Coming in the run-up to the midterms . . . yes, it is !
In fact I've been saying this from the day the memo was leaked . . . and even more after the ruling !
For how strange it may sound, (with a conservatives majority in the SCOTUS) I think this ruling was meant to attract moderate conservative women, to vote Democrats !
ANYTHING but 4 more years of Trump !
I know . . . it sounds like an unplausible hypothesis, given that 3 super conservative Justices were appointed by Trump . . . but remember . . . the SCOTUS has its own agenda . . . and it knows (and should not) no gratitude.
The SCOTUS is nothing but a political weapon !
They get to decide whether an election was or wasn't "legal" !
Whatever happened to the SEPARATION of POWERS or TRIAS POLITICA ?
One branch of the government is supposed NOT to interfere with any of the other two, right ?
And yet the Legislative and the Executive have no say in whatever the Judiciary does . . . appointed for life !
While the Legis and Execs are ELECTED for a maximum of 8 years (with some luck) and the Judics can meddle in everything they do or don't !
This is just not right !