DC Mayor Bowser claims illegal immigrants crowding DC homeless shelters are asylum seekers 'tricked' onto buses... HA!!

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19 Jul 2022 8:42 am
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Zeets2 » 19 Jul 2022, 8:28 am » wrote: That's GREAT!  
Wonder how long it will be before California follows suit?
Maybe NOT too long...

You may have heard that Hispanics are LEAVING the Democrat Party in DROVES !  A HUGE part of that is that Democrats have been SUPPORTING the UNRESTRICTED entry of Illegals into America... and have TRIED to make America THINK that THAT was what Hispanic Americans wanted !!  It turns out that THEY DON'T... THEY want America to look out for AMERICANS (of which THEY are part)... and CONTROL illegal immigration... THEY KNOW that Mexico is HUGE Mafia Controlled NARCO state... and THEY don't want that in America ! 

The ONE of the LARGEST voting blocks in California... are Hispanics... AND NOW, the Republican Party is reaping the benefits of being STEAD FAST in TRYING tgo do what's BEST for America... while Democrats have NOT...

Hispanics are beginning to SEE the LIGHT... and UNDERSTAND the DEMOCRAT LIES !!
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