I've reached the point where I don't even hope for an unbiased DOJ while this turd is in the office he stole.roadkill » 10 Jul 2022, 2:39 pm » wrote: ↑ You are right Zeets...if it were the reverse the left here would be crying foul.
The left are adult-children!
I have, Many times. Smart people lose arguments all the time. Dumbasses never lose an argument because they're not capable of admitting their errors.
You said it all Zeets...that's exactly what's happening in our country now.Zeets2 » 10 Jul 2022, 6:24 pm » wrote: ↑ I've reached the point where I don't even hope for an unbiased DOJ while this turd is in the office he stole.
What I give a **** about is how much potential damage to our country is being done as more and more people realize that we have two completely different systems of justice under this demented moron! And once enough people realize how the justice for criminal behavior they expect to be meted out is being whitewashed as the DOJ has become nothing but a gestapo aligned against them, and a government refusing to carry out the laws, they will more and more be willing to take matters into their own hands. That goes for our border states suffering under the mass exodus of illegals trespassing on their property to any Democrat city defunding of the police that prevents them from answering the call from people reporting crimes in progress.
So I'd like to know now what any American citizen who owns a small business in a Democrat-run city would not be standing guard to protect it with a gun, especially after learning that the police were under orders to stand down through most of the BLM and Antifa riots of two years ago?
That is certainly not what this or any administration would want, but it's clear we're at a point where it is the ONLY alternative to protect their own lives and their livelihood. The new code of survival that potential victims are wise to embrace seems to be, ''better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6".
When the citizens of a country have no confidence in the government to keep them reasonably safe and mete out justice fairly, vigilantism will necessarily thrive.
And that's the road we're heading down right now as criminals like Hillary, Hunter Biden, Clapper, Strzok, Page, Comey, Biden, and so many others all are still roaming free today after each has committed numerous felonies that would have put any one of us behind bars for years, if not decades!
ScottMon » 10 Jul 2022, 6:25 pm » wrote: ↑ I have, Many times. Smart people lose arguments all the time. Dumbasses never lose an argument because they're not capable of admitting their errors.
Not admitting your errors again.
Didn't you say anyone taking the 5th is guilty. Except when I pointed out someone in the Obama admin did take the 5th.
Remember how you responded when I mentioned the 5th?
THAT was BEFORE THOUSANDS of polling stations, open a ALL HOURS of the night, were accepting HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of ILLEGAL votes, LONG after normal polls has closed... and BASTARDIZED our election process... en route to a BULL **** President, named Joe Biden !!roadkill » 10 Jul 2022, 12:12 pm » wrote: ↑ I remember some polling stations letting dems' poll watchers in and blocking GOP poll watchers from entering the polling places.
Those dems should have been arrested!
YOU are correct... The polls were OUT of CONTROL in 2020... and THAT led to a President Joe Biden... and THAT needs to be corrected BEFORE 2024 !roadkill » 10 Jul 2022, 12:12 pm » wrote: ↑ I remember some polling stations letting dems' poll watchers in and blocking GOP poll watchers from entering the polling places.
Those dems should have been arrested!
Election fraud, *******, not voter fraud.
Same damn thing. Got to prove it. Every vote was triple verified as per Trump's own security expert.
And yet it was a majority of Devout Trump supporters who ended up certifying the vote for Biden.ConservativeWave » 10 Jul 2022, 10:16 pm » wrote: ↑ YOU are correct... The polls were OUT of CONTROL in 2020... and THAT led to a President Joe Biden... and THAT needs to be corrected BEFORE 2024 !
WILL YOU BE SERVING YOUR QUEER NATION as one of the 3AM BALLOT BOX STUFFERS for the 2024 election...?ScottMon » 10 Jul 2022, 10:37 pm » wrote: ↑ And yet it was a majority of Devout Trump supporters who ended up certifying the vote for Biden.
Vote Mack....