Weigh the risks of getting the vaccine, kids

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31st Arrival
3 Feb 2025 5:21 am
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26,863 posts
What does evolving create daily? time frames of did exist, does exit, what arrives next now where results are never the same as previous details again.

rule of 72 compounding interest yields forward from here be it currency or chromosomes..
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8 Feb 2025 3:46 am
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5,876 posts
I said it before, it's hard to believe all that **** really happened, it seems like a bad dream now but it's good to be reminded of it, this is a nice (short) read and it has some good videos..

The Covid Pandemic was Fake…

In memory of Pumpkins

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Yesterday 4:10 pm
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12,095 posts
I am just getting over a bout with the flu.
In recovery mode now and I need to get rid of some thick gobs of phlegm in my respiratory tract.
Trying to cough it up while sitting up or standing takes effort and hard coughing can result in inflamation.
It is so much easier to make gravity work with us than against us....so try these techniques that will make the process of clearing out the crap so much easier.
An ironing board can be propped up at one end and used, or else firm couch cushions work great.
I think 15 minutes of this "therapy" daily is much better than none but some people in really bad shape might require numerous sessions daily.

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