Zeets2 » 23 Jul 2022, 7:43 am » wrote: ↑
My narrative has nothing to do with what led us into a recession, and I've never denied we were in one when Obama was elected.
So it was just a REGULAR recession. Nothing but that.
Yet McCain "suspended his campaign" and rushed back to washington - something is not adding up with your narrative - AT ALL. If I trust your narrative, I am forced to pretend that republicans ROUTINELY bail out wall street, during every regular old recession. I am forced to pretend that bush didn't break the economy giving free homes to welfare ***.
I'm not a goldfish. I remember VERY well the economic **** storm that obama inherited. I also remember that bush TEED OBAMA UP to do bailouts - just as he teed him up to leave Iraq on a particular timeline.
FDR - the soshalust commanust baby eater - never bailed out wall street. But bush did. Republicans did. FDR would have slapped his OWN face, before sponsoring some horse **** like medicare part d, much less the american dream act - but here is your communist socialist republican running his cock holster in sponsorship of karl marx's utopia:
Zeets2 » 23 Jul 2022, 7:43 am » wrote: ↑My statements reflect the fact that NO ONE referred to that recession as "the great recession" until AFTER Obama was elected and the country realized how badly the agenda he promised would wreck the economy and deepen the recession.
He stayed the bush course - bail out wall street. Your slimy game of kick-the-can-to-the-*** wears thin. We voted for republicans, and they gave us new entitlement after new entitlement, culminating in the american dream act, which broke the economy - FREE HOUSES FOR ***, NO CREDIT NEEDED, WE WILL GIVE YOU THE DOWN PAYMENT, NO PROOF OF INCOME REQUIRED.
FDR would BLUSH.
Zeets2 » 23 Jul 2022, 7:43 am » wrote: ↑I based that on the actions that I took in my business and how at least a dozen business owners I know did the same. In my company, as soon as Obama was elected in November I laid off workers, planned my reduction in inventory, I cancelled two large pieces of equipment I had on order, and stopped development of a new product line I had planned to release in 2009.
And if you saw the numbers of jobs lost in the US in Nov. and Dec. of '08 and Jan. of '09, you would know that I was far from alone in making those decisions, and THAT is when the country began to call it the GREAT Recession.
So, just to get this straight, based entirely on your unfalsifiable anecdote,
Obama owns bush's failure numbers from BEFORE TAKING OFFICE.
He owns
every failure that bush handed him,
from BEFORE he took the oath of orifice. He CAUSED the great recession,
by winning the election. All HIS fault - nothing bush did. Obama's WIN broke the economy - not Bush's failures.
This is a brand new level of partisan ***-to-face, boy. I have never seen this level of slime - **** BEEVEE should be doffing his chapeau to your effrontery.
Your claim that Obama is responsible for bush's numbers obligates
no one to provide "evidence to the contrary." It is childish and retarded, underpinned by a dubious and unfalsifiable anecdote. He caused the great recession BY WINNING ELECTION? He's responsible for failure numbers that PRECEDE his oath of office?
What can be asserted with zero evidence requires zero evidence to laugh at, you poor child.
"Because I SAY I am" is fallacy, not science
You cannot betray me - only yourself, to me.
Who cuts off your dick is not your friend
An opinion you won't defend is not yours. It's someone else's.
Humanity's Law of the Jungle: Survival NOT of the fittest, but of the tribe.
When peeing in the pool, stand on the edge.
Only religions declare heresy; only lies require protection.
If gender is not sex, why should a gender claim change what sex you shower with?