Don’t think I will.
It is already an established fact that you are delusional or suffering from some other mental defect.
No...that's an assertion.Huey » 23 Jul 2022, 4:13 pm » wrote: ↑ It is already an established fact that you are delusional or suffering from some other mental defect.
No. you are an ordinary guy of less than avg intelligence who is convinced he is a superior intellect. You suffer from delusions of grandeur.
Every single one ASSERTEDHuey » 23 Jul 2022, 4:33 pm » wrote: ↑ No. you are an ordinary guy of less than avg intelligence who is convinced he is a superior intellect. You suffer from delusions of grandeur.
You also suffer from an inferiority complex. When someone says they can do something you immediately claim you can do it better. When they say have something, you have something better. You demean others for their jobs, education, their home, their wife, etc. Because you know you are just an ordinary guy. Nothing special. Hell, you tried the one up game concerning the type of deer that are around my house.
For a senior citizen you sure act like an unstable teen or college guy. It is unreal.
But true.
Only because you assert so.Huey » 23 Jul 2022, 4:43 pm » wrote: ↑ But true.
Well old lonely guy. It is Saturday night so that means date night for me. You go ahead and spend another lonely night posting on line while I enjoy life,
Go ahead and tell me how how great your life is, old man.
True. Very true. In fact, let's do that.Huey » 23 Jul 2022, 2:29 pm » wrote: ↑ For the record BV will answer a rare question IF the answer is one where he gets to brag about how great he is at something.
Vegas » 23 Jul 2022, 5:16 pm » wrote: ↑ True. Very true. In fact, let's do that.
Hey @Blackvegetable , how good are you at driving 18 wheelers?
Oh look, more repetitiveness. As usual, here you go: