Are Democrats using Dobbs precedent as a scare tactic?

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By Monderegal
15 Jul 2022 12:26 pm in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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Jinn Martini
16 Jul 2022 4:27 am
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Monderegal » 15 Jul 2022, 12:26 pm » wrote: Or is this just a tactic being used by the Democrats to bring social progressives to the voting booth?
Coming in the run-up to the midterms  . . .  yes, it is !
In fact I've been saying this from the day the memo was leaked  . . .  and even more after the ruling !

For how strange it may sound,  (with a conservatives majority in the SCOTUS)  I think this ruling was meant to attract moderate conservative women, to vote Democrats !

ANYTHING  but  4  more years of Trump !
I know  . . .  it sounds like an unplausible hypothesis, given that 3 super conservative Justices were appointed by Trump  . . .  but remember  . . .  the  SCOTUS  has its own agenda  . . .  and it knows   (and should not)   no gratitude.

The  SCOTUS  is nothing but a political weapon !
They get to decide whether an election was or wasn't  "legal" !

Whatever happened to the  SEPARATION  of  POWERS  or  TRIAS POLITICA  ?

One branch of the government is supposed  NOT  to interfere with any of the other two, right ?

And yet the Legislative and the Executive have no say in  whatever the Judiciary does  . . .  appointed for life !

While the Legis and Execs are  ELECTED  for a maximum of 8 years  (with some luck)  and the Judics can meddle in everything they do or don't !

This is just not right !
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Jinn Martini
16 Jul 2022 4:39 am
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Blackvegetable » 15 Jul 2022, 2:49 pm » wrote: Why would this court stop at Dobbs?
Because of politics' management.

Don't expect the bastards to rule against same-sex marriages  . . .  among other things dear to DemonRats 
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Jinn Martini
16 Jul 2022 4:42 am
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Xavier_Onassis » 15 Jul 2022, 3:06 pm » wrote: I would speculate that they realize that there might be a very serious movement to pull each and every of those that voted for the ability of states to ban contraceptives, same sex marriages and sodomy laws out of their homes, dip them in tar roll them in feathers and run them out of town on a rail.
Forget it !

That would be deemed an insurrection and all involved be jailed !

Quit spreading lies, Cuban *** !
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Jinn Martini
16 Jul 2022 4:53 am
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Xavier_Onassis » 15 Jul 2022, 8:11 pm » wrote: Why would I bother? You are a nobody and you have nothing to offer, other than constantly changing names and stupid rightwing blather.
That's still a lot more than what  YOU  have to offer, Cuban infiltrator  !
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