You do realize that there is not one thing you mentioned which would implicate Trump in any criminal activity, yet YOU WANT TO IMPRISON HIM! You are a fascist Nazi.Xavier_Onassis » 15 Jul 2022, 8:00 am » wrote: ↑ Trump was the WORST president, ever. He turned every day into a **** with his brainless tweets. He appointed incompetent and corrupt assholes in his cabinet. He turned our Supreme Court into the EXTREME Court. He tried to overthrow the government and he is plotting to do it again. He is an egomaniac and unfit to administer anything.
He belongs in PRISON!
Independent » 15 Jul 2022, 6:30 am » wrote: ↑ I mean. This is a serious question.
by all fair accounts he did a fine job as president and worked very hard for the American people and did some great things on the world stage as well.
What is there to hate? I don’t get it.
I don’t hate anybody. So I wonder if it’s more a reflection of the hater than anything else.
But you'll neither demonstrate the truth of them nor defend themVegas » 15 Jul 2022, 10:36 am » wrote: ↑ Yep, ad hominem. 100% accuracy. Debunk the accomplishments; nobody cares about your opinion of who wrote them. Coward. Retard. Loser.
Your TDS is what prevents you from seeing his accomplishments. Guess what? Nobody cares about your TDS. That's your problem.
Donald Trump was born a cretinous asshole.Neo » 15 Jul 2022, 10:50 am » wrote: ↑ It's easy to earn the hatred of a progressive, all one has to do is disagree with them. Trump donated millions to democrat causes and was invited to all their parties. He lost favor when he dared say birtherism deserved investigation. The tolerant left is intolerant of conflicting views or disagreement. They hate Trump because he's a successful white man who dared challenge the most qualified woman to ever seek elected office. He did so without showing respect to her or her accomplishments. He treated her no differently than he treated male competitors and progressives couldn't stand it.
There are about 6k of them. I am not going through each one. Pick one.Blackvegetable » 15 Jul 2022, 11:15 am » wrote: ↑ But you'll neither demonstrate the truth of them nor defend them
[[[MSM MIND CONTROL]]].....power of suggestion is much more powerful than people would think.Independent » 15 Jul 2022, 6:30 am » wrote: ↑ I mean. This is a serious question.
by all fair accounts he did a fine job as president and worked very hard for the American people and did some great things on the world stage as well.
What is there to hate? I don’t get it.
I don’t hate anybody. So I wonder if it’s more a reflection of the hater than anything else.
He was welcomed in liberal circles, courted for donations, given dozens of humanitarian awards, before he commented on Obama.
1) A list of activities pandering to American ShariaVegas » 15 Jul 2022, 10:30 am » wrote: ↑ The hell with your upcoming ad hominems.
Here you go:
EF20I29.pdf (
Trump.Accomplishments.FINAL.pdf (
He actively inserted himself in circles that would get him face timeNeo » 15 Jul 2022, 11:29 am » wrote: ↑ He was welcomed in liberal circles, courted for donations, given dozens of humanitarian awards, before he commented on Obama.
I found his style not, particularly to my liking. I expect the genesis of the vitriol was from the establishment that saw him as a threat. The media was used to amplify it. Now, the establishment is trying to destroy him for good, guaranteeing he won't run again.AnnoyedLiberall » 15 Jul 2022, 7:48 am » wrote: ↑ Speaking for myself, I don't hate him.
I find him distasteful.
But, I did like a few of his policies.
I really liked his criminal justice reform, for example.
Understated.Independent » 15 Jul 2022, 6:42 am » wrote: ↑ I don’t think that’s it. I think they are people of poor character.
Likely chrysophobia is at the bottom of it. Possibly coulrophobia.Independent » 15 Jul 2022, 6:30 am » wrote: ↑ I mean. This is a serious question.
by all fair accounts he did a fine job as president and worked very hard for the American people and did some great things on the world stage as well.
What is there to hate? I don’t get it.
I don’t hate anybody. So I wonder if it’s more a reflection of the hater than anything else.
He came is as having a reputation of being crooked.neue regel » 15 Jul 2022, 11:42 am » wrote: ↑ I found his style not, particularly to my liking. I expect the genesis of the vitriol was from the establishment that saw him as a threat. The media was used to amplify it. Now, the establishment is trying to destroy him for good, guaranteeing he won't run again.
It's less hate and more fear.
Blackvegetable » 15 Jul 2022, 11:36 am » wrote: ↑ 1) A list of activities pandering to American Sharia
2) This document once celebrated that growth was projected to exceed 3% FOR A CALENDAR YEAR.
Now it celebrates "4 consecutive quarters".
AnnoyedLiberall » 15 Jul 2022, 12:10 pm » wrote: ↑ He came is as having a reputation of being crooked.
His business and personal life were full of drama.
He brought that to the highest office in the land.
I agree tho, the media lived and breathed Trump, and I think he loved every minute of it.