That's what Mexico is for - stocking up on that kind of ****.Skans » 23 Jan 2025, 8:55 am » wrote: ↑ I was told I had the flu because of the constant high fever. As for coughing - don't recall having a lung infection.
True, I shouldn't have gone to a freaking chiropractor. (oh, I'll say it, I hate chiropractors, except the kind that only claim they can give temporary relief from back pain). At 24, I didn't even know what a chiropractor was. I was delirious, my girlfriend was 23 and did the best she could to get me to a "doctor". IIRC, I couldn't even get to her car or walk through the office door without her help. I probably should have gone to the hospital, but I didn't even know what kind of insurance I had (not sure I even had insurance). Sure, it was FUBAR all the way around.
Ever since taking my flu shot, I may have gotten the flu once. By then, they had tamaflu, and that knocked it right out. FWIW, stuff like tamaflu and ivermectin should be over-the-counter medications on a limited basis.
The horse paste is OTC here too, at Tractor Supply. LOL!!! My doctor brother takes it and says it works just as well.Cannonpointer » 23 Jan 2025, 8:10 pm » wrote: ↑ That's what Mexico is for - stocking up on that kind of ****.
By the way, Ivermectin is OTC in Tennessee.
Yeah, my brother used horse paste as a prophylactic. I used no prophylactic - I was actually wanting to catch covid. I didn't think I would even need to medicate, because my immune system basically rules the universe. But no, it hit me like a **** truck. Wiped me out. But I was ready. I had every element of the Ivermectin Protocol on hand, based on the peer reviewed clinical trials posted on the NIH.Buffalo » 23 Jan 2025, 9:28 pm » wrote: ↑ The horse paste is OTC here too, at Tractor Supply. LOL!!! My doctor brother takes it and says it works just as well.
Cannonpointer » 23 Jan 2025, 12:55 am » wrote: ↑ Yeah, well, that is a widely held belief in America. Less known is the number of failures that preceded that vax.
There's a question whether in fact polio was beaten by ending the age of open sewers which spawned it.
Fear mongerer.Johnny You » 24 Jan 2025, 3:20 am » wrote: ↑ An associate at the plant maintains a chicken farm on the side. He said he works very hard to keep his houses sanitized and immaculate.
If one chicken gets the bird flu, the poultry producer insists every bird within a 12 mile radius gets euthanized and trashed. A lot of egg layers have been taken out. Trump is going to have to say "Let them eat H1N1" if he wants the egg prices to come down.
There's a flip side to that, as well. Many suspect that "bird flu" is being used by saboteurs to destroy our supply chain.JohnnyYou » 24 Jan 2025, 3:20 am » wrote: ↑ An associate at the plant maintains a chicken farm on the side. He said he works very hard to keep his houses sanitized and immaculate.
If one chicken gets the bird flu, the poultry producer insists every bird within a 12 mile radius gets euthanized and trashed. A lot of egg layers have been taken out. Trump is going to have to say "Let them eat H1N1" if he wants the egg prices to come down.
Really? Since I go to Tennessee fairly often, you're saying I can walk into any drug store and buy a bunch of Ivermectin? Because, sure-as-****, I will be doing that if I can. I will store it with my Fishmox cornucopia of antibiotics. And, before you fling **** at me for buying Fishmox - yeah, it works. But, keep in mind, it may not be the purest stuff around. After taking some of my Fishmox for a nasty ear infection, my kid had to take a work drug test, and trace amounts of codeine were found. The kid chewed me out for that.Cannonpointer » 23 Jan 2025, 8:10 pm » wrote: ↑ That's what Mexico is for - stocking up on that kind of ****.
By the way, Ivermectin is OTC in Tennessee.
I advise you call ahead and check supplies. Walgreens and such are still wall street and represent pig farma - so, they're in on withholding medicine that threatens pills that are patented and highly profitable. Cures are verbotten - and the legislature's attempt to get EFFECTIVE medicine in people's hands are being fought tooth and nail. The mom and pops are being pressured with price hikes and supply issues. The big players are ****-mouthing. So it's LEGAL, but it isn't easy. There's a needle to thread in that regard - but it can be done. If you do your research, you will hit your target.Skans » 24 Jan 2025, 9:48 am » wrote: ↑ Really? Since I go to Tennessee fairly often, you're saying I can walk into any drug store and buy a bunch of Ivermectin? Because, sure-as-****, I will be doing that if I can.
Yeah, Mrs and I were considering that. Is the bird flu fabricated by the kleptocratic corps to jack up the prices and rip us off for their profit.Cannonpointer » 24 Jan 2025, 9:07 am » wrote: ↑ There's a flip side to that, as well. Many suspect that "bird flu" is being used by saboteurs to destroy our supply chain.
Trump didn't do the mandates for shots in 2020. He cleared a path for making a working vaccine, and those opposing Trump created the mandates about getting shots and shutting down the global supply chain to make sure he wasn't re-elected that november and all the trials were done to make sure he never ran for a second term, repeating the Gover Cleveland precedence which created the reason why it happened.Johnny You » 25 Jan 2025, 4:29 am » wrote: ↑ Yeah, Mrs and I were considering that. Is the bird flu fabricated by the kleptocratic corps to jack up the prices and rip us off for their profit.
If Trump says I need a mask and wash my hands.. ok... There is no effing way I am going to get any shot he says I need.
There are signs up here pointing "This way to Fauci's house" here already. John Bolton was seen with a sign on the side of the road that said "Will Work For Security"
Again, you mean.JohnnyYou » 25 Jan 2025, 4:29 am » wrote: ↑ Yeah, Mrs and I were considering that. Is the bird flu fabricated by the kleptocratic corps to jack up the prices and rip us off for their profit.
If Trump says I need a mask and wash my hands.. ok... There is no effing way I am going to get any shot he says I need.
Faucie committed violence against 50 states, five territories, and the district.JohnnyYou » 25 Jan 2025, 4:29 am » wrote: ↑ There are signs up here pointing "This way to Fauci's house" here already. John Bolton was seen with a sign on the side of the road that said "Will Work For Security"
Its Chemical WARFARE too..PhiloBeddo » 30 Jan 2025, 9:46 pm » wrote: ↑ Question. If the vaccine didn't keep you from getting Covid or Transmitting it, what good is it? A money maker for Farma and it's investors.
I left the video out by accident when I first posted this.Cannonpointer » 30 Jan 2025, 10:23 am » wrote: ↑ British Fauci admits that deployment of the covid vax was purely based on politics and not on medicine.
Words are the source to power of suggesting life isn't self evident time simply adapting to the moment as eternally separated today.