Remember when Trump promised to replace the ACA with something much better? Remember when he promised that the Covid-19 would be gone in months? Remember when he claimed the election was stolen without an ounce of proof?TB7 » 17 Jul 2022, 9:43 am » wrote: ↑ Biden hits back after top Saudi official says he 'did not hear' Biden blame MBS for Khashoggi's murder
Biden hits back after top Saudi official says he 'did not hear' Biden blame MBS for Khashoggi's murder | Fox News
Zeets2 » 17 Jul 2022, 6:12 pm » wrote: ↑ Only someone with such a complete lack of economics could even conceive of needing such a rudimentary question answered, while at the same time continuing to expose his own depth of ignorance.
First off, do you even give a **** about the tens of thousands of good, high-paying jobs that your idiot shut down between the pipeline construction and the cancelling of leases on federal lands and off-shore?
Does it matter even a bit to you that your clown has to go begging around the world for terrorist and other despotic nations to let us buy THEIR oil?
Are you dumb enough to think that the price of gas would still be as high as it is now if Biden did not stop domestic drilling and fracking as well as cancelling the Keystone pipeline? Do you have even the slightest notion of the laws of supply and demand? And do you also believe that our inflation rate under this boob would be over 9% if the diesel fuel truckers require had not tripled thanks to his (and your) stupidity?
Do you give a **** about the billions generated to the US economy that was lost thanks to your idiot, even before we add in the revenue we lost when our oil and gas exports were cut so drastically?
Go back to 8th grade, dickhead, and take Economics 101, which you obviously need so desperately.
And how would you expect them to? As soon as your idiot CANCELLED existing oil and gas leases, CANCELLED off-shore drilling and fracking, CANCELLED both new and existing pipelines, CANCELLED drilling and fracking in ANWR, CANCELLED drilling and fracking on all federal lands, and CANCELLED the construction of new refineries, HOW CAN YOU BE SO DUMB AS TO THINK THEY WOULD NEED THE SAME NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AS BEFORE COVID UNDER PRESIDENT TRUMP, who ENCOURAGED all domestic fossil fuel production AND had our gas prices under $2 a gallon? Did you expect them to keep paying workers who were no longer being permitted to do their damn jobs?Holdor » 17 Jul 2022, 6:14 pm » wrote: ↑ They Oil Companies have not come up to PRE COvid Employment,
FOr some reason when COvid Hit the Oil Companies Laid of 1,000s, they have not yet filled these PRe COvid employment rates.
Zeets2 » 17 Jul 2022, 6:54 pm » wrote: ↑ And how would you expect them to? As soon as your idiot CANCELLED existing oil and gas leases, CANCELLED off-shore drilling and fracking, CANCELLED both new and existing pipelines, CANCELLED drilling and fracking in ANWR, CANCELLED drilling and fracking on all federal lands, and CANCELLED the construction of new refineries, HOW CAN YOU BE SO DUMB AS TO THINK THEY WOULD NEED THE SAME NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AS BEFORE COVID UNDER PRESIDENT TRUMP, who ENCOURAGED all domestic fossil fuel production AND had our gas prices under $2 a gallon? Did you expect them to keep paying workers who were no longer being permitted to do their damn jobs?
Maybe you also need some basic instructions in economics and would ALSO benefit from going back to the 8th grade along with your fellow liberal nimrod eggplant?
I've taken graduate level economics.Zeets2 » 17 Jul 2022, 6:12 pm » wrote: ↑ Only someone with such a complete lack of economics could even conceive of needing such a rudimentary question answered, while at the same time continuing to expose his own depth of ignorance.
First off, do you even give a **** about the tens of thousands of good, high-paying jobs that your idiot shut down between the pipeline construction and the cancelling of leases on federal lands and off-shore?
Does it matter even a bit to you that your clown has to go begging around the world for terrorist and other despotic nations to let us buy THEIR oil?
Are you dumb enough to think that the price of gas would still be as high as it is now if Biden did not stop domestic drilling and fracking as well as cancelling the Keystone pipeline? Do you have even the slightest notion of the laws of supply and demand? And do you also believe that our inflation rate under this boob would be over 9% if the diesel fuel truckers require had not tripled thanks to his (and your) stupidity?
Do you give a **** about the billions generated to the US economy that was lost thanks to your idiot, even before we add in the revenue we lost when our oil and gas exports were cut so drastically?
Go back to 8th grade, dickhead, and take Economics 101, which you obviously need so desperately.
you learn a lesson from all that yet? never promise a tomorrow based on rotation of the planet counted as a day in the life.ScottMon » 17 Jul 2022, 6:12 pm » wrote: ↑ Remember when Trump promised to replace the ACA with something much better? Remember when he promised that the Covid-19 would be gone in months? Remember when he claimed the election was stolen without an ounce of proof?
One day, you're going to shock me by presenting solid facts instead of nanipohdo.omh » 17 Jul 2022, 9:17 pm » wrote: ↑ you learn a lesson from all that yet? never promise a tomorrow based on rotation of the planet counted as a day in the life.
ha ha ha ha ha ha I am so inside the pandora's box of anything else is possible, you never want to understand its secrets inside, because you already instinctive know and ignore, willingly.ScottMon » 17 Jul 2022, 9:41 pm » wrote: ↑ One day, you're going to shock me by presenting solid facts instead of nanipohdo.
Proof that you didn't "graduate".Blackvegetable » 17 Jul 2022, 9:15 pm » wrote: ↑ I've taken graduate level economics.
I can confirm that you have absolutely no idea what you're prattling about.
He was not on his knees, and was not begging. It made better sense for Biden to make the visit than to not make it, and the results are yet to be seen. There is no doubt whatever that MBS actually ordered the murder of Kashogghi, he just did not expect that the gory details about slicing and sawing the US resident journalist into bits and incinerating the bits in the embassy BBQ grill. There is no doubt that Biden was outraged by this, and that MBS knows precisely what Biden and most of the world thinks of this murder.Warcok » 17 Jul 2022, 1:51 pm » wrote: ↑ He got on his knees and begged for Saudi oil when he said he wasn't.
Xavier_Onassis » 18 Jul 2022, 7:20 am » wrote: ↑ He was not on his knees, and was not begging. It made better sense for Biden to make the visit than to not make it, and the results are yet to be seen. There is no doubt whatever that MBS actually ordered the murder of Kashogghi, he just did not expect that the gory details about slicing and sawing the US resident journalist into bits and incinerating the bits in the embassy BBQ grill. There is no doubt that Biden was outraged by this, and that MBS knows precisely what Biden and most of the world thinks of this murder.
The results of his visit are not yet known, but I hardly think that Biden did was detrimental to the foreign policy ot the US or to its citizens.
No, it isn't.......It just means that my degree is not in Economics.DeezerShoove » 18 Jul 2022, 7:14 am » wrote: ↑ Proof that you didn't "graduate".![]()
I've taken calculus level courses. Doesn't make me a scientist.
It would make you a high school grad.I've taken calculus level courses. Doesn't make me a scientist.
Donald Trump ran for president as an outsider decrying the mounting national debt, which had surged under Barack Obama as he guided the nation out of a deep recession and implemented his health care programs.ScottMon » 17 Jul 2022, 6:12 pm » wrote: ↑ Remember when Trump promised to replace the ACA with something much better? Remember when he promised that the Covid-19 would be gone in months? Remember when he claimed the election was stolen without an ounce of proof?
Does keep you defending humanity's systemic methods of corrupting ancestries forward now.Deezer Shoove » 18 Jul 2022, 7:14 am » wrote: ↑ Proof that you didn't "graduate". :rofl:
I've taken calculus level courses. Doesn't make me a scientist.
Where did you take that, in clown school?Blackvegetable » 17 Jul 2022, 9:15 pm » wrote: ↑ I've taken graduate level economics.
I can confirm that you have absolutely no idea what you're prattling about.
I'll tell you when you identify **** **** U.Zeets2 » 18 Jul 2022, 7:52 am » wrote: ↑ Where did you take that, in clown school?
You expect anyone to believe that when you clearly don't understand the laws of supply and demand and how they affect prices?
Or how a country is far better off utilizing their own raw materials than being forced to buy them from other countries, especially when they use US dollars to fund their terrorism or support a despotic regime?
Are you just as clueless as to the tens of thousands of good jobs that are lost when the potted plant you elected cancels their jobs DESPITE how badly their country needs the energy they produce?
Are you just as blind to the fact that such a rapid rise in inflation that has resulted from the policies of the dope you voted for is causing severe hardships for tens of millions of the poor and middle class?
Do you not believe that the same actions are the cause of throwing the country into a severe recession, or are you so ignorant that you think that's GOOD for the country?
If an ignorant dope like you really did take "graduate level economics" then you must have slept through the course because it obvious that you learned NOTHING in it! Maybe what you needed instead was Economics for Dummies, because you certainly qualify for that!
No, huh? So just like eggplant, you also see no reason to believe that it's better to utilize our own vast fossil fuel resources than buying them from outside the country at record-high prices, do you?
I been given basic flight training to land in an emergency. Doesn't make me a pilot.Blackvegetable » 17 Jul 2022, 9:15 pm » wrote: ↑I've taken graduate level economics.Zeets2 » 17 Jul 2022, 6:12 pm » wrote: ↑ Only someone with such a complete lack of economics could even conceive of needing such a rudimentary question answered, while at the same time continuing to expose his own depth of ignorance.
First off, do you even give a **** about the tens of thousands of good, high-paying jobs that your idiot shut down between the pipeline construction and the cancelling of leases on federal lands and off-shore?
Does it matter even a bit to you that your clown has to go begging around the world for terrorist and other despotic nations to let us buy THEIR oil?
Are you dumb enough to think that the price of gas would still be as high as it is now if Biden did not stop domestic drilling and fracking as well as cancelling the Keystone pipeline? Do you have even the slightest notion of the laws of supply and demand? And do you also believe that our inflation rate under this boob would be over 9% if the diesel fuel truckers require had not tripled thanks to his (and your) stupidity?
Do you give a **** about the billions generated to the US economy that was lost thanks to your idiot, even before we add in the revenue we lost when our oil and gas exports were cut so drastically?
Go back to 8th grade, dickhead, and take Economics 101, which you obviously need so desperately.
I can confirm that you have absolutely no idea what you're prattling about.
I don't need any information from a dope like you. You've already exposed your complete ignorance here with your idiotic posts on the subject.