"We Don't Care How Many Ukrainians Die" Senator Richard Black

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By Hank
16 Jul 2022 7:57 am in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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20 Jul 2022 11:50 am
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Hank » 20 Jul 2022, 10:33 am » wrote: Calling black vegetable a dick sucker is like calling black vegetable by his name. It's like his  alias around here. .  

Drones and fighter pilots have **** all to do with major bombing operations..  We aren't talking about policing Afghanistan or intelligence surveillance, we are talking about all out war . 

Calling Hank a child molester.....

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31st Arrival
20 Jul 2022 12:07 pm
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Blackvegetable » 20 Jul 2022, 11:49 am » wrote: You can't ASSERT "air superiority", you must ESTABLISH it.

force natural results to comply with hypothetical tomorrows historically forward since dawn of civilization. What good comes fro induced poverty, mayhem, madness, misery, the 1 percent make a utopia happen for them at the cost of everyone sacrificing their ancestral lineage's biological time to make specific persons' dreams come true lifting up the loyal us(middle class 1st worlders) directing the compliant(2nd class citizens and 3rd world savages) to continue without question or humanity globally collapses in one generation.

Already set in motion.
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20 Jul 2022 12:40 pm
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Hank » 19 Jul 2022, 6:31 am » wrote: Ukraine didn't apply to the Eu until after it was invaded. Your post has **** all to do with anything.
The people o Ukraine voted for Zelensky, and he said he was for admission into the EU and NATO as well.
Admission to the EU is more complicated, as it involves currency, anti corruption measures and a number of things NATO does not require.
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31st Arrival
20 Jul 2022 12:53 pm
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Xavier_Onassis » 20 Jul 2022, 12:40 pm » wrote: The people o Ukraine voted for Zelensky, and he said he was for admission into the EU and NATO as well.
Admission to the EU is more complicated, as it involves currency, anti corruption measures and a number of things NATO does not require.
EU started what 3 decades ago and falling apart already. People just won't stop traditional behavior practiced 100's of generations acting the same way each one forward to current events.

not hard to figure the focal point of division.
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