Definitions...capitalism, socialism, liberalism

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17 Jul 2022 6:32 pm in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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31st Arrival
18 Jul 2022 1:04 pm
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Cannonpointer » 18 Jul 2022, 12:01 pm » wrote: My thesis. ^

Communism, capitlism, socialism, corporatism - none of these are mutually exclusive with free enterprise. And any of these economic models that BRAND themselves as free enterprise are lying - lying, as the Spanish put it, "con razon."
ha ha ha ha ha hafrom an instinctive point of view knowing evolving limits ancestors to eternally separated by the moment here lived that scenario since birth.

Communism is groupthink politics, capitalism is currency/bartering trade for goods and services, socialism is making ancestors believe life has to be more than reproductively timed apart here, corporatism is nation building on speculation and creating inhouse working all four against ancestries sustaining numbers forward naturally here.

Oh the title liberalism, legislated morality, legality, ethics, social consensus of we rule and nobody stops us or else. Society removes the honest sole standing their natural time evolving equally created. Justification pretending real isn't real is a virtue rewarded by social power, wealth, and fame. Utopian vs poverty.

top down vs bottom up, left vs right, leaderships control how fellowships behave each generation present be they 16 great grandparents, 8 great grandparents, 4 grandparents, 2 parenting each arriving singularity of next generation already here.

again democracy is planned obsolescence in practice of ancestrally changing population in plain sight all accomplished through power of suggesting now isn't eternity constantly..
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18 Jul 2022 1:13 pm
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omh » 18 Jul 2022, 1:04 pm » wrote: ha ha ha ha ha hafrom an instinctive point of view knowing evolving limits ancestors to eternally separated by the moment here lived that scenario since birth.

Communism is groupthink politics, capitalism is currency/bartering trade for goods and services, socialism is making ancestors believe life has to be more than reproductively timed apart here, corporatism is nation building on speculation and creating inhouse working all four against ancestries sustaining numbers forward naturally here.

Oh the title liberalism, legislated morality, legality, ethics, social consensus of we rule and nobody stops us or else. Society removes the honest sole standing their natural time evolving equally created. Justification pretending real isn't real is a virtue rewarded by social power, wealth, and fame. Utopian vs poverty.

top down vs bottom up, left vs right, leaderships control how fellowships behave each generation present be they 16 great grandparents, 8 great grandparents, 4 grandparents, 2 parenting each arriving singularity of next generation already here.

again democracy is planned obsolescence in practice of ancestrally changing population in plain sight all accomplished through power of suggesting now isn't eternity constantly..
NOT my thesis. ^
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31st Arrival
18 Jul 2022 1:26 pm
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and your thesis is inaccurate about life evolving forward now and it is true how realities work to silence honesty ancestrally forward since dawn of civilization as how it gets done in Biblically including 101 generations ago.
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18 Jul 2022 2:31 pm
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Cannonpointer » 18 Jul 2022, 10:24 am » wrote: Well, let's just make this a syllogism, which will require you to dispute one of the propositions or accept the logical conclusion. Syllogisms leave no room for cloudy communications. 

1. Free enterprise is a function of humans being human and will always exist, even if the state outlaws it.

2. Capitalism is a function of the state, requiring trading boards, and cannot exist but by state patronage. If the state outlaws capitlism, it ceases to exist.

3. Free enterprise and capitalism are two different things by their nature.

Do you dispute either proposition?
well yeah. I disagree with proposition 2. I would associate capitalism with adam smith...who was basically just asking the government to step away from free enterprise. ENgland at the time was actually very socialist and had a corporatist economy run by guilds. Smith wanted that to go away. he wanted tariffs to go away. 

the problem here is the fake distinction between public and private power. If the state steps away from economic control...then that simply creates a vacuum that will be filled by other people. Monied elites will obtain control of the economy, and they will inhibit free enterprise.

thus the new deal of FDR was basically an attempt to get the state to enforce regulations that make free enterprise possible via opposition to monopoly control.

but the new deal...while helpful...ultimately failed because it refused to address the problem of banks and wall street.
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