 7:27 am
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Joe Biden Condemns Florida's Anti-Trans Legislation As ‘Cruel' and ‘Close To Sinful' - HuffPost

More than 130K Canadians sign petition for trans people to claim asylum — good news, it’s already law - MSN

Donald Trump Threatens to Eradicate Transgender Insanity - Celebmagazine

Anti-LGBTQ+ extremist Daily Wire host Matt Walsh calls LGBTQ+ Pride Flag a "hate symbol" - Dailykos

Daily Wire Host Michael Knowles Mocks Trans Supporters in Hate-Filled Speech - MSN

Emails on Inner Workings of National Anti-Trans Movement - Dailydot

Leaked Bills targeting LGBTQ Americans are gaining momentum, advocates say - CNN

Tennessee Republicans pass bill letting clerks refuse marriage licenses to LGBTQ couples - Salon

Tennessee Senate passes bill defining "sex" as gender assigned at birth - Axios

Texas Republican wants bounty hunting law that would target drag queens - Raw Story

Watch: Florida Karen has a furious meltdown after seeing lesbian couple in Starbucks - Raw Story

Chasten Buttigieg Hits Back At Mike Pence After Homophobic Joke - HuffPost   
If your grandchild was born prematurely and placed on a ventilator at two months old ― their tiny fingers wrapped around yours as the monitors beep in the background ― where would you be? (prolly somewhere with his head up Trump's arse)

Drew Barrymore Attacked By “Bigots Losing Their S***” Over Interview With Transgender TikTok Superstar Dylan Mulvaney - Decider

Photo Of GOP Governor In Drag Will Now Be Plastered On Billboards After He Signs Anti-Drag Bill - SecondNexus

FFS! Newly appointed DeSantis Disney oversight board member claims tap water turns people gay - Dailykos

Florida school supervisor who called gay book morally damning resigns - Raw Story

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20 Mar 2023 5:37 am
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John Oliver busts anti-gay Republican who loves gay men's revealing photos - Raw Story

Anti-LGBTQ Republican Leaves Hearts, Compliments Under Man's Suggestive Photos - HuffPost


Child Labor, Child Brides, 36-Year-Old Grandmas: This Is The Future The Right Wants - Wonkette

Sen. Chris Murphy: Republicans “don’t give a crap” about kids and gun violence - Salon

GOP Lawmaker Says Children Aren’t Hungry Enough to Justify Free Meals at School - Yahoo

Minnesota Republican Unable To Stop Communist Governor From Giving Kids Food - Wonkette

23 House Republicans want to make it harder to receive SNAP benefits - USA Today

Oklahoma Republican praises the rod in rejecting bill to ban corporal punishment of disabled kids - Raw Story

Oklahoma Republicans vote to let teachers hit kids with disabilities - Newsweek

15-year-old worker injures spine in fall from roof, feds say. Florida company must pay - MiamiHerald


“Brett, I Have Some Terrible News for You..”: John Oliver Rips Into Former Packers Legend Over $77 Million Mississippi Scam - EssentiallySports

10 more people charged in $250M federal food program fraud - USA Today


Vandal who painted groomer on libraries had disturbing evidence of child sex abuse in apartment: police - Raw Story

Man Who Spray-Painted Groomer On Library Had Child-Sized Doll: VIDEO - Comic Sands

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29 Mar 2023 9:21 pm
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Survivors Testify Against Bill Requiring ‘Proof’ of Rape to Get an Abortion: 'How Dare You?' - Yahoo

Wyoming, the first territory in the United States to grant women the right to vote, just became the first state to ban medication abortion - Yahoo

New law puts Wyoming at forefront of abortion pill bans - Yahoo

Transcript of Abortion Pill Hearing Reveals Texas Judge Used Anti-Abortion Terms During Questioning - Yahoo

Are Texas’s abortion laws being used for state-sponsored spousal harassment? (Arwa Mahdawi) - The Guardian

9 Republicans pull support from South Carolina bill allowing the death penalty for abortion - Yahoo The legislation STILL has 15 co-sponsors — all Republicans

Abortion, trans legislation, book banning: We are all fetuses now. - Slate

Idaho Republican abortion bans have Hospital ending Labor and Delivery Services - Dailykos

Idaho hospital to stop delivering babies as doctors flee over abortion ban - The Guardian

Idaho GOP Women Deny Girls Free Tampons in School - Yahoo

The plaintiffs trying to ban the abortion pill admitted they have no case. - Slate


Georgia Legislature Sends Anti-Trans Health Care Bill To GOP Governor - Yahoo

A Sweeping Anti-Trans Bill Was All But Dead In Kentucky. Then It Passed The Very Next Day. - HuffPost

Mike Pence Doubles Down On Homophobic Joke About Pete Buttigieg - HuffPost


Uniquely Evil Minnesota Republican Steve Drazkowski Votes Against Free School Lunches Because “Hunger Is a Relative Term” - Vanity Fair

Oklahoma Strikes Down Bill Aiming To End Corporal Punishment For Disabled Students - HuffPost

“It’s ridiculous”: Florida GOP bill would ban young girls from mentioning their periods in school - Salon

GOP author admits bill would bar girls from discussing menstruation but insists that's not the "intent"


Oklahoma Supreme Court won't sink to Texas's level on abortion access. - Slate

An All-Republican State Supreme Court Unanimously Protects Abortion Rights - MSN

Move to protect California abortion-pill providers - Los Angeles Times

Texas university students protest drag show's cancellation - ABC News

“Poverty is a policy choice”: Minnesota kids cheer new law guaranteeing free school lunch for all - Salon

Florida GOP author of “Don’t Say Gay” law pleads guilty to COVID fraud — faces up to 35 years | Salon

Americans broadly reject Republican attacks on transgender freedoms - Dailykos

Texas doctor and GOP activist kicked out of state Senate after smearing trans people as paedophiles - AOL

DeSantis’ plan to make hospitals ask patients’ immigration status is dangerous (Opinion) - Yahoo

Proud Boys Tried to Terrorize an NYC Drag Queen Story Hour, Got *** Kicked Instead - The Mary Sue

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4 Apr 2023 4:43 am
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Save the fetus, slaughter the child: House Republican roasted after claiming gun violence doesn't exist - Raw Story

Republicans keep finding new ways to say guns are more important than children's lives - Dailykos

Tennessee Rep. Burchett says of school shootings: We’re not gonna fix it - NBC News

Gun owners get right to carry without a permit in Florida – but not where lawmakers meet - Yahoo

Gun-Loving GOP Congressman From Nashville Torched For Response To School Shooting - HuffPost

"They’re all cowards!”: Rep. Jamaal Bowman confronts GOP colleague on guns - Salon

What Republicans aren't saying: At least 95% of mass shootings are perpetrated by cisgender men - Dailykos

‘You Guys Got Rid of the Assault Weapons Ban!’ Dem Congressman Spars with MTG Over Nashville Shooting - Mediaite

Students speak out at Nashville board meeting: 'Keeping children safe is not political' - Yahoo


Kentucky Republicans Override Governor’s Veto of Bill Banning Transition Surgery, Puberty Blockers - Yahoo

Montana Could Soon Define Trans People ‘Out of Existence’ - TheDailyBeast (dot com)

Newly appointed DeSantis Disney oversight board member claims tap water turns people gay - Dailykos
(something about "precious bodily fluids" I'd imagine: see youtube (dot com) backslash watch?viAHJCPoWCC8)

Protests Erupt As Florida Advances Expansion To ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Law - HuffPost Latest News

“We have to fight”: LGBTQ students stage walkouts, marches against anti-trans bills - Salon (dot com)

Latino evangelical pastors push back on Florida’s demonization of the undocumented | Opinion - MiamiHerald (dot com)

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