Trumpers/Republicans can not hold their own in a debate

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By Holdor
9 Jul 2022 6:05 pm in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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11 Jul 2022 5:55 pm
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one1zer0 » 11 Jul 2022, 5:26 pm » wrote: That's an ironic statement  As I've only ever had an actual debate with Liberals about two times, the rest of them scream "racist!" "bigot" "Russian disinformation" "conspiracy!" like trained monkeys that can't think for themselves. Sure, I've called them names out of frustration of them being so rigid, not open-minded, copy / pasting links from bias sources without reading the material, it's easy to win a debate with subjective minded morons for example, who after seeing the main stream media lie about Russia every day for two years about their idiotic hate Trump **** scenarios that have been proven false, still look to the MSM and think they are telling the truth "this time".  All you have to do is read the source material they provide because the headline isn't the actual story, and you can find word play, opinion pieces they think are facts, etc...

One headline read something like "Trump bans black woman from renting" this was supposed to be proof that Trump was a racist, so I told the person I'd get back to them. The story was about Trump but not D. Trump, it was his father, and the rental company that was hired to look after some of their properties didn't choose the woman out of her credit history, not the colour of her skin, Trump never even saw the application..... So I had to shatter this person's propaganda infested mind, and when I did, I found out they never even read the article and got overly emotional as I was pointing out the fact they are idiotic and brainwashed.

I'm at a point where I'm getting good at researching on my own instead of relying on the propaganda news machine to twist my perception of reality on purpose for a retarded **** up Marxist political agenda based on deception, propaganda, control, greed, etc...   If you read the Marxist play book, you can see it mirrors what the **** stick leftist retards are doing these days.

Leftism appeals to those who lack a basic understanding of human nature. The holier-than-thou do-gooders are subtly and steadily stripping us of our liberties, robbing us of our inalienable rights to make our own decisions.

History proves the Democrat Party was the Party of the Ku Klux Klan, Jim Crow laws, segregation, opposition to the Civil Rights movement, poll taxes, slavery, military segregation, and the eugenics movement.

If you want to disagree with what I wrote above, I will debate anyone who is stupid enough to run the risk of having their world view shattered.  So what if people call you names you **** Marxist dick sucking, pedo supporting, commie dictator cum drinking, propaganda infested, twisted piece of ****, **** stick. Words are only weapons to weak-minded pussies. lolz
Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2020 ... sm-history
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11 Jul 2022 6:10 pm
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Holdor » 11 Jul 2022, 5:55 pm » wrote: Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2020 ... sm-history
Are you trying to make me like him?

What the **** is wrong with racism?
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11 Jul 2022 6:28 pm
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one1zer0 » 11 Jul 2022, 5:37 pm » wrote: Every time you are presented with evidence you don't bother to look into it, you just claim its "debunked" the same way the Jan 6th people were rounded up is the same way they found a lot of people dumping more than ten ballots on average each time. Video footage provided with the GPS tracking.

So why don't you watch it and come back with disputed facts [if you can] instead of thinking the government, and the MSM doesn't ever lie to you.  The Marxist play book says "Win elections by any means necessary"  All you have to do is research the Marxist rule book to find out that it mirrors what the leftist are doing these days.
Show me your evidence.  I'm willing to review anything that HASN:T been proven false.
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31st Arrival
11 Jul 2022 6:30 pm
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vernacular tribalism works the same way regardless tongue used within social circle logistics avoiding discussing physical absolutes to kinetic life evolving as current reproductive cycles present.

the whole is equal to total sum of all its parts be it a food chain in this atmosphere, species, variety, ancestral lineage categorized intellectually as plant or animal, predator or prey, male, female, asexual means of reproducing next generation of lifetimes completely different of all previous working the same way until extinction event occurs.

Extinction event is so simple to recognize, no more great great grandchildren arriving forward from here. Keep avoiding how DNA compounds per conception never staying total sum added again.

Series parallel evolving done here now. this moment is eternity regardless geographical area in the universe one is located, past, current, added forward.

Welcome to eternity as reproductions are eternal life never the same again now. Evolving in plain sight of each other. Hope, faith, charity are diversions of instinctive awareness occupying time inhabiting space now.
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31st Arrival
11 Jul 2022 6:35 pm
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ScottMon » 11 Jul 2022, 6:28 pm » wrote: Show me your evidence.  I'm willing to review anything that HASN:T been proven false.
Your own time evolving here now. your body has never stayed same form as arrived a fertilized cell and your brain was the nucleus of that fertilized cell a body wrapped around by birth. only way a central nervous system could be installed as constructed during gestation to last until dead and decomposed being one of a kind from beginning to end of occupying space inhabiting time now.

that "self evident" thing that makes honesty the best policy as anything less corrupts ancestries until extinction arrives. History is my evidence. Pick a society that came and went or arrived and fading away like America is.
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11 Jul 2022 6:37 pm
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omh » 11 Jul 2022, 6:35 pm » wrote: Your own time evolving here now. your body has never stayed same form as arrived a fertilized cell and your brain was the nucleus of that fertilized cell a body wrapped around by birth. only way a central nervous system could be installed as constructed during gestation to last until dead and decomposed being one of a kind from beginning to end of occupying space inhabiting time now.
I read your words and suddenly, the sky lit up and blinded me.  So either I saw Jeeezus or had a stroke.
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31st Arrival
11 Jul 2022 6:38 pm
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ScottMon » 11 Jul 2022, 6:37 pm » wrote: I read your words and suddenly, the sky lit up and blinded me.  So either I saw Jeeezus or had a stroke.
bullspit and road apples.
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11 Jul 2022 6:40 pm
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Holdor » 11 Jul 2022, 5:55 pm » wrote: Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2020 ... sm-history
Is this your idea of debating? Throwing out a two year old article from a far left rag about a president who's been out of office for a year and a half? You got him now. :\
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11 Jul 2022 6:42 pm
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omh » 11 Jul 2022, 6:38 pm » wrote: bullspit and road apples.
Now that's funny.  :D 
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31st Arrival
11 Jul 2022 6:47 pm
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ScottMon » 11 Jul 2022, 6:42 pm » wrote: Now that's funny.  :D 
it was accurate, ridiculing others is funny to you, when it comes back, your sense of humor disappears and your desire to eliminate anyone that debunks your wishful thinking since childhood.

Your genetic mentality ended the day you became a citizen of reality and stopped using your own brain to navigate space in your personal time only evolving here now. I never gave mine away so I learned what actual eternal hell was made into socially here since 1982.

karma. half life reproduction.
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11 Jul 2022 6:55 pm
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Holdor » 11 Jul 2022, 5:55 pm » wrote: Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2020 ... sm-history
All I had to do was read the **** because like I said before.... The headline is not the story.
1973:  among other accusations. <-- not proof

1980: accused another one of Trump’s businesses of discrimination. <-- this doesn't mean Trump was behind the counter idiot.
"I was a teenager, but I remember it." I remember people used to have proof and evidence. Gee, doesn't sound like it was a reality until he remembered it after the MSM put a hate on for Trump.

1989: “Bring Back the Death Penalty. Bring Back Our Police!” that reads "all black people are criminals" to you? It says in the ad that "Many New York families white, black, Hispanic, and Asian.... He was outraged that rapists and murderers are not afraid of the consequences of breaking the law, and basically the fear of death would put a stop to it.  It had nothing to do with skin colour and was never mentioned. Go read it for **** sake.

1991: Snopes the left centre bias favours a liberal perspective says:

What's True
Donald Trump once tweeted, "Sadly, because president Obama has done such a poor job as president, you won't see another black president for generations!"
What's False
Trump did not utter the full statement, "Laziness is a trait in blacks ... I believe that ... No black person will be president again any time soon."
What's Undetermined
Whether Trump ever said "Laziness is a trait in blacks" is not certain.

1992:  managers catered to the presumed prejudices of a high roller by removing a black dealer from his table. Not Trump but the managers at the request of a mobster you dumb ****. Trump wasn't involved.

1993: Yup he said "they don't look like Indians to me" - he then mentions being politically correct or not "they don't look like Indians to me, and they don't look like Indians to Indians, and a lot of people are laughing at it"  If you want to put today's politically correct rules to times they weren't something everyone freaks out over to the past most people have said things that weren't really a problem in the time they said it.  America used to have the best comedians and because of this PC **** and Liberals that actively look for racism everywhere they've killed off comedy. It's nothing compared to Hilary Clinton saying black people are super predators or doing a eulogy for a K.K.K. member claiming he was a mentor to A.K.A. Peter Pedo, Brandon.

I could pick apart the rest for you, but I'm going to now point to the end of the article where there is common sense applied, and it reads:
"For many people, none of these incidents, individually, may be damning: One of these alone might suggest that Trump is simply a bad speaker and perhaps racially insensitive (“politically incorrect,” as he would put it), but not overtly racist." 

Now it's your turn.... Have you any more links to post that you are not going to read? My point I think has been proved.
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11 Jul 2022 7:02 pm
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FOS » 11 Jul 2022, 6:10 pm » wrote: Are you trying to make me like him?

What the **** is wrong with racism?

I do not know, why does the KKK wear hoods?
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11 Jul 2022 7:07 pm
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omh » 11 Jul 2022, 6:30 pm » wrote: vernacular tribalism works the same way regardless tongue used within social circle logistics avoiding discussing physical absolutes to kinetic life evolving as current reproductive cycles present.

the whole is equal to total sum of all its parts be it a food chain in this atmosphere, species, variety, ancestral lineage categorized intellectually as plant or animal, predator or prey, male, female, asexual means of reproducing next generation of lifetimes completely different of all previous working the same way until extinction event occurs.

Extinction event is so simple to recognize, no more great great grandchildren arriving forward from here. Keep avoiding how DNA compounds per conception never staying total sum added again.

Series parallel evolving done here now. this moment is eternity regardless geographical area in the universe one is located, past, current, added forward.

Welcome to eternity as reproductions are eternal life never the same again now. Evolving in plain sight of each other. Hope, faith, charity are diversions of instinctive awareness occupying time inhabiting space now.
  • I couldn't be bothered, so I searched "word salad" I hope this makes sense to you:
    You mustn't become so enamoured of the sounds you're using as to lose sight of your meaning. To do so would be tantamount to creating word-salad, and even as a form of rebellion, that won't do, it simply won't. Why? Because it's been done too many times already and by now it's just plain boring, as boring as saying the same word or phrase over and over like a mantra. If people found it on a printed page, they'd simply shrug and move on; if they heard you reading it aloud, they'd just tune out.
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31st Arrival
11 Jul 2022 7:11 pm
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one1zer0 » 11 Jul 2022, 7:07 pm » wrote:
  • I couldn't be bothered, so I searched "word salad" I hope this makes sense to you:
    You mustn't become so enamoured of the sounds you're using as to lose sight of your meaning. To do so would be tantamount to creating word-salad, and even as a form of rebellion, that won't do, it simply won't. Why? Because it's been done too many times already and by now it's just plain boring, as boring as saying the same word or phrase over and over like a mantra. If people found it on a printed page, they'd simply shrug and move on; if they heard you reading it aloud, they'd just tune out.
your choice. Keep defying why and how you exist in plain sight honoring speculation rather than understanding the distances between expanding details never duplicated and results never staying the same total sum again.

Life as a half life reproduction in a perpetual balancing environment ignoring the limitations to existing in series parallel time falls back on total sum of your behavior after birth and your ancestral behavior before being born as you repeat their practices all over again.

Rule of 72 compounding rate of return. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Think about this, your time here was to replace the 30 people that made up 93.75% your specific DNA in just last 4 generations alone, the other 6.25% is recessive genes going back to inception of this species. but your concern should be dawn of civilization.
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11 Jul 2022 7:26 pm
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omh » 11 Jul 2022, 6:47 pm » wrote: it was accurate, ridiculing others is funny to you, when it comes back, your sense of humor disappears and your desire to eliminate anyone that debunks your wishful thinking since childhood.

karma. half life reproduction.
Ya know, I have a lot of respect for people that can laugh at themselves.
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11 Jul 2022 7:34 pm
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omh » 11 Jul 2022, 7:11 pm » wrote: your choice. Keep defying why and how you exist in plain sight honoring speculation rather than understanding the distances between expanding details never duplicated and results never staying the same total sum again.

Life as a half life reproduction in a perpetual balancing environment ignoring the limitations to existing in series parallel time falls back on total sum of your behavior after birth and your ancestral behavior before being born as you repeat their practices all over again.

Rule of 72 compounding rate of return. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Think about this, your time here was to replace the 30 people that made up 93.75% your specific DNA in just last 4 generations alone, the other is recessive genes going back to inception of this species. but your concern should be dawn of civilization.
Nope, you don't get it.  My choice is going to be to ignore your overly long, boring, big word choices that you think makes you look intellectual. I know you know how to be more effective and efficient in your sentence structure and not keep repeating the same **** over and over that relates to your "papier-mâché"  one dimensional metaphorical expression that really sucks hairy sweaty balls in my opinion.  lolz
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11 Jul 2022 7:48 pm
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Zeets2 » 11 Jul 2022, 5:42 pm » wrote: Mine were Maris and Mantle, and I'm afraid I'm too old to know who or what is a Sir Ooksalot and a Lil Wayne!
:rofl: [actually SirOoooksalot is just a Make Believe Maker of Monkey Music]  

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31st Arrival
12 Jul 2022 6:13 am
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ScottMon » 11 Jul 2022, 7:26 pm » wrote: Ya know, I have a lot of respect for people that can laugh at themselves.
Your respect is meaningless to me. You respect deniers more than honesty within yourself. It is self evident by the ideas you demand stay in fruition.
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12 Jul 2022 2:37 pm
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one1zer0 » 11 Jul 2022, 6:55 pm » wrote: All I had to do was read the **** because like I said before.... The headline is not the story.
1973:  among other accusations. <-- not proof

1980: accused another one of Trump’s businesses of discrimination. <-- this doesn't mean Trump was behind the counter idiot.
"I was a teenager, but I remember it." I remember people used to have proof and evidence. Gee, doesn't sound like it was a reality until he remembered it after the MSM put a hate on for Trump.

1989: “Bring Back the Death Penalty. Bring Back Our Police!” that reads "all black people are criminals" to you? It says in the ad that "Many New York families white, black, Hispanic, and Asian.... He was outraged that rapists and murderers are not afraid of the consequences of breaking the law, and basically the fear of death would put a stop to it.  It had nothing to do with skin colour and was never mentioned. Go read it for **** sake.

1991: Snopes the left centre bias favours a liberal perspective says:

What's True
Donald Trump once tweeted, "Sadly, because president Obama has done such a poor job as president, you won't see another black president for generations!"
What's False
Trump did not utter the full statement, "Laziness is a trait in blacks ... I believe that ... No black person will be president again any time soon."
What's Undetermined
Whether Trump ever said "Laziness is a trait in blacks" is not certain.

1992:  managers catered to the presumed prejudices of a high roller by removing a black dealer from his table. Not Trump but the managers at the request of a mobster you dumb ****. Trump wasn't involved.

1993: Yup he said "they don't look like Indians to me" - he then mentions being politically correct or not "they don't look like Indians to me, and they don't look like Indians to Indians, and a lot of people are laughing at it"  If you want to put today's politically correct rules to times they weren't something everyone freaks out over to the past most people have said things that weren't really a problem in the time they said it.  America used to have the best comedians and because of this PC **** and Liberals that actively look for racism everywhere they've killed off comedy. It's nothing compared to Hilary Clinton saying black people are super predators or doing a eulogy for a K.K.K. member claiming he was a mentor to A.K.A. Peter Pedo, Brandon.

I could pick apart the rest for you, but I'm going to now point to the end of the article where there is common sense applied, and it reads:
"For many people, none of these incidents, individually, may be damning: One of these alone might suggest that Trump is simply a bad speaker and perhaps racially insensitive (“politically incorrect,” as he would put it), but not overtly racist." 

Now it's your turn.... Have you any more links to post that you are not going to read? My point I think has been proved.
So instead of debating this stuff, I wrote, Nuckleheadfutz after agreeing with the OP, replies with wasting his time hitting the minus shrink the text thing as a response. This says a lot about the subjective mindset of leftists, every headline they read is the story and everything that goes against their Marxist ideology must be censored, and or ignored.  Thanks for your idiot response, ****. Image  
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