Skans » 28 Jul 2022, 10:51 am » wrote: ↑ One day, neuroscientists and endocrinologists will develop a cure for homosexuality. I am certain it will be a simple treatment that must be administered to the mother while she is pregnant, to ensure complete and normal development of the child's sexuality.
How do you think Homosexuals will react to this? Will they try to stop it? Are Homosexuals presently trying to stop such research for fear of eventually becoming "irrelevant", "extinct", and shown to be the aberration that they really are?
He mastered virology in minutes.Xavier_Onassis » 28 Jul 2022, 11:04 am » wrote: ↑ It is not a disease, of course, and you know nothing about it.
extinction of the species will cure homosexuality being a natural flow of evolution within conceptions that suffered a misalignment of chromosomes during 9 month gestation process converting a fertilized cell to a body born capable to adapt in life never same details twice forward.Skans » 28 Jul 2022, 10:51 am » wrote: ↑ One day, neuroscientists and endocrinologists will develop a cure for homosexuality. I am certain it will be a simple treatment that must be administered to the mother while she is pregnant, to ensure complete and normal development of the child's sexuality.
How do you think Homosexuals will react to this? Will they try to stop it? Are Homosexuals presently trying to stop such research for fear of eventually becoming "irrelevant", "extinct", and shown to be the aberration that they really are?
Why is that? Very simple answer you most likely won't accept anymore than life is eternally separated by the biological order of ancestral displacements occupying space now.Neo » 28 Jul 2022, 6:07 pm » wrote: ↑ If they actually found a gay gene abortion rates would sky rocket. Even the most accepting parent would be disappointed if they learned there will be no grandchildren at the end of the 18-30 year struggle.
I pray it finds a cure for Slack Jawed CredulitySkans » 28 Jul 2022, 10:51 am » wrote: ↑ One day, neuroscientists and endocrinologists will develop a cure for homosexuality. I am certain it will be a simple treatment that must be administered to the mother while she is pregnant, to ensure complete and normal development of the child's sexuality.
How do you think Homosexuals will react to this? Will they try to stop it? Are Homosexuals presently trying to stop such research for fear of eventually becoming "irrelevant", "extinct", and shown to be the aberration that they really are?
You stop being a self anointed idiot is a great start. That isn't likely to happen though.
He's so homophobic, when he went to the caribbean, he refused to try the cock flavored soup.Xavier_Onassis » 28 Jul 2022, 11:04 am » wrote: ↑ It is not a disease, of course, and you know nothing about it.
Blackvegetable » 28 Jul 2022, 11:15 am » wrote: ↑ He mastered virology in minutes.
Don't underestimate him.
That's a pretty vicious thing to say.
Skans » 28 Jul 2022, 10:51 am » wrote: ↑ One day, neuroscientists and endocrinologists will develop a cure for homosexuality. I am certain it will be a simple treatment that must be administered to the mother while she is pregnant, to ensure complete and normal development of the child's sexuality.
How do you think Homosexuals will react to this? Will they try to stop it? Are Homosexuals presently trying to stop such research for fear of eventually becoming "irrelevant", "extinct", and shown to be the aberration that they really are?
Lack of testosterone is not the problem nor the issue when it comes to homosexuality.Bob » 29 Jul 2022, 6:10 am » wrote: ↑ Medial science is full of money making snake oil crap sales with no biological testing, just view the TV programing, have your doctor assign you to a group and then eat the drugs with the group.. Avoid the estrogens from the plastics (plastics and GMO soy bean foods that corporation scientist sold to you), consume the foods that tend to remove the estrogen and the testosterone will come back.
Instincts signal homosexual tendencies to male and female reproductions that have had a misalignment in their DNA during gestation expanding a fertilized cell to baby at birth. It is the Natural World Order sterilizing fertile replacements and leaving them the same opportunities as heterral sexual reproductions to find a "soulmate".Skans » 29 Jul 2022, 8:48 am » wrote: ↑ Lack of testosterone is not the problem nor the issue when it comes to homosexuality.
What is "heterral"?omh » 29 Jul 2022, 8:56 am » wrote: ↑ Instincts signal homosexual tendencies to male and female reproductions that have had a misalignment in their DNA during gestation expanding a fertilized cell to baby at birth. It is the Natural World Order sterilizing fertile replacements and leaving them the same opportunities as heterral sexual reproductions to find a "soulmate".
My thinking covers the excuse they were born that way, and I put genetic compounding as the substance to faith in God being the creator of life never same results twice forward here.
use your brain's critical thinking skills for once in your time biologically being eternally separated. I misspelled hetero-sexual reproduction and last time I checked misspelled words don't change the results of real life, just the governance of time eternally separated replacement perform cradle to grave by power of suggesting ignore the self evident or else tyranny done by rule of law.Xavier_Onassis » 29 Jul 2022, 9:05 am » wrote: ↑ What is "heterral"?
Homosexual behavior is rather common in many species of fish and mammals. Humans are mammals, that is undeniable. So if all the animals are godly creations, then the only possible conclusion is that God made them so.
Your thinking claims "misalignment". But is it really? It seems that homosexual creatures have a function among social animals.
There are fish that change gender. There are female lizards that reproduce without male intervention.
Yeah, have you noticed that homosexuals became more prominent in society at the same time people started drinking all their water out of plastic bottles? Until they invented transparent plastic bottles, bottled water was rarely used. Now, every time I see people check out at the supermarket, they are buying large amounts of bottled water. Even people paying with government issued welfare cards.Bob » 29 Jul 2022, 6:10 am » wrote: ↑ Medial science is full of money making snake oil crap sales with no biological testing, just view the TV programing, have your doctor assign you to a group and then eat the drugs with the group.. Avoid the estrogens from the plastics (plastics and GMO soy bean foods that corporation scientist sold to you), consume the foods that tend to remove the estrogen and the testosterone will come back.
Is finding out your spouse sucked 100's of dicks before marriage a big deal? Or was BV's wife overreacting?Cannonpointer » 28 Jul 2022, 10:34 pm » wrote: ↑ He's so homophobic, when he went to the caribbean, he refused to try the cock flavored soup.