Death of Democracy in America - The Republican ENDGAME

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By B.See
24 Jul 2022 5:10 am in Liberals Only Political Chat Room
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24 Jun 2023 7:07 pm
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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Republicans love to make up fake crises. Here are five of the biggest: Robert Reich - The Guardian   The goal is to deflect and distract – to use scapegoating, racism and outright lies to disguise what’s really going on

Violence is the new Republican grift - Salon dot com

Trump's greatest appeal is how he gives his followers and others in the MAGA movement's orbit permission to be their worst true horrible selves. Violence bonds members of a social group together; this is especially true of political personality cults such as the Trump MAGA movement.

Opinion: How the Republican Party became the party of vigilante violence - Raw Story

Clinging bitterly to guns and religion: The end stage of American empire - Salon dot com
An iron curtain has descended on America

Opinion: How today's GOP has embraced the 5 elements of fascism - Raw Story

1. The rejection of democracy, the rule of law, and equal rights under the law in favor of a strongman who interprets the popular will.
2. The galvanizing of popular rage against cultural elites.
3. Nationalism based on a dominant “superior” race and historic bloodlines.
4. Extolling brute strength and heroic warriors.
5. Disdain of women and fear of non-standard forms of gender identity and sexual orientation.

Hakeem Jeffries: Republicans will abandon democracy when they can no longer win elections - Alternet dot org

Is America Already in a Civil War? - News.Yahoo dot com
(my take? Yeah)

The NY Times Is Oblivious that Fascism Has Gone Mainstream in America, and It's Name is GOP - Dailykos

The GOP Is Escalating Its War on Ideas - Vanity Fair   
It’s not only Ron DeSantis’s Florida. From targeting educators to banning books, Republicans are taking their anti-education crusade national.

A new front on the Republican War Against Woke - Dailykos

Republican presidential lightweight Ron DeSantis ratcheted up the war against “woke”, twisting Winston Churchill's words to announce a war on the American People, who don’t agree with his twisted vision of what America should be.

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3 Aug 2023 12:10 am
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Dictatorship? How Hitler, Stalin and Trump show it’s easier than you think -The Guardian

Red states are forming a nation within a nation with laws that recreate a pre-1960s world: CNN analyst - Raw Story

How the right-wing lie and spin machine plans to annihilate anyone who dares to tell the truth - Raw Story

Birthright citizenship is guaranteed in the US Constitution. Both Trump and DeSantis want it gone - Yahoo News

America is coming apart at the seams as the nationalist far right goes full authoritarian: conservative - Alternet

Trump opened the door for the politics of menace and intimidation: extremism expert - Raw Story

No longer hiding the Nazi roots of the MAGA movement - Dailykos

A new normal? Florida Man running for Congress calls for extinguishing the left - Dailykos

What We Are Up Against - Dailykos

How Trump's MAGA Plan for the Military Could Topple America - Dailykos

Inside the MAGA-Russia plan to track and control your life - Raw Story

Republicans are resorting to guerrilla war against democracy to cling to power: columnist - Raw Story

Is America on the brink of tyranny? Trump's plan if elected in 2024 should frighten us all - Yahoo News

Authoritarianism Expert Warns Why It's Critical To Listen To Trump's Words Right Now - HuffPost

How Democracy Dies the First Month of the Next Trump or GOP Presidency - Dailykos

Greg Gutfeld and "Useful Jews" - Dailykos

Pay attention to local elections, your freedom depends on it - The Hill

How Trump’s new Big Lie-filled fascist ad is damaging our democracy - Raw Story

We Cannot Let The Most Dangerous, Uncharismatic, and Hateful Politician in America Win - Dailykos

The next Republican president will try to destroy this country as we know it - Dailykos

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4 Aug 2023 4:47 am
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Republicans Are Soooo Over Democracy, Poll Shows - WhoWhatWhy

Trump and the Republican revolt against democracy, explained in 13 charts - Vox

How Trump could further damage democracy in a second 'residential term - MSNBC

It would be chaotic: How Trump plans to annihilate checks and balances if he wins in 2024 - Alternet

Trump's plan to expand presidential powers isn't just the daydream of a Putin fanboy - Dailykos

Trump's Plan For Autocracy: We're Trying To Identify The Pockets Of Independence And Seize Them, Says Associate - Benzinga

‘A Nonstop Gunfight’: Ex-Trump Chief of Staff John Kelly Warns Against ‘Chaotic’ Plans to Consolidate Power in Second Term - Mediaite

Trump’s Neo-Nazi Dinner Guest Delivers Horrifically Anti-Semitic Speech Endorsing Trump and Declaring ‘Holy War’ - Mediaite

The Violence Was Part Of The Plan, And The Plan Was To Overthrow The Republic - Wonkette

Trump supporters' warped bizarro world reality exposed in new survey: political scientist - Raw Story

The warping of the American mind: How Trump's two Big Lies have metastasized - Raw Story

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4 Aug 2023 7:53 pm
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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I see that, in addition to blocking me from creating new threads, the cowardly fascists here have moved another of my threads to this forum. What took 'em so long I wonder?
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5 Aug 2023 10:51 am
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B.See » 24 Jul 2022, 5:10 am » wrote: Truth is, the Republican party has been working toward the death of democracy in America for quite some time. 

From back when conservative think tanks and groups like the Heritage Foundation and their affiliates dictated policymaking to Republican politicians like Ronald Reagan. Back when their various right winged PACS and interests like the Kochs and Mercers held little pow-wows and retreats with right winged judges like Scalia and Thomas.   

And when their Federalist Society provided Republican presidents and lawmakers with lists of potential judgeships comprised of far right ideologues. 

Back when their "war" on drugs wasn't a yet "crisis" (as it is now with opioids) and back when they and their right winged media outlets like Fox, promoted and promulgated thinly veiled, racist, dog-whistle rhetoric and anti-democratic propaganda on a 24/7 basis. Just like they do NOW. 

The coming of Trump was only the culmination of that ongoing effort. He was only the full EMBODIMENT of all they were already trafficking in. 

So it was NO wonder that his hate based, rabble rousing diatribes were so readily devoured by right winged voters, above ALL other contenders. And why they love him STILL. 

And now that they can see their goals on the horizon, they've unembarrassingly pulled out ALL the stops. Today, their sights are set on nothing less than a fascist, authoritarian MINORITY RULE style of government founded upon hate based nationalistic sentiment and they are acting, non stop, towards those ends. 

They've set about doing so via They've done so by turning the GOP into A CULT. And THEIR ENDGAME is nothing less than THE DEATH OF DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA.
Great opening post B.See. 

Since, circa 1980, New Deal policies have gradually been dismantled and economic inequality has grown to historically disproportionate extremes.  Labor unions have been under constant attack.   And the US Far Right Disinformation Industry is the largest ever known.

This first true experiment with Representative Government is in real danger of declining into authoritarianism and dictatorship.  As you show above, the forces of inequality and hate have been planning the termination of genuine elections for a long time.  Now, they are nearer than ever.

There's a great fight ahead.  It's up to the majority of sensible Americans to mobilize politically and prevent a nightmare from descending on our country.

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8 Aug 2023 7:49 pm
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We are the enemy they want to kill - Dailykos

"MAGAS are wearing black American flags now, as flown by Confederates during the civil war, and the message is clear. We need to alert the 60% of the country that wants what our Founders bequeathed to us to persist to the very real threat posed by the 30% who want to tear it all down. They don’t just want to drive us out of their neighborhoods/states by censoring books, taking away our bodily autonomy, endangering our right to vote, threatening our children, and calling us every name in the book. They want to kill us."

Republicans have launched the Project 2025. Consider this a warning - Dailykos

"Republicans have launched a plan to reorganize the United States Government into a basic Dictatorship, by largely dissolving all government agencies and placing it under the purview of the Presidency. They are calling it the 2025 Project.

And They have developed a “training” program to help propagandize and brainwash as many people as they can sign up with their “The Presidential Administration Academy.” Only GOD knows what sort of depraved lunacy will be uttered in the four corners of that “classroom.”

Miles Taylor: "If we don't stop [Trump & MAGA] we will zombie-walk off the democratic cliff" - Dailykos

"This is a Red Alert Five-Alarm Fire interview with Miles Taylor about just how dangerous Trump would be if he returned to the White House.

Trump apparently wanted his own personal Mercenary Force like Putin's Wagner force - because he has hero worship for Putin - and would have sent them or Federal officers, armed, to the polls for "election security." (To intimidate Democrats) It's incredible. Miles says "If they don't (delegitimize Trump and MAGA) we are going to zombie-walk off the democratic cliff"

It’s literally dystopian and Dickensian. As bad as we think Trump is from afar, Taylor has been up close and personal with him — and it’s much, much worse than even my darkest dreams. ...a sobering seriously must-listen."


This 1998 Octavia Butler novel predicted a Christofacist United States with the slogan "Make America Great Again" - Boing Boing

Trump Says the DOJ Is Politicized. If He Wins, It Will Be. – Mother Jones

Fascism expert explains why cult leaders like Trump cannot leave the race - Raw Story

Criminal indictments are not enough: Donald Trump must be defeated at the ballot box - Salon


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10 Aug 2023 5:59 am
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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continued from above:

Speaking of Tuberville, the Trump sycophant who's doing Putin's bidding by undermining the United States military (Is Tuberville’s hold on military promotions so Trump can fill them with loyalists in 2025? - Raw Story) leaving the Marine Corps without a leader for the first time in a century, and the Army and Navy without a confirmed top officer,

only a cursory look at HIS record (outside of athletics and coaching) reveals he was/is EVERY BIT THE CROOK TRUMP IS. i.e. ANOTHER con-man who should've been locked the fk up a LONG TIME AGO (source - Wikipedia):

"After his 2020 election to the U.S. Senate Tuberville said that the three branches of federal government were "the House, the Senate, and the executive."

Tuberville was among a group of Republican senators who attempted to overturn Democratic president-elect Joe Biden's victory over Trump in the 2020

He voted in support of objections to Arizona's and Pennsylvania's electoral votes, both of which were won by Biden, and one of less than seven GOP senators who supported this.

On May 28, 2021, he voted against creating an independent commission to investigate the Capitol attack (for reasons which should be quite obvious by now).

On May 10, 2023, Tuberville was asked in an intereview whether he believed white nationalists should be allowed to serve in the military. to which he replied, "I call them Americans."

In July 2023 he denied white nationalists are inherently racist."

And financially, his record is equally reprehensible:

"In February 2012, seven investors sued Tuberville and a partner, saying they were defrauded of more than $1.7 million that they invested from 2008 to 2011. Tuberville's attorneys denied the allegations.

Tuberville settled an investor lawsuit in October 2013 on undisclosed terms, claiming that he was also a victim.

In 2014, he founded the Tommy Tuberville Foundation, whose purpose was, according to its website, "to recognize and support organizations and causes that connect with the beliefs and values of the Tuberville family, including "assisting our military and veterans/"

Through its first five years, the foundation raised $289,599 but spent just $51,658 on charitable causes, at a rate of 18%... FAR less than the 65% that the Better Business Bureau says ethical charities should spend on their causes.

In 2020, the Associated Press called the Tuberville Foundation "a questionable charity that raises money but gives very little away."

In 2020, The New York Times reported that his campaign and foundation officials "produced 2018 internal records that showed nearly $20,000 was raised for a temporary project to provide a retreat for veterans.

But this raised bookkeeping questions, since they showed more than $61,000 of 2018 revenue, roughly twice what the charity reported to the IRS.

He also said that he was looking forward to raising money from his Senate office, a violation of federal law.

In 2021, the WAPO reported, the foundation "reported $74,101 in revenue but spent just 12 percent of that, or $9,000

while $32,000 went to "administrative costs." By the end of 2021, the foundation's website had gone defunct.

In February 2022, Tuberville dismissed proposals to ban lawmakers from trading stocks.

According to Business Insider, Tuberville violated the STOCK Act 132 times in 2021.

Tuberville was among 31 Senate Republicans who voted against final passage of the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023.

In July 2023, a spokesperson for Tuberville said that his foundation had been "under audit" and had paused its activities, but that Tuberville was reforming it."

Yeah. I'll BET he is.
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11 Sep 2023 9:33 pm
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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On this anniversary of 9/11 what we should NEVER FORGET is that there are forces, enemies to America and enemies to notions such as DEMOCRACY, forces not just foreign but DOMESTIC, who HATE America

and who continue to plot and conspire to END DEMOCRACY in America, in order to obtain POWER and to further ENRICH THEMSELVES. They hope to do this through the age old subterfuges of LIES, HATE, DIVISION AND CONQUERING.

The right wing fascist MAGA threat to DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA is REAL:

Right Wing Pundits say: Trumpists Are Violent Psychopaths Who Will Kill Us All If They Don't Get Their Way - Wonkette

Presidential Libraries of Obama, Bush, Clinton, Reagan and More
Warn About State of US Democracy in First Ever Joint Statement - Mediaite

It isn't just Trump,
the whole GOP is in a spiral of radicalization: Authoritarian expert - Raw Story

Fmr. RNC Chair Michael Steele warns:
Start preparing for a Trump attack on America now - Dailykos

IT'S A CULT! New Poll Shows
Republicans Trust Only Criminal Messiah Trump to Tell Them the Truth - Dailykos

Grifters, wannabees and Putin-style autocrats: Here's why
the GOP is no longer a legitimate political party: by Thom Hartmann - Alternet

Conservatives Plot To Dismantle U.S. Government And Replace With Trump's Vision - HuffPost

‘I Don’t Want To Have To Draw My Rifle’: MAGA Lawmaker Colton Moore Suggests
Trump Prosecution Could Lead To Civil War - Mediaite

Rachel Maddow:
Trump Will Be ‘Probably 'resident for Life’ if He Wins in 2024 - Yahoo

Neuroscientist sounds the alarm on
the GOP’s contagious sociopaths - Alternet

I don't know a way out:
Experts terrified by state of American democracy - Raw Story

The shocking
Republican plan to dismantle the American government: by Thom Hartman - Alternet

GOP has become
a de facto criminal organization: analyst - Raw Story

Lessons from Florida:
DeSantis vilifies minorities. Imagine what he’d do as president: Opinion Miami Herald Editorial Board - Yahoo

It's past time for the media to
stop normalizing the nation's march toward fascism - Dailykos

Musk goes down the antisemitism road - Los Angeles Times

‘Morning Joe’ Says Republicans ‘Hate’ the US Military Because It’s Part of the Government:
They’ve ‘Become Anti-American’ - Yahoo

There is no Republican Party: Conservative judge warns Trump's MAGA movement has America in grave peril - Raw Story

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12 Oct 2023 7:13 pm
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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Forget China and Russia. America’s most formidable threats come from within - The Hill

Dangerous conspiracy to end democracy in 2025 taking root among right-wing billionaires: analysis - Raw Story

Not just a nightmare: Leaked how-to manual exposes workings of extreme white nationalist group - Raw Story

Rachel Maddow on "Prequel" and the rise of the fascist movement in America - CBS News

Is MAGA poisoning the world? - Alternet dot org
(in a word, YES)


Fascism is the theme of Donald Trump's 2024 campaign - MSNBC

Why Trump and the GOP are burning the entire system down - Raw Story

Retired 4-star general compares Trump loyalists to Hitler's Nazis - Raw Story

Hillary Clinton returns to spotlight with dire warning about Trump: We should believe him - Raw Story

Ex-Trump Chief-of-Staff John Kelly Finally Confirms Reports About Trump's Shocking Statements on Veterans: ‘God Help Us’ - Mediaite

Retired General Gives Warning About Trump's ‘Lawless Cult’ - HuffPost

The New York Times finally acknowledges the dangers of Trumpian Fascism - Dailykos

Bolton says he’s concerned a second Trump 'residency would bring ‘constitutional crisis’ - The Hill

‘An end of American democracy’: Heather Cox Richardson on Trump’s historic threat - The Guardian


Evangelicals Worshiping Trump Is as About as Unchristian as It Gets - The Daily Beast

Former Pence aide says Trump is a phony Christian who disparaged his supporters in private - Dailykos

‘Christian activist’ calls for Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce to be ‘hung’ - AOL dot com

Church Message Justifying Slavery Throws TikTok Into A Tailspin - MadameNoire dot com

Missouri pastor on upcoming book-burning: "If God told me to burn the book Clifford the Big Red Dog, then I'd burn the book Clifford the Big Red Dog" - Boing Boing

Hamas and the GOP are both terrorist groups — it's just a matter of degree - Salon  
Most Americans understand the truth about Donald Trump and his followers: They're deranged, violent and dangerous.

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