R: Weigh the risks of getting the vaccine, kids

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By GeorgeWashington
15 Jul 2022 12:59 pm in Peanut Gallery
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22 Apr 2023 3:13 pm
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Cannonpointer » 22 Apr 2023, 2:23 pm » wrote: Has the MSM dropped its pro-vax bias, dick sucker?

When that happens, I'll unpin the vax information thread.
WYF ??
I smell ........hard drugs...on you.
(now you know why....I win).
You,.........sorry, little bastard...............man-up & grow a backbone.!!
Put your boots on, cowboy.!!

Go die alone.
No one care about you .                     

""Johnny Handsome". 
Avondale Shipyard, New Orleans, 1985.
How many times did I win in open combat at Avondale ?    3 . 
How many times did I lose?                                                      1.
But, here is the point......I was always up for a good bank-job.         

And, here is another point for your consideration......
being a 2-fisted, Mississippi River Pilot.......@ $750.00/day......
is ......."the best darn job in town".                                                        
Thank you Jesus.                                                                                      :sleep:  
@sooted up Cyndi  
@Redheaded Stranger  
@Annoyed Liberall  

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31st Arrival
23 Apr 2023 8:05 am
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GeorgeWashington » 14 Apr 2023, 2:54 pm » wrote: Doctors were bribed to convince you to take the jab

I bet it was a legalized incentive allowed by local, city, county, state, country, global law and order ordinances. You use the word bride to shame the medical system of America.

tisk tisk misrepresentation done a second time.

Two wrongs create human rights as much as might makes right through persuasion of power by rule of law or we say so all abusing power of suggestion.
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25 Apr 2023 11:32 am
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25 Apr 2023 12:50 pm
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My brain sees another possibility, lazy *** doctor used same needle and infected the bottles of serum everyone else was using in bulk. there is more a much a chance of negligence than there is on purpose.

and the on purpose doesn't mean anyone else but the person doing it was in on it.

don't throw the baby out with the bath water.

Don't judge a person by their anatomy, just them by who they say they should have been after birth. Then you know which persons are ignoring life doesn't exceed evolving forward now each ancestor alive in plain sight.
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26 Apr 2023 5:34 am
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DeplorablePatriot » 25 Apr 2023, 9:04 pm » wrote: I died from COVID when it first came out. Feeling much better now though.
So you had a NDE and was revived. Been there experience that a couple of times. Not a big deal third time around.
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31st Arrival
27 Apr 2023 5:56 am
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Cannonpointer » 26 Apr 2023, 11:49 pm » wrote: One would think that all the incentives run in the right direction in any state run medical system. A famous example is the health care system of the island nation of Singapore, where all workers are required to maintain health savings accounts. The medical sector has a vested interest in the health of the citizens, and keeping costs down by keeping people healthy simply makes sense. 

But in the western nations - including Britain, whose medical system is the subject of your article, - we have diversity (It's our strength, you understand). In Singapore, the leaders care about the people, as they are all the same race of man. In the U.S. and Britain, our leaders are quite comfortable preying on the public, from which they are estranged on many, many levels. 

That is an excellent article - thank you for posting it. :)
Realities are as flimsy as any ideas life exceeds evolving forward now. The perpetual balancing universe heals itself without human intervention creating one sided narratives of being the chosen people inheriting the earth for one ancestral lineage in charge.

the politics of ancestral pretense nobody can understand evolving here now, following rule of law priorities saving humanity throughout history into tomorrow defined as next rotation of the planet 24/7/52/12/365/365/365/366 ways of defying now is eternity.

Offer a solution that corrects corrupting each great great grandchild added to the species will fix the issue this thread is exposing, and it goes to peanut gallery from NHB forum.
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31st Arrival
1 May 2023 4:56 am
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roadkill » 01 May 2023, 3:24 am » wrote: "Coroner Rules Young Doctor Died from Blood Clot Due to COVID Vaccine - Wife Wants Death Certificate Changed"

https://flagandcross.com/coroner-rules- ... ontent=CAN
Must be the life insurance policy won't pay double indemnity with that on it. Or at all.
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31st Arrival
10 May 2023 5:34 am
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I empathize with the loss of one's child, I do far more than most show compassionate sympathy. But this tragedy won't stop until people stop worshiping the mantra anything else is possible.

Time every person alive face what never was possible. Existing beyond the moment here evolving maintains self containment to living within one's skin since a fertilized cell lasting uniquely as one of a kind until reaching a decomposed corpse.

that's right! I am saying now is eternity and history of humanity proves it by the eternal self destruction this species does ancestrally here by international rule of law ordering each ancestor to pick a side be it moral grounds, legal precedence, ethical conduct, economics practices of becoming more than just another reproduction in plain sight.

Educated pride as conquering time while only occupying space now one is actually limited to only eternally separated as genetically present.

My heart grieves for AllenDMartin, but all the promises of better tomorrows created the disaster that killed his daughter and all the prayers by 8 billion humans won't undo what people did saving humanity so far.

Accept the errors practiced and stop denying life is only limited to eternally separated in your own skin now. this philosophical divide ancestries into typecast people has created the current global situation of this species is about to eliminate it self on [purpose of saving the faith now isn't eternity.

Go ahead and send this to Peanut Gallery because it actually explains human behavior last 7,000 years and the 1% cannot allow the other 99% inon the deep state of mind secret.
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11 May 2023 11:52 am
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Cannonpointer » 11 May 2023, 12:45 am » wrote: I do.

You **** your immune system in the *** when you played lab rat for convenience. 

No principles, no guts - no immune system worth a ****. 

You shaved a lot of years off your life, peckerless.

Except that the first time having covid predated the vax by over a year. The second time which was quite mild came three months after it. Only reason that I took a test was because we had a bunch laying around the house. As always, you are nothing but zealousness.. no rationality. 
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11 May 2023 11:58 am
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ROG62 » 10 May 2023, 8:38 pm » wrote: I remember you talking about all the bs at work surrounding the jabs...thankfully is right....
Testing was not all that terrible. It would have entailed taking an hour of leave (sick or annual) every week, driving 8 miles round trip, and then having to take the test, and report the outcome to someone. I simply did not want to do all of that. Others chose to do it and seemingly were fine. However, that chapter is over. As for now, the new challenge at home is getting the new administration to allow work from home. We can do it on rare but pre-approved situations. However, it is a total waste of money to have folks driving 35 miles one way in order to do something that they could easily do without coming to the office. Not everybody has this luxury but for those whose job is data compiling and analysis... remote work is quite simple. 
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11 May 2023 3:06 pm
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impartialobserver » 11 May 2023, 11:58 am » wrote: Testing was not all that terrible. It would have entailed taking an hour of leave (sick or annual) every week, driving 8 miles round trip, and then having to take the test, and report the outcome to someone. I simply did not want to do all of that. Others chose to do it and seemingly were fine. However, that chapter is over. As for now, the new challenge at home is getting the new administration to allow work from home. We can do it on rare but pre-approved situations. However, it is a total waste of money to have folks driving 35 miles one way in order to do something that they could easily do without coming to the office. Not everybody has this luxury but for those whose job is data compiling and analysis... remote work is quite simple.
It is but that trend seems to be reversing...

both of my sons do it, but I never could...I'd find myself out in the garage before I knew what hit me... :lol:  

you still an Avs fan or have you switched to the Knights?
Image “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime” LAVRENTIY BERIA "Try to get past your passionate ignorance and learn to accept what actually happened." brown's unheeded words of wisdom :rofl:
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11 May 2023 5:11 pm
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ROG62 » 11 May 2023, 3:06 pm » wrote: It is but that trend seems to be reversing...

both of my sons do it, but I never could...I'd find myself out in the garage before I knew what hit me... Image  

you still an Avs fan or have you switched to the Knights?

My team is Calgary so nothing to get excited about this year. At least Minnesota made the playoffs. I sort of root for the Golden Knights but would rather see a Edmonton vs. Toronto Stanley Cup Final. 
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31st Arrival
12 May 2023 5:26 am
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Cannonpointer » 11 May 2023, 8:19 pm » wrote: The salient point about eminent domain is that it enshrines as a Constitutional fact that society AS SOCIETY has rights. That's why we can (and should) force homos back into the closet. We let them out, we've seen the result - time for the boot again. 
Where in the Constitution is eminent domain given to the federal government outside a State of Mind has rights. There is no liberty and equal justice allowed in a State of Mind governing ancestries until extinction with inaccurate promises of better tomorrows than genetics sustains numbers here now.

God's laws, Nature's rules, human rights? mayhem, madness, misery from denying the self evident restrictions Chromosomes place in each lifetime be it plant, animal, predator, prey, male, female, asexual means of reproducing a next generation gap added or not by each reproduction added. 100% individually alive, 50% each parent next generation addition, 25% parents become grandparents to their children's children, 12.5% when original parents become great grandparents to their grandchildren's children, 6.25% when great grandchildren's children arrive. this is how I get my numbers and understanding time doesn't change anything of everything never same total sum here. Evolving is a universal process, not a working theory used within a species against their own species.

Simplicity of right and wrong. Morality, legality, ethics just allows doubt to become evil/live combine to create 8 corners of triangulating doubt in an atmosphere of 8 corners of changing total sums. winter/summer, spring/fall, summer/winter, fall/spring separated by 2 solstices and two equinoxes each revolution the planet orbits the star of this universally unique solar system where compounding DNA adds unique ancestors mutually evolving as displaced here now.

My gibberish is instinctively aware how my time is mutually available to the universe beyond my time displaced since conceived.

Protecting individual liberty is ending the intellectual concepts mankind is superior to the rest of the food chain native in this atmosphere. Mankind evolves same as any other form of life. One at a time now in specific lineage present every ancestor changing population forward here.
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31st Arrival
12 May 2023 6:00 am
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ROG62 » 12 May 2023, 5:56 am » wrote:  Pandora's box has been opened by the idiots that rule...I'm afraid we're on the fast track to the end friend...
Got something for you https://i.postimg.cc/FRHMp2RC/Picture-173.jpg

Left side is Pandora's Box mythology closed keeping something secret.

on the right is Mother Nature being self evident with 7 degrees of natural balancing universe, or Pandora's box opened.. Natural order within the space time continuum. 24 event horizons, 6 one sided pyramids looking outside in, but 8 triangulating corners of reasonable doubt looking inside out spontaneously different simultaneously per lifetime present regardless generation gap present.

Inorganic 6 points of this planetary position perpetually balancing as part within the universe beyond this unique solar system. vertical two poles, horizontal midnight, dawn, noon, dusk, solstice, equinox, solstice, equinox per orbit of the star.

Ancestrally regardless species, vertical two parents, horizontal 4 grandparents, 8 interior corners great grandparents, center mass of ever changing results arriving inception of original parents to conception great great grandchildren never same ancestors twice to 8 billion alive now.
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12 May 2023 8:09 am
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impartialobserver » 11 May 2023, 5:11 pm » wrote: My team is Calgary so nothing to get excited about this year. At least Minnesota made the playoffs. I sort of root for the Golden Knights but would rather see a Edmonton vs. Toronto Stanley Cup Final.
well that's nice as you have a myriad of teams to pick from ...

the Wild didn't disappoint...I told my son done in 5...it took 6...after their 2nd win, the bastards got my hopes up...dirty sons a bitches...

Kaprizov was a no show...maybe had one point...MN teams, not good enough to be a threat yet too good to make the draft effective....the endless cycle continues...
Image “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime” LAVRENTIY BERIA "Try to get past your passionate ignorance and learn to accept what actually happened." brown's unheeded words of wisdom :rofl:
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12 May 2023 11:43 am
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ROG62 » 12 May 2023, 8:09 am » wrote: well that's nice as you have a myriad of teams to pick from ...

the Wild didn't disappoint...I told my son done in 5...it took 6...after their 2nd win, the bastards got my hopes up...dirty sons a bitches...

Kaprizov was a no show...maybe had one point...MN teams, not good enough to be a threat yet too good to make the draft effective....the endless cycle continues...

could be worse.. you could be a Detroit fan. Lions get high draft picks and yet never really make any noise in the regular season or playoffs. Pistons were solid during the time of Billups, Wallace, and Hamilton but have largely been nonexistent since that time. Tigers were good but are now back to being a glorified AAA team. Redwings have been down for quite awhile even with high draft picks. 
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31st Arrival
12 May 2023 12:21 pm
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five0pd310 » 12 May 2023, 10:59 am » wrote: I experienced the dangers of the vaccine myself. Got the jab in Jan '21 so I could get back to singing in the choir in church. Now, 2+ years later, I'm still suffering the consequences with adhesive capsulitis, full body recurring tendonitis, and random but constant body fevers. I was all for the vaccine back then but I have regretted it ever since.
Brother-in-law died and put on life support and his wife refused to turn of the machine, he has since recovered to about 75% of what he was before that event after his vaccinations.

So I do empathize with your plight, s I took the vaccine to shut my family up nagging me to get it. I didn't have any complications that I am aware of, doesn't mean I don't have them.

Anyway, cannot undo choices made and promises kept, but one is always capable of changing what they believe and reach an understanding no reality allows.
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31st Arrival
12 May 2023 2:01 pm
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Cannonpointer » 12 May 2023, 1:50 pm » wrote: Fifh Amendment

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
yada, yada, yada. Everyone has witness how that got bastardized beyond original intent where character replaced gender displaced. Human rights took over defending liberty as individually alive now, to protect social narrative from now on.
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31st Arrival
12 May 2023 2:17 pm
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Cannonpointer » 12 May 2023, 2:11 pm » wrote: The original intent is that the State has the right of Eminent Domain. 

This reflect the obvious fact that states have a much longer shelf life than do individuals. You can never own the land because you come from it and go back to it. You're a gnat. The race is more important than any constituent of the race. Persons come and go - the people go on forever. If the PEOPLE need a thing, and a PERSON has it, the PEOPLE have the right to take it - with just compensation and a polite thankee-***. 
The fact that some asshole somewhere abused the process does not condemn the process - just the abuser. The principle stands unvarnished and unspotted.
wow, what difference is there between town hall, city council, county seat, state and federal legislative branches, global court systems removing a sole's liberty to live as self evidently alive where Eminent Domain is democracy becoming tyrannical to natural time evolving here in plain sight?

Mob rule begins with eminent domain "we say so" and let no one stand in their way or else.

You better learn the separation between social progress and progression of genetic numbers never exceeding the time each evolves in is no greater than the moment here.
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31st Arrival
12 May 2023 3:00 pm
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five0pd310 » 12 May 2023, 2:56 pm » wrote: I know. I'm an idiot. My flaw is that I tend to trust first, then become suspicious when it's too late.  🤣
That comes from following consensus rather than navigating life never being the same again now.
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