Trumpers/Republicans can not hold their own in a debate

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By Holdor
9 Jul 2022 6:05 pm in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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11 Jul 2022 8:08 am
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Squatchman » 11 Jul 2022, 5:01 am » wrote:   Countries that are better than the U.S.
...and yet, you're still here!  Isn't THAT amazing?
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11 Jul 2022 8:26 am
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Holdor » 09 Jul 2022, 6:05 pm » wrote: Most. Trumpers start out any debate with Curses and name calling, never bothering to address the Issue.

They know they will lose any debate, so they try to bring down the other posters to their level of name calling and curse words.

Just ignore their Name calling and Curse words, and address the issue, they FLEE, if they can not get a reaction out of you
Apparently, you've never noticed how often your fellow liberal idiots run from a debate like their hair was on fire!

So, bring it on, lib!  I'll tackle any issue you want to debate, and I'll try not to damage your sensitivity that forces you to look at bad words!
OK cupcake?
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11 Jul 2022 9:37 am
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Squatchman » 11 Jul 2022, 5:01 am » wrote:   Countries that are better than the U.S.
There is no debate that you are a truth hating Liberal.
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31st Arrival
11 Jul 2022 9:43 am
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GHETTO BLASTER » 11 Jul 2022, 9:37 am » wrote: There is no debate that you are a truth hating Liberal.
which truth does he hate? literal, figurative, relative, social, moral, legal because evolution is just a theory things only evolve here now as reproductively changing current population each generation added like nobody ever born before.

that is so compounding DNA kinetics with thermodynamic principles.
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11 Jul 2022 9:56 am
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Holdor » 09 Jul 2022, 6:05 pm » wrote: Most. Trumpers start out any debate with Curses and name calling, never bothering to address the Issue.

They know they will lose any debate, so they try to bring down the other posters to their level of name calling and curse words.

Just ignore their Name calling and Curse words, and address the issue, they FLEE, if they can not get a reaction out of you
I have to ignore the dems name calling and curse words all of the time .... 

When the dems DO NOT have a sound basis for their position the scream ... Republicans are racist ... when asked how the are Racist  ... the dems can not answer.

Vegie calls conservatives a moron 10 times a day everyday

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nuckin futz
11 Jul 2022 9:58 am
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Holdor » 09 Jul 2022, 6:05 pm » wrote: Most. Trumpers start out any debate with Curses and name calling, never bothering to address the Issue.

They know they will lose any debate, so they try to bring down the other posters to their level of name calling and curse words.

Just ignore their Name calling and Curse words, and address the issue, they FLEE, if they can not get a reaction out of you
Hear! hear!
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11 Jul 2022 12:09 pm
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Holdor » 09 Jul 2022, 6:05 pm » wrote: Most. Trumpers start out any debate with Curses and name calling, never bothering to address the Issue.

They know they will lose any debate, so they try to bring down the other posters to their level of name calling and curse words.

Just ignore their Name calling and Curse words, and address the issue, they FLEE, if they can not get a reaction out of you
Well, since it's been 4 days now since you raised that challenge, and we're still waiting for the opportunity to prove what a lying scumbag you are!

What topic to you want to start with where you can back up your **** statement that we won't address?  WHO'S FLEEING NOW, DICKHEAD?
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11 Jul 2022 12:37 pm
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Holdor » 09 Jul 2022, 6:05 pm » wrote: Most. Trumpers start out any debate with Curses and name calling, never bothering to address the Issue.

They know they will lose any debate, so they try to bring down the other posters to their level of name calling and curse words.

Just ignore their Name calling and Curse words, and address the issue, they FLEE, if they can not get a reaction out of you
Every time I ask for proof of mass election fraud, I get that debunked movie 2000Mules.  They consider a bunch of GPS tracked phones as evidence of fraud but can't prove any of the actual votes counted were fraudulent.
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11 Jul 2022 12:40 pm
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Most people that come to internet forums that allow them anonymity do not actually debate. They just tell you how you are supposedly stupid, ignorant, and pathetic because you do not align with them on every single issue.
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31st Arrival
11 Jul 2022 1:28 pm
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ScottMon » 11 Jul 2022, 12:37 pm » wrote: Every time I ask for proof of mass election fraud, I get that debunked movie 2000Mules.  They consider a bunch of GPS tracked phones as evidence of fraud but can't prove any of the actual votes counted were fraudulent.
Not every time. I come at you inside out of evolving forward so far. Series parallel kinetic genetics reproductions are specifically proportionately alive evolving here in plain sight as it worked last 5 generations same as first 5 generations and all generations between.
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11 Jul 2022 4:10 pm
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Holdor » 09 Jul 2022, 6:05 pm » wrote: Most. Trumpers start out any debate with Curses and name calling, never bothering to address the Issue.

They know they will lose any debate, so they try to bring down the other posters to their level of name calling and curse words.

Just ignore their Name calling and Curse words, and address the issue, they FLEE, if they can not get a reaction out of you
That's all they can do. 
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11 Jul 2022 4:21 pm
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impartialobserver » 11 Jul 2022, 12:40 pm » wrote: Most people that come to internet forums that allow them anonymity do not actually debate. They just tell you how you are supposedly stupid, ignorant, and pathetic because you do not align with them on every single issue.
Then lead by example and publish all of your personal info YOU SILLY  MOTHER ****.... :twisted:  
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11 Jul 2022 4:30 pm
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impartialobserver » 11 Jul 2022, 12:40 pm » wrote: Most people that come to internet forums that allow them anonymity do not actually debate. They just tell you how you are supposedly stupid, ignorant, and pathetic because you do not align with them on every single issue.

Then lead by example and publish all of your personal info YOU SILLY  MOTHER ****.... Image  
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11 Jul 2022 4:32 pm
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Zeets2 » 11 Jul 2022, 8:08 am » wrote: ...and yet, you're still here!  Isn't THAT amazing?

He is a NWO BRAINWASHED WIGGER who has never  lived within 200 miles of any of his Pet Monkeys.
My childhood role models were Micky Mantle and Willie Mays.
WIGGERBOY'S childhood idols were Lil Wayne and SIR OOKSALOT...... :rofl:  
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11 Jul 2022 5:26 pm
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Holdor » 09 Jul 2022, 6:05 pm » wrote: Most. Trumpers start out any debate with Curses and name calling, never bothering to address the Issue.

They know they will lose any debate, so they try to bring down the other posters to their level of name calling and curse words.

Just ignore their Name calling and Curse words, and address the issue, they FLEE, if they can not get a reaction out of you
That's an ironic statement  As I've only ever had an actual debate with Liberals about two times, the rest of them scream "racist!" "bigot" "Russian disinformation" "conspiracy!" like trained monkeys that can't think for themselves. Sure, I've called them names out of frustration of them being so rigid, not open-minded, copy / pasting links from bias sources without reading the material, it's easy to win a debate with subjective minded morons for example, who after seeing the main stream media lie about Russia every day for two years about their idiotic hate Trump **** scenarios that have been proven false, still look to the MSM and think they are telling the truth "this time".  All you have to do is read the source material they provide because the headline isn't the actual story, and you can find word play, opinion pieces they think are facts, etc...

One headline read something like "Trump bans black woman from renting" this was supposed to be proof that Trump was a racist, so I told the person I'd get back to them. The story was about Trump but not D. Trump, it was his father, and the rental company that was hired to look after some of their properties didn't choose the woman out of her credit history, not the colour of her skin, Trump never even saw the application..... So I had to shatter this person's propaganda infested mind, and when I did, I found out they never even read the article and got overly emotional as I was pointing out the fact they are idiotic and brainwashed.

I'm at a point where I'm getting good at researching on my own instead of relying on the propaganda news machine to twist my perception of reality on purpose for a retarded **** up Marxist political agenda based on deception, propaganda, control, greed, etc...   If you read the Marxist play book, you can see it mirrors what the **** stick leftist retards are doing these days.

Leftism appeals to those who lack a basic understanding of human nature. The holier-than-thou do-gooders are subtly and steadily stripping us of our liberties, robbing us of our inalienable rights to make our own decisions.

History proves the Democrat Party was the Party of the Ku Klux Klan, Jim Crow laws, segregation, opposition to the Civil Rights movement, poll taxes, slavery, military segregation, and the eugenics movement.

If you want to disagree with what I wrote above, I will debate anyone who is stupid enough to run the risk of having their world view shattered.  So what if people call you names you **** Marxist dick sucking, pedo supporting, commie dictator cum drinking, propaganda infested, twisted piece of ****, **** stick. Words are only weapons to weak-minded pussies. lolz
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31st Arrival
11 Jul 2022 5:36 pm
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MAGAdreaming » 11 Jul 2022, 4:10 pm » wrote: That's all they can do. 
this is all you are willing to do.
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11 Jul 2022 5:37 pm
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ScottMon » 11 Jul 2022, 12:37 pm » wrote: Every time I ask for proof of mass election fraud, I get that debunked movie 2000Mules.  They consider a bunch of GPS tracked phones as evidence of fraud but can't prove any of the actual votes counted were fraudulent.
Every time you are presented with evidence you don't bother to look into it, you just claim its "debunked" the same way the Jan 6th people were rounded up is the same way they found a lot of people dumping more than ten ballots on average each time. Video footage provided with the GPS tracking.

So why don't you watch it and come back with disputed facts [if you can] instead of thinking the government, and the MSM doesn't ever lie to you.  The Marxist play book says "Win elections by any means necessary"  All you have to do is research the Marxist rule book to find out that it mirrors what the leftist are doing these days.
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11 Jul 2022 5:42 pm
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GHETTOBLASTER » 11 Jul 2022, 4:32 pm » wrote: He is a NWO BRAINWASHED WIGGER who has never  lived within 200 miles of any of his Pet Monkeys.
My childhood role models were Micky Mantle and Willie Mays.
WIGGERBOY'S childhood idols were Lil Wayne and SIR OOKSALOT...... Image
Mine were Maris and Mantle, and I'm afraid I'm too old to know who or what is a Sir Ooksalot and a Lil Wayne!
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31st Arrival
11 Jul 2022 5:44 pm
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one1zer0 » 11 Jul 2022, 5:37 pm » wrote: Every time you are presented with evidence you don't bother to look into it, you just claim its "debunked" the same way the Jan 6th people were rounded up is the same way they found a lot of people dumping more than ten ballots on average each time. Video footage provided with the GPS tracking.

So why don't you watch it and come back with disputed facts [if you can] instead of thinking the government, and the MSM doesn't ever lie to you.  The Marxist play book says "Win elections by any means necessary"  All you have to do is research the Marxist rule book to find out that it mirrors what the leftist are doing these days.
Marxists rule book is how to make reality real regardless which ideology suggests life exceeds living here now. Oops that includes every reality besides Marxist franchise. Goes to God, Country, community theater of doubt geographically defined from town hall, neighborhood church of each religion/spiritual philosophy, academic center, arts and entertainment, economics, social justification, left and right political wings intellect needs to be in charge of instinctive awareness as a society built like colonial insects operate be they bees, ants, termites. alpha, beta, omega people that comply with denying real. The individuals that won't, get eliminated by rule of law justified by humanity's creator, Context.
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11 Jul 2022 5:54 pm
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omh » 11 Jul 2022, 5:44 pm » wrote: Marxists rule book is how to make reality real regardless which ideology suggests life exceeds living here now. Oops that includes every reality besides Marxist franchise. Goes to God, Country, community theater of doubt geographically defined from town hall, neighborhood church of each religion/spiritual philosophy, academic center, arts and entertainment, economics, social justification, left and right political wings intellect needs to be in charge of instinctive awareness as a society built like colonial insects operate be they bees, ants, termites. alpha, beta, omega people that comply with denying real. The individuals that won't, get eliminated by rule of law justified by humanity's creator, Context.
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