But "recorded history" is so much more alarmist...Neo » 21 Jul 2022, 6:45 am » wrote: ↑ The big ball of constant nuclear **** explosions at the center of our solar system would be my guess. We have kept accurate track of temperatures around the globe since satellites were created for this purpose in the 1980s. Hottest summer in recorded history means in the last 40 years.
Cannonpointer » 21 Jul 2022, 9:15 am » wrote: ↑ 1. We have your word that it is.
2. We have no evidence plantfood did it.
Neo » 21 Jul 2022, 7:43 am » wrote: ↑ Pollution of our oceans is indeed an environmental disaster. One that doesn't have any potential of contributing to the all consuming cancer that is the promotion of anthropogenic climate change. These real and addressable issues are not given the attention and funding they deserve because we are wasting finite resources on climate change.
That is exactly what they used to do.SJConspirator » 21 Jul 2022, 7:52 am » wrote: ↑ there are many offenders but I will pick out just one multinational to make an example
Here is the product line of Coca Cola, from which plastic debris has become ubiquitous in the ocean
major Coca Cola Products in USA: Dasani water, Fanta, Powerade, Sprite, Flavored Cokes such as Cherry, Vanilla and many more, Barq's Root Beer, Fresca, Mr. Pibb, Nestea, Minute Maid, Bacardi Mixers Fruitopia, TaB, Tahiti Treat, Mello Yello, Splice, & Mexican Coke.
imagine if this company business model was to open a plant in each state and have each plant dedicated to serving the public only in that one state, eliminating the need for shipping over state lines. That way they could run a recycling plant locally to reuse their own bottles or better yet, start packaging their products in biodegradable hemp bottles. Millions of marine life forms would be spared.
SJConspirator » 21 Jul 2022, 9:20 am » wrote: ↑ I don’t care if plant food did it. I only grant the premise of man caused global warming to show the incredible conflict within the narrative globalists present.. they are the ones saying greenhouse gasses are bad, while they are also the ones emitting 90% of it
Spontaneously ?SJConspirator » 20 Jul 2022, 9:04 pm » wrote: ↑ Huge areas of forest, plains and farms are spontaneously combusting.
It's to late for anything.
JinnMartini » 21 Jul 2022, 10:09 am » wrote: ↑ It's to late for anything.
We're way past the point of no return !
Have fun while it lasts !
hey, first wave of extinction is end of arriving great great grandchildren changing population one at a time eternally separated now. this species is no where near point of no return when people stop pretending now isn't eternity and eternal life originates anywhere else but within the moment here.Jinn Martini » 21 Jul 2022, 10:09 am » wrote: ↑ It's to late for anything.
We're way past the point of no return !
Have fun while it lasts !
One can beat around the bush or be straightforward . . .
Well, it's typed in black . . .
JinnMartini » 22 Jul 2022, 12:51 pm » wrote: ↑ Well, it's typed in black . . .
Hope this is better !
It's to late for anything.
We're way past the point of no return !
Have fun while it lasts !
JinnMartini » 21 Jul 2022, 10:09 am » wrote: ↑ It's to late for anything.
We're way past the point of no return !
Have fun while it lasts !
Yawwwnnnnnomh » 21 Jul 2022, 12:07 pm » wrote: ↑ hey, first wave of extinction is end of arriving great great grandchildren changing population one at a time eternally separated now. this species is no where near point of no return when people stop pretending now isn't eternity and eternal life originates anywhere else but within the moment here.
Don't let that great white light of understanding kinetic genetics blind your educating intellect real doesn't count in reality mantra, your brain may engage again.
Because it doesn't follow one track mantra, doesn't make it gibberish except to a mind that only comprehends one track mantra dished out to debate one talking point at a time.
Always in mid-July, the Global Alarmists scream loudest about how hot it is. Freaking stupid video-game *** who should stay in their parent's basement for the rest of their lives.SJConspirator » 20 Jul 2022, 9:04 pm » wrote: ↑ Supporting the premise that greenhouse gasses are causing global warming, we are seeing signs that theory might be true
2022 is the hottest year in recorded history, all over the world, by a giant margin. Huge areas of forest, plains and farms are spontaneously combusting. Multinationals like Amazon and Walmart have deposited millions of tons of CO2 in the atmosphere with global shipping. This is the wages of globalism.
Wherever a commodity is produced, be it food, clothing, automobile, electronics etc.. that commodity should be sold/used/consumed no more than 50 miles from its point of origin.
If global warming is real, learn to consume locally or die. This is one reason why nationalism and local consumption are vastly superior to globalism, in terms of long term viability for the human species
Opposites need each other !
Mhmmm . . .nuckinfutz » 22 Jul 2022, 1:56 pm » wrote: ↑ In my household we would kill for Barq's Root beer!
It is that good!