Did u actually read the OP? If u did, it was to no profit.johndnorth » 14 Jul 2022, 10:28 am » wrote: ↑ Demtards will soon face the political reality that their part of the empire will be severely reduced. GOP should take lessons from Pelosi and Schumer and shut down all opposition on every oversight and investigation committee formed after the election. Libbers here will wail and cry. Reply to the gnashing of teeth and tears will be "You did the same thing and it was A-OK". The empire will change hands and that will be a good thing.
You can't get there from here.
peepee » 18 Jul 2022, 10:33 am » wrote: ↑ "...Social media is where people go to pretend they’re anxious about culture war wedge issues to avoid admitting to themselves that they’re really anxious about economic, societal and environmental collapse and rising risk of nuclear war.
The mass media have been aggressively pushing a single narrative on Ukraine, Silicon Valley is censoring people who disagree with the US government about Ukraine, US officials admitted they’re circulating disinfo about Ukraine, but you need to be worried about Russian propaganda...."
Fast tracking wall street's death shotGHETTOBLASTER » 18 Jul 2022, 12:59 pm » wrote: ↑ Weaponized Autism from WIGGER NATION....^^^
Are you Ohm's SOK...?
Name 1 or 2 Trump Policys that harmed you in any way.
I tried to nominate this, but it said I am a newly registered user! And would not allow it! WTF? I've been on here forever! GODDAMN IT!peepee » 14 Jul 2022, 8:25 am » wrote: ↑ https://caitlinjohnstone.com/2022/07/12 ... ve-matrix/
"You may vote and debate freely on any issue which does not affect the functioning of the empire. When it comes to how money, weapons and resources move around the world, however, you suddenly find that your votes don’t matter and your position has no mainstream representation. They’ll let you argue until you’re blue in the face over whether or not you can have an abortion or whether minorities should have civil rights; they might even let you vote on it. But things like military expansionism and neoliberal globalization and deregulation are off limits.
The empire relies on false political dichotomies like Democrats vs Republicans to keep everyone fighting over issues which don’t affect the functioning of the empire so the machine can trudge onward uninterrupted by the local riff raff. That is the entire job of those parties.
The mainstream media exist to keep everyone spellbound by those false dichotomies on the level of discourse and debate. They manufacture culture wars which split the populace in half over an issue which doesn’t affect the empire, then continually feed into that debate.
The Bernie/AOC/TYT “populist left” and the Trump/Tucker Carlson “populist right” factions are there to lure parts of the population who get a little too curious about the raw mechanisms of empire back into the political false dichotomy so they stop asking unauthorized questions.
The entire political/media class exists for this purpose: not to help people, not to fight for civil rights, not to create a well-informed populace so that democracy can function, but to keep the grubby little mitts of the unwashed masses far away from the true levers of power. That’s their whole entire function...."
I've never had any dealings with him other than him letting me know that he is one of only a very SELECT FEW PEOPLE IN THE ENTIRE WORLD who possess the INSIDER KNOWLEDGE about how money is REALLY created....Cannonpointer » 18 Jul 2022, 8:00 pm » wrote: ↑ Fast tracking wall street's death shot
Pretending to take wall street's death shot
Kicking a hornet's nest in Iran
Tossing Obama's treaty with Iran
Furthering the proxy war in Yemen
Moving our embaassy to jew ruse salam
Sucking israel cock in general
Kissing black *** like he was an addict
That's a partial list of my issues with the guy - top of the head stuff that isn't nuanced.
Mind you, that is the **** I DIDN'T like. There was **** I did like.
GHETTOBLASTER » 18 Jul 2022, 8:38 pm » wrote: ↑ I've never had any dealings with him other than him letting me know that he is one of only a very SELECT FEW PEOPLE IN THE ENTIRE WORLD who possess the INSIDER KNOWLEDGE about how money is REALLY created....
Cannonpointer » 18 Jul 2022, 8:40 pm » wrote: ↑![]()
I sure wish he would hip us to how them doller bills work instid of buratin us fer not knowin.
If I agree with you on every issue, and I'm a **** fool and quibbling cocksucker, does that mean you are, too?peepee » 18 Jul 2022, 12:51 pm » wrote: ↑![]()
...as to the mo$t important things, puppet$ bernie and elizabeth are so close to you trump c@cksuckers only a f@cking fool [and monetary ignoramus] could quibble...quibble on, f@cking fool [and monetary ignoramus] ...
The last part: Of course that's what it is.peepee » 14 Jul 2022, 8:25 am » wrote: ↑ https://caitlinjohnstone.com/2022/07/12 ... ve-matrix/
"You may vote and debate freely on any issue which does not affect the functioning of the empire. When it comes to how money, weapons and resources move around the world, however, you suddenly find that your votes don’t matter and your position has no mainstream representation. They’ll let you argue until you’re blue in the face over whether or not you can have an abortion or whether minorities should have civil rights; they might even let you vote on it. But things like military expansionism and neoliberal globalization and deregulation are off limits.
The empire relies on false political dichotomies like Democrats vs Republicans to keep everyone fighting over issues which don’t affect the functioning of the empire so the machine can trudge onward uninterrupted by the local riff raff. That is the entire job of those parties.
The mainstream media exist to keep everyone spellbound by those false dichotomies on the level of discourse and debate. They manufacture culture wars which split the populace in half over an issue which doesn’t affect the empire, then continually feed into that debate.
The Bernie/AOC/TYT “populist left” and the Trump/Tucker Carlson “populist right” factions are there to lure parts of the population who get a little too curious about the raw mechanisms of empire back into the political false dichotomy so they stop asking unauthorized questions.
The entire political/media class exists for this purpose: not to help people, not to fight for civil rights, not to create a well-informed populace so that democracy can function, but to keep the grubby little mitts of the unwashed masses far away from the true levers of power. That’s their whole entire function...."
Cannonpointer » 18 Jul 2022, 7:54 pm » wrote: ↑ Why is it that I like your copy pastes - but you? You're a crank with a dirty diaper.
You have your nose up someone else's butt and you make fun of others fondling another person's genitalia. At least they are having sex for sex and favoritism, you are just perverted and submissive.peepee » 19 Jul 2022, 6:26 am » wrote: ↑ :rofl:
...it may be because you're a latent puppet trump c@cksucker who hasn't come to grips with his affliction... ;)
SJConspirator » 18 Jul 2022, 9:10 pm » wrote: ↑ If I agree with you on every issue, and I'm a **** fool and quibbling cocksucker, does that mean you are, too?
...don't sell yourself short...i doubt a parrot could be trained to suck Republican c@ck as skillfullyomh » 19 Jul 2022, 6:38 am » wrote: ↑ I could be adequately replaced by a parrot trained to suck Republican c@ck.
Reality is theory made into social fruition beyond natural evolving. You are an ity bit off understanding the whole being alive now result since conceived to replace those combined your specific DNA arrival..peepee » 19 Jul 2022, 6:39 am » wrote: ↑ :rolleyes:
...chester, you may believe you 'agree with me' :rofl: but i (((((CERTAINLY)))))) don't agree with you or your trifling stoooooooooooopid f@ck priorities :loco: which have you constantly working your hole :o about puppet$ [you favor orange :o puppet c@ck apparently] trannies/tranny bathrooms, retarded political THEORIES, etc. bank$ter di$traction$ galore...
...hint: ...less political THEORY, more monetary REALITY and you won't come across as a trifling, blathering, republicrat-level @sshole...[and monetary ignoramus] ;)
As opposed to you bluto with your grand delusion that you have anything to say that would interest anybody but another racist, sexist, bigoted pig.GHETTOBLASTER » 14 Jul 2022, 8:58 am » wrote: ↑ Here you go again with your grand delusion that you possess information that nobody else has ever seen before....
Nobody ever discusses what I say, how do I parrot anyone else? Those having discussions with me always change what I said to fit their interpretation of how living should socially evolve forward.peepee » 19 Jul 2022, 6:43 am » wrote: ↑ ...don't sell yourself short...i doubt a parrot could be trained to suck Republican c@ck as skillfully :o as you.... ;)
GHETTOBLASTER » 18 Jul 2022, 8:38 pm » wrote: ↑ I've never had any dealings with him other than him letting me know that he is one of only a very SELECT FEW PEOPLE IN THE ENTIRE WORLD who possess the INSIDER KNOWLEDGE about how money is REALLY created....
your programmed mind has a glitch. Go see those that manage your software mentality.peepee » 19 Jul 2022, 6:46 am » wrote: ↑![]()
...please merely copy and paste your best writing /thinking on ((((((THE MONEY)))))), puppet trump c@cksucker... [and monetary ignoramus]![]()
...omh » 19 Jul 2022, 6:45 am » wrote: ↑ Nobody ever discusses what I say, how do I parrot anyone else?