Vaccinated and double boosted president gets COVID

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By Independent
21 Jul 2022 11:28 am in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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23 Jul 2022 4:33 pm
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Taipan » 23 Jul 2022, 4:28 pm » wrote: Do you have air-condition ?
All of Texas does.
Because of the heat.
I worry about Europe.......& their "perfect weather"......
90% of the time.           
No l don’t. It’s been unbearable.

So I’m moving into an air con hotel for a few nights.
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sooted up Cyndi
23 Jul 2022 4:39 pm
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Water Cooler Poleece
Water Cooler Poleece
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Taipan » 23 Jul 2022, 4:28 pm » wrote: Do you have air-condition ?
All of Texas does.
Because of the heat.
I worry about Europe.......& their "perfect weather"......
90% of the time.           
hi charles?
Famagusta » 24 May 2022, 11:46 pm » wrote: 
24 May 2022, 11:46 pm
Your stalking and harassment of me  is turning into online abuse now. Though there’s one place you will never find me.

Your tramplings  on my reasonable conversations with other posters here verges on obsessive mental illness. And other posters on other talk boards are noticing what you do. You’re out of control.

If you don’t stop it, I shall report you to one of the agencies that deal with this kind of behaviour. Then the whole site will be under surveillance.
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23 Jul 2022 4:48 pm
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sootedupCyndi » 23 Jul 2022, 4:26 pm » wrote: get out of here you Fuggan Whore.. go ahead and report me.. you piece of crap.. dirty JOO.
done with you- you fraud... get out.. dont threaten me and this forum you POS! you think your funny and innocent? too bad we ALL GOT YOUR NUMBER pig!  go back to your me-me day care center and get Lost come back? i know you will? try again? like two dogs in my yard taking a pizz! you always got to get the last piss in! CREEPO! Image
On it.

ADL next. :ninja:  
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sooted up Cyndi
23 Jul 2022 4:51 pm
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Water Cooler Poleece
Water Cooler Poleece
10,823 posts
good for you... you filthy SHONDA who would even want to associate with you! i luv narcs.. you filthy piece of CRAP! :die:  
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23 Jul 2022 5:05 pm
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Water boy for a Tranny Dancer
4,987 posts

Hi, Cyndi !!

You know that I like you !!
Don't be coy with me.
I know you !!
Too smart for your own good. 
Don't out-run your sled-dogs........little lady.
Don't get out in front of your own skis on that big jump.!!

You carry the deal.
The Angels in Heaven love you.           

Peace, Sister.                                            
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23 Jul 2022 5:13 pm
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Water boy for a Tranny Dancer
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Oh, ..........wait.     (I am drinking)

I see the dynamic developing here.

Let me perfectly explain my position--

Jesus & I........are seeking ......"World Peace".                    

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sooted up Cyndi
23 Jul 2022 5:31 pm
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Water Cooler Poleece
Water Cooler Poleece
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Cucurbitaceaeophobia » 23 Jul 2022, 5:21 pm » wrote: so why you sending me messages for a hookup?
she stalks you on org too... hilarious... 75 year ol granny.. lol
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23 Jul 2022 5:34 pm
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Cucurbitaceaeophobia » 23 Jul 2022, 5:21 pm » wrote: so why you sending me messages for a hookup?
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sooted up Cyndi
23 Jul 2022 5:41 pm
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Water Cooler Poleece
Water Cooler Poleece
10,823 posts
hey Loser... go away.. sicko..
you're always like my two dogs in the back yard... last one gets the last pizz in wins..
what set you off this morning?
new supply of drugs? or was it another wonderful childish me- me that got you going..
go back and turn harry potter on the tv. granny DUMMY
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nuckin futz
23 Jul 2022 5:41 pm
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Cucurbitaceaeophobia » 23 Jul 2022, 5:38 pm » wrote: @nuckin futz  you mental cripple

Cyndi is MY Princess.
Your DDW and you beg @Jinn Martini  for $$

 @sooted up Cyndi
LIAR! I owned her first! Axe her! :LOL:  
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sooted up Cyndi
23 Jul 2022 5:43 pm
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Water Cooler Poleece
Water Cooler Poleece
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Cucurbitaceaeophobia » 23 Jul 2022, 5:38 pm » wrote: @nuckin futz  you mental cripple

Cyndi is MY Princess.
Your DDW and you beg @Jinn Martini  for $$

 @sooted up Cyndi
:lol:  he can have miss Crabby? :rofl:  
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nuckin futz
23 Jul 2022 5:46 pm
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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Cucurbitaceaeophobia » 23 Jul 2022, 5:44 pm » wrote: You owned no one you BROKE AND BUSTED AND DISGUSTED PILE OF FECAL MATTER
@sooted up Cyndi
Get back on the steaming pile of **** you came from!
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23 Jul 2022 5:49 pm
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Damn! There's some hateful little bitch mongrels here, ain't there? So what's the beef there cynthia? You seem to be the most angry. Bad language and all that. What's got you so upset?
pom sucks *** dick from his mothers greasy asshole.
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nuckin futz
23 Jul 2022 5:57 pm
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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murdock » 23 Jul 2022, 5:49 pm » wrote: Damn! There's some hateful little bitch mongrels here, ain't there? So what's the beef there cynthia? You seem to be the most angry. Bad language and all that. What's got you so upset?
She's just pandering to her RWNJ crowd of perpetually pissed Nutragers. They expect her to act that way.
They have made OUTRAGE an art form!
:lol:   :lol:   :lol:  
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sooted up Cyndi
23 Jul 2022 6:01 pm
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Water Cooler Poleece
Water Cooler Poleece
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Cucurbitaceaeophobia » 23 Jul 2022, 5:53 pm » wrote: FIX YOUR TRAILER AND CAR OLD MAN AND STOP ASKING FOR HANDOUTS !

Me and Cyndi going on a date tonight

@sooted up Cyndi
yep Nutin.. and after we have our fun. he's gonna come back here and  help me fix my lawnmower... try Fama-dis-Gusta :wave:  
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nuckin futz
23 Jul 2022 6:01 pm
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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Cucurbitaceaeophobia » 23 Jul 2022, 5:53 pm » wrote: FIX YOUR TRAILER AND CAR OLD MAN AND STOP ASKING FOR HANDOUTS !

Me and Cyndi going on a date tonight

@sooted up Cyndi
haha She will have you up on felony rape charges in minutes flat!
She's not that kind of girl to put up with male aggression!
:evil:   :evil:   :evil:  
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23 Jul 2022 6:02 pm
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sootedupCyndi » 23 Jul 2022, 4:26 pm » wrote: get out of here you Fuggan Whore.. go ahead and report me.. you piece of crap.. dirty JOO.
done with you- you fraud... get out.. dont threaten me and this forum you POS! you think your funny and innocent? too bad we ALL GOT YOUR NUMBER pig!  go back to your me-me day care center and get Lost come back? i know you will? try again? like two dogs in my yard taking a pizz! you always got to get the last piss in! CREEPO! Image

We'll always have Paris, my little petunia pimpernel!
pom sucks *** dick from his mothers greasy asshole.
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sooted up Cyndi
23 Jul 2022 6:03 pm
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Water Cooler Poleece
Water Cooler Poleece
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nuckinfutz » 23 Jul 2022, 6:01 pm » wrote: haha She will have you up on felony rape charges in minutes flat!
She's not that kind of girl to put up with male aggression!
Image   Image   Image
dont get excited, we are just kidding you. :rofl:  
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sooted up Cyndi
23 Jul 2022 6:07 pm
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Water Cooler Poleece
Water Cooler Poleece
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murdock » 23 Jul 2022, 6:02 pm » wrote: Image
We'll always have Paris, my little petunia pimpernel!
welcome to my world? Timbuck two Maine? its nice and cool here? :lol:  
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sooted up Cyndi
23 Jul 2022 6:10 pm
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Water Cooler Poleece
Water Cooler Poleece
10,823 posts
nuckinfutz » 23 Jul 2022, 5:57 pm » wrote: She's just pandering to her RWNJ crowd of perpetually pissed Nutragers. They expect her to act that way.
They have made OUTRAGE an art form!
Image   Image   Image
i am an art form. :P  
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