LIke it's something that requires some insight.GHETTOBLASTER » 18 Jul 2022, 8:38 pm » wrote: ↑ I've never had any dealings with him other than him letting me know that he is one of only a very SELECT FEW PEOPLE IN THE ENTIRE WORLD who possess the INSIDER KNOWLEDGE about how money is REALLY created....
...don't feel bad...there are millions of you trifling, Republican puppet c@ckomh » 19 Jul 2022, 6:48 am » wrote: ↑ My programmed mind has a terminal glitch. I have been addicted to sucking puppet Republicanc@ck since the richardhead Nixon...
Never met Trump, never been in the same building he occupied. So you projecting such hyperbole means you are a hypothetical social narrative character wonking for some idealist's promising you better tomorrows only if you stay loyal to their ideas until dead.peepee » 19 Jul 2022, 6:49 am » wrote: ↑ ... :rolleyes: :drool: ....please!... you are not the only trump c@cksucker here...there are many of you @ssholes [and monetary ignoramuses] here...word.. ;)
peepee » 19 Jul 2022, 6:56 am » wrote: ↑...don't feel bad...there are millions of you trifling, Republican puppet c@ck :o suckers...[btw, does anyone know of a support group for these republican/crat c@ck :o suckers?]...omh » 19 Jul 2022, 6:48 am » wrote: ↑ My programmed mind has a terminal glitch. I have been addicted to sucking puppet Republican :o c@ck since the richardhead Nixon...
your ignoring self evident life makes your caricature who your gender choosing to be a complete idiot on displace here.omh » 19 Jul 2022, 6:48 am » wrote: ↑your programmed mind has a glitch. Go see those that manage your software mentality.peepee » 19 Jul 2022, 6:46 am » wrote: ↑![]()
...please merely copy and paste your best writing /thinking on ((((((THE MONEY)))))), puppet trump c@cksucker... [and monetary ignoramus]![]()
there are billions pretending real isn't real like you do here. I always pick the lesser of all evils.peepee » 19 Jul 2022, 6:56 am » wrote: ↑ ...don't feel bad...there are millions of you trifling, Republican puppet c@ck :o suckers...[btw, does anyone know of a support group for these republican/crat c@ck :o suckers?]...
...trump c@cksucker, ghetto, doesn't understand the old dictum, 'Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes the laws'...
...that's retarded... try picking 'the greatest of all goods', you f@cking @sshole!...
Insight is looking outward, not thinking inside a boxed in social collective mentality. Instincts and insight watches the exponential whole universe changing around same as their body does inside since conceived.Ike Bana » 19 Jul 2022, 6:52 am » wrote: ↑ LIke it's something that requires some insight.
Mankind are locusts, with a little intelligence and too much technology. Everywhere we go, everything dies. And at some point, coming sooner that any of you **** will accept, it's all gonna catch up with mankind. What would be the best thing for this lovely little corner of the galaxy would be, if between the pandemcs, the overpopulation, the pollution, and the victimizing...that we actually were able to eradicate ourselves from the planet. And leave it to the noble beasts and the bugs...none of whom think they have some inside track to some ridiculous god made in our own image.
Since when is denying now is eternity a greater good than accepting the limitations of perpetually balanced for the time one has now? I think of my ancestry held hostage as you hold me here and my rage of 400 generations wishes to grab you by the throat, rip off your head and **** down your neck. but I channel that rage into a civil way to correct my own ancestral mistakes of never figuring out how they were misled since dawn of civilization,peepee » 19 Jul 2022, 7:08 am » wrote: ↑ ...that's retarded... try picking 'the greatest of all goods', you f@cking @sshole!... :loco:
fiction defining actual results? wow, you just cannot accept your reality is debunked so simply. Easier to stay in your imagined who you rather be.
DeezerShoove » 18 Jul 2022, 10:20 pm » wrote: ↑ The last part: Of course that's what it is.
It's worded in harshest terms this way, but that's EXACTLY the purpose of government.
A small group managing the large group. That's its entire function.
Big **** deal. Too bad the concept amazes you...
omh » 19 Jul 2022, 7:27 am » wrote: ↑ fiction defining actual results? wow, you just cannot accept your reality is debunked so simply.
...this ^^^^^ bizarre, stooooooooooooopid trump c@ckomh » 19 Jul 2022, 7:15 am » wrote: ↑ Since when is denying now is eternity a greater good than accepting the limitations of perpetually balanced for the time one has now? I think of my ancestry held hostage as you hold me here and my rage of 400 generations wishes to grab you by the throat, rip off your head and **** down your neck....
Ok Wizard of OZ, toto pulled back the shower curtain and you are all mad and stuff for being exposed as an illegal immigrant to OZ and taking over the society.peepee » 19 Jul 2022, 7:44 am » wrote: ↑ ...this ^^^^^ bizarre, stooooooooooooopid trump c@cksucker will die a blathering, trifling monetary ignoramus.... [possibly much sooner if he were to f@ck with me face to face...word..]
omh » 19 Jul 2022, 8:26 am » wrote: ↑ Ok Wizard of OZ, toto pulled back the shower curtain and you are all mad and stuff for being exposed as an illegal immigrant to OZ and taking over the society.
metaphorical beatings don't touch me. Debunking your reality eliminates the doubt sustaining your reality forward removing the wall of syllables you hide behind in plain sight.peepee » 19 Jul 2022, 9:23 am » wrote: ↑ ....'taking over society?!'...i'm just really happy i get to intellectually beat you like a drum in 'the/a competition of ideas about government'...[that's all i care about here with you...word...] ....
...but to be truthful it's not that satisfying bitch-$lapping you as it appears that you are at a spoiled, retarded, little-league-level in the competition... word... ;)
I was never owned to be disowned. I exist mutually evolving like any lifetime in this atmosphere. Be myself I am never alone with the life evolving same way outside my skin. This is why I seldom fall prey to power of suggestion anymore. I navigate in real time. My event horizon conceived to decomposed. part of everything else outside my time being me.peepee » 19 Jul 2022, 9:30 am » wrote: ↑ ...that's why everyone but the hardcore trump c@cksuckers disowns you.....even some of them avoid you like a plague of worthless motherf@cking trolls...word... ;)
IkeBana » 19 Jul 2022, 6:52 am » wrote: ↑ LIke it's something that requires some insight.
Mankind are locusts, with a little intelligence and too much technology. Everywhere we go, everything dies. And at some point, coming sooner that any of you **** will accept, it's all gonna catch up with mankind. What would be the best thing for this lovely little corner of the galaxy would be, if between the pandemcs, the overpopulation, the pollution, and the victimizing...that we actually were able to eradicate ourselves from the planet. And leave it to the noble beasts and the bugs...none of whom think they have some inside track to some ridiculous god made in our own image.