It's time to bring 16 year old humans to the voting booth ...

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By 31st Arrival
19 Jul 2022 5:44 pm in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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31st Arrival
19 Jul 2022 5:44 pm
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No it isn't.

100 years ago that would have been possible, but not since then. see I included myself with that.
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19 Jul 2022 6:27 pm
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razoo wants to give children the vote because they are so easy to brainwashed into voting 90% Democrat by the [[[NWO CONTROLLED MASS MEDIA]]]
The average 16 year old would vote for Ronald MacDonald if he was promised a FREE HAPPY MEAL.... :rolleyes:  
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19 Jul 2022 7:39 pm
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Lower the age of buying a gun, smoking, gambling, drinking and the age of consent to 16 while we're at it. ✌😎
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19 Jul 2022 8:04 pm
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doesnt **** matter who you bring to the voting booths. elections are all theater.
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Deezer Shoove
19 Jul 2022 10:08 pm
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razoo » 19 Jul 2022, 1:32 pm » wrote: Youth Voting: Lower the Voting Age: 16 year olds work, pay taxes, and are increasingly subjected to the passage of criminal laws which sentence them as adults.

If 16 year olds perform the civic duties of adults, they should receive the civic privileges of adults. Working teens currently experience taxation without representation. 

Additionally, democracy in the United States needs to be re-invigorated. Allowing youth the right to vote will increase voter participation, not only of 16 to 18 year olds, but also in the longer term as youth would learn at an early age the importance of voting.

Alongside this change in law favors increased education about civics, government, and the importance of voting. 

== Consider these words by supporters of youth voting, which eloquently explain the importance of this historic movement:


== A 1996 survey by Bruce Merrill, an Arizona State University journalism professor, found a strong correlation between youth voting and increased adult voter turnout. Merrill compared turnout of registered voters in five cities with Kids Voting, a mock-election program, to turnout in five cities without the program. Merrill found that between five and ten percent of respondents reported Kids Voting was a factor in their decision to vote. This indicated that 600,000 adults nationwide were encouraged to vote by the program.-John Stuart Hall, "Elections and Civic Education, the Case of Kids Voting USA," National Civic Review, Spring 1998, 79.

"When the USA was founded, suffrage was restricted to white male landowners. Over time, it was extended to non-landowners, women, lower-class people (through the elimination of the poll tax), and minority races. There are no longer any groups whose voting rights are automatically denied except for people under 18. It’s a matter of social progress. When other groups demanded the right to vote, many treated their cause with hesitation or ridicule, but eventually social progress prevailed. But the evolution of suffrage is not complete until it is extended to everyone who deserves it, and we’re working to move closer to that goal." 
-Teen Vote
What a load of immature crap.

We should raise the age to 26 for voting. That's the age when the government recognizes a human is an adult.

Actuarial tables inform car rental companies to require minimum age 25 for customers.
This is when people become slightly more serious as adults.
Their driving habits (how they treat society around them) settle down somewhat.
**** children voting in between texts about pizza is a stupid idea.
Please seat yourself.


I like the very things you hate.
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31st Arrival
20 Jul 2022 5:27 am
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FOS » 19 Jul 2022, 8:04 pm » wrote: doesnt **** matter who you bring to the voting booths. elections are all theater.
So are realities on the global stage.
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Jinn Martini
20 Jul 2022 5:46 am
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razoo » 19 Jul 2022, 1:32 pm » wrote: Youth Voting: Lower the Voting Age: 16 year olds work, 
Why not 4 year olds, retarded **** ?

If they can scrawl **** on a blank page  . . .  they should be able to vote too !
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20 Jul 2022 6:07 am
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Warcok » 19 Jul 2022, 7:39 pm » wrote: Lower the age of buying a gun, smoking, gambling, drinking and the age of consent to 16 while we're at it. ✌😎

When I was 16, I wanted to be a cowboy who would go into town 
every Sat. nite to get drunk, play poker, and get laid at the local whore-house.

"The Old Ways are the Best Ways".
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20 Jul 2022 6:11 am
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JinnMartini » 20 Jul 2022, 5:46 am » wrote: Why not 4 year olds, retarded **** ?

If they can scrawl **** on a blank page  . . .  they should be able to vote too !
Eating whale is like eating your own dog.
You knew that I was a member of Green-Peace, didn't you?
The Confederate Division of G.P., based in Galveston.
Our motto is, "Save the Whales......but Shoot the ***".                        
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31st Arrival
20 Jul 2022 6:16 am
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Taipan » 20 Jul 2022, 6:07 am » wrote: When I was 16, I wanted to be a cowboy who would go into town 
every Sat. nite to get drunk, play poker, and get laid at the local whore-house.

"The Old Ways are the Best Ways".
Oldest ways were adapt or become extinct when occupying space as other people's ancestor changing population forward now one at a time combined as whole population existing currently alive.

Your mind is a terrible waste of a fertilized cell. >another great thread title. thanks for getting me to come up with this idea.
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20 Jul 2022 6:20 am
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omh » 20 Jul 2022, 6:16 am » wrote: Oldest ways were adapt or become extinct when occupying space as other people's ancestor changing population forward now one at a time combined as whole population existing currently alive.

Your mind is a terrible waste of a fertilized cell. >another great thread title. thanks for getting me to come up with this idea.
The heat-wave being felt around the Earth--
"Adaptability....if the 1st. Law of Man".

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31st Arrival
20 Jul 2022 6:22 am
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Taipan » 20 Jul 2022, 6:20 am » wrote: The heat-wave being felt around the Earth--
"Adaptability....if the 1st. Law of Man".

Shove that mantra in your ear because your brain isn't working as conceived to operate naturally here.
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20 Jul 2022 6:52 am
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omh » 20 Jul 2022, 6:22 am » wrote: Shove that mantra in your ear because your brain isn't working as conceived to operate naturally here.

My job is to bring-up solutions.
Your job is to piss on my cowboy boot because you are
too weak & feckless to bring-up solutions of your own.
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31st Arrival
20 Jul 2022 6:56 am
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Taipan » 20 Jul 2022, 6:52 am » wrote: My job is to bring-up solutions.
Your job is to piss on my cowboy boot because you are
too weak & feckless to bring-up solutions of your own.
Solutions for what? Saving absolute corruption to power of suggestion has become. Remove those resisting corrupted people forward? You are a mercenary and there is no honor among thieves of other people's biological time to serve their own wishful thinking life is but a dream make possible ignoring what one is cradle to grave..
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20 Jul 2022 8:12 am
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razoo » 19 Jul 2022, 1:32 pm » wrote: It's time to bring 16 year old humans to the voting booth ...Then, I knock him out with chloroform and ***-fornicate him, while voting for Andrew Gillum!
FIFY - Edited for what you really meant to say.
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Jinn Martini
20 Jul 2022 9:55 am
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Taipan » 20 Jul 2022, 6:11 am » wrote: Eating whale is like eating your own dog.
You knew that I was a member of Green-Peace, didn't you?
The Confederate Division of G.P., based in Galveston.
Our motto is, "Save the Whales......but Shoot the ***".                        
I was an active donor to Green Peace  . . .  briefly !

Until I found out they're a bunch of crooks  . . .  addressing all kinds of problems  . . .  but not the main causes of them: over-production  . . .  over-consumption  . . .  over-population  . . .  denial of the above three !

They called me to enquire why I stopped my donations and cancelled my membership !

I told them it was because of the above  . . .  they pretty much told me I'm nuts !
I'd suggest you terminate your membership as well !
They're a bunch of bloodsuckers preying on the gullible 
But you go ahead and keep feeding them !
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20 Jul 2022 10:05 am
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JinnMartini » 20 Jul 2022, 9:55 am » wrote: I was an active donor to Green Peace  . . .  briefly !

Until I found out they're a bunch of crooks  . . .  addressing all kinds of problems  . . .  but not the main causes of them: over-production  . . .  over-consumption  . . .  over-population  . . .  denial of the above three !

They called me to enquire why I stopped my donations and cancelled my membership !

I told them it was because of the above  . . .  they pretty much told me I'm nuts !
I'd suggest you terminate your membership as well !
They're a bunch of bloodsuckers preying on the gullible 
But you go ahead and keep feeding them !

It was a racist Southern joke, silly.
"Save the Whales......but Shoot the ***".

Damn, you are Joe Biden are just getting
toooo old to cut the mustard !!                                             
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Jinn Martini
20 Jul 2022 10:12 am
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Taipan » 20 Jul 2022, 10:05 am » wrote: It was a racist Southern joke, silly.                                       Image
It was ?

Oh well  . . .  HaHaHa  then !
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20 Jul 2022 10:19 am
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JinnMartini » 20 Jul 2022, 9:55 am » wrote: I was an active donor to Green Peace  . . .  briefly !

Until I found out they're a bunch of crooks  . . .  addressing all kinds of problems  . . .  but not the main causes of them: over-production  . . .  over-consumption  . . .  over-population  . . .  denial of the above three !

They called me to enquire why I stopped my donations and cancelled my membership !

I told them it was because of the above  . . .  they pretty much told me I'm nuts !
I'd suggest you terminate your membership as well !
They're a bunch of bloodsuckers preying on the gullible 
But you go ahead and keep feeding them !
Most non-profits are that way, unfortunately.  Just legal ways for lazy "woke" people to scam others by enticing them to make "donations". Some organizations actually do some good - it's hard to weed the good from the bad, though.
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20 Jul 2022 10:44 am
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GHETTOBLASTER » 19 Jul 2022, 6:27 pm » wrote: razoo wants to give children the vote because they are so easy to brainwashed into voting 90% Democrat by the [[[NWO CONTROLLED MASS MEDIA]]]
The average 16 year old would vote for Ronald MacDonald if he was promised a FREE HAPPY MEAL.... Image

And boom! This is it. No other reason. They are still in school which the left dominate. So, brainwashing them toward the dimocrat party make it so much easier. 
Retarded Horse's view on women.

JohnEdgarSlowHorses » Today, 7:28 pm » wrote: ↑Today, 7:28 pm
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