Medical Science Will One Day Find A Cure For Homosexuality...

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By Skans
28 Jul 2022 10:51 am in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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29 Jul 2022 2:40 pm
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Xavier_Onassis » 29 Jul 2022, 9:05 am » wrote:  
Homosexual behavior is rather common in many species of fish and mammals. Humans are mammals, that is undeniable. So if all the animals are godly creations, then the only possible conclusion is that God made them so.
So is cancer.
Your thinking claims "misalignment".  But is it really?  It seems that homosexual creatures have a function among social animals.
Again, so does cancer - it serves to reduce the population.
There are fish that change gender.   There are female lizards that reproduce without male intervention.
Yes, they are not human.  They are not mammal.  They are at the bottom of the food chain.  Bacteria reproduces asexually as well. We use antibiotics to kill bacteria.  Does this infer that we should used chemicals to kill all things that reproduce without male intervention?  Just trying to see where your logic leads us to. 
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29 Jul 2022 2:49 pm
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JinnMartini » 29 Jul 2022, 11:08 am » wrote: Leave the mothers out of this !

Just round up the perverts and cure them under coercion !
They'll all be normal before any of them can say  "I suck cocks"  !

I think I might want some of that "coercion". Where do I sign up?
Nothing is easier than defending the status quo.
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29 Jul 2022 2:49 pm
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Xavier_Onassis » 28 Jul 2022, 11:04 am » wrote: It is not a disease, of course, and you know nothing about it.
In the same sense that a birth defect is not a disease.
The thing is...some homosexuality has been [[[SOCIALLY ENGINEERED]]] as part of a much larger depopulation program.
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30 Jul 2022 6:13 am
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Skans » 29 Jul 2022, 8:48 am » wrote: Lack of testosterone is not the problem nor the issue when it comes to homosexuality.

Always look for toxins first, then depleted nutrient levels, problems with depleted nutrient foods that could create various imbalance. 

In male to female sex change candidates, the principal feminizing hormones are estrogens.

>>>>.Estrogen alone can induce most of the female characteristics that are required<<<<<<<.

The second sex steroid produced by the ovaries is progesterone.

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30 Jul 2022 6:39 am
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Xavier_Onassis » 29 Jul 2022, 9:12 am » wrote: Yeah, have you noticed that homosexuals became more prominent in society at the same time people started drinking all their water out of plastic bottles?  Until they invented transparent plastic bottles, bottled water was rarely used. Now, every time I see people check out at the supermarket, they are buying large amounts of bottled water. Even people paying with government issued welfare cards.

So can drinking Dasani or Evian make a person gay?

I occasionally buy a bottle of water just to carry water in temporarily, but I do not leave the water in the bottle for any period long enough to dissolve any large amount of plastic. Have you noticed that bottled water has an EXPIRATION DATE?   Really, can water spoil? Or is the problem that trace amounts of plastic somehow get into the water?

The water also has small amounts of bacteria that could possibly multiply. The water taste different after you go hiking with it on a hot day out in the desert, probably better to use tin canteens. tin helps with reflexes.

An average human body stores around 16 milligrams (mg) of tin.  Since tin has only recently been considered an essential nutrient in humans its exact role in the body is not clear.  However, the available research suggest it may be responsible for the following functions:
– Increasing your energy levels.
– Enhancing your mood.
– Enhancing your reflexes.
– Preventing cancer.
– Preventing digestive problems.
– Preventing skin problems.
– Preventing sleep problems.
– Supporting healthy growth.
– Supporting proper hearing.
– Supporting the adrenal gland (which release hormones related to stress).

Health benefits of plastic- zero.
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30 Jul 2022 7:35 am
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GHETTOBLASTER » 29 Jul 2022, 2:49 pm » wrote: In the same sense that a birth defect is not a disease.
The thing is...some homosexuality has been [[[SOCIALLY ENGINEERED]]] as part of a much larger depopulation program.
The thing is, this is TOTAL ****!
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30 Jul 2022 7:44 am
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Skans » 28 Jul 2022, 10:51 am » wrote: One day, neuroscientists and endocrinologists will develop a cure for homosexuality.  I am certain it will be a simple treatment that must be administered to the mother while she is pregnant, to ensure complete and normal development of the child's sexuality.

How do you think Homosexuals will react to this?  Will they try to stop it?  Are Homosexuals presently trying to stop such research for fear of eventually becoming "irrelevant", "extinct", and shown to be the aberration that they really are?
Its no longer considered a disorder.  Homophobia on the other hand...
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Deezer Shoove
30 Jul 2022 8:21 am
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omh » 28 Jul 2022, 6:18 pm » wrote: You stop being a self anointed idiot is a great start. That isn't likely to happen though.
A very wise post. I knew you had it in you. :clap:  
Please seat yourself.


I like the very things you hate.
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30 Jul 2022 8:51 am
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Deezer Shoove » 30 Jul 2022, 8:21 am » wrote: A very wise post. I knew you had it in you. :clap:  
Always projecting your intellect socially creatd after birth is greater than the instincts that arrived with your conception. Why every reality fails.
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30 Jul 2022 10:35 am
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Xavier_Onassis » 30 Jul 2022, 7:35 am » wrote: The thing is, this is TOTAL ****!

Prove it.
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30 Jul 2022 11:33 am
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Bob » 30 Jul 2022, 6:13 am » wrote: Always look for toxins first, then depleted nutrient levels, problems with depleted nutrient foods that could create various imbalance. 

In male to female sex change candidates, the principal feminizing hormones are estrogens.

>>>>.Estrogen alone can induce most of the female characteristics that are required<<<<<<<.

The second sex steroid produced by the ovaries is progesterone.
I understand all of these hormones, in addition to how cortisol/the adrenal system dovetail with them.  What I am interested in, is precisely which chemical compound affects the "scaffolding" of the human entity which eventually develops into a homosexual. Personally, I believe (but cannot prove) that Cortisol, Corticotropin,  Adrenocorticotropic hormone, Adrenaline, Norepinephren or some combination or derivative of these compounds in the mother at a specific time in fetal development affect or retard development of sexuality.
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30 Jul 2022 11:36 am
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ScottMon » 30 Jul 2022, 7:44 am » wrote: Its no longer considered a disorder.  Homophobia on the other hand...
Whether some woke people "consider" it a disorder or not is irrelevant.  It is a developmental disorder, whether you want to believe it or not.  Your unwillingness to even objectively attempt to understand this proves that your critical thinking is clouded by your desire to follow the Democrat woke rule book.
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30 Jul 2022 11:44 am
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razoo » 30 Jul 2022, 7:53 am » wrote: Why do you care? What you have written is nothing ........ 

If being gay bothers you don't participate ........ then mind your own business. Conservative right wingers are in left field. Perhaps we should find a cure for believing in fascism?
I care because I believe that Homosexuality is a developmental disorder.  I also think that if we were to isolate the cause, it can be treated so that the individual can lead a normal life. Because nothing shows that Homosexuality is gene-based, it is very likely a chemical based abnormality. The reason this is significant is because a chemical based abnormality can be easily treated, if we fully understand it.  Whereas, some genetic aberrations are much harder to fix pertaining to mental retardation.

Still, even with some forms of mental retardation due to genetic disorders some studies have shown that early biochemical diagnosis in newborn screening has tremendous potential in treating the disorder, in utero to allow for a more normal mental development of the genetically defective child.  A better understanding of neural plasticity, both in cases of intellectual development as well as sexual development may lead to correction by early intervention.
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30 Jul 2022 11:47 am
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Bob » 30 Jul 2022, 6:39 am » wrote: The water also has small amounts of bacteria that could possibly multiply. The water taste different after you go hiking with it on a hot day out in the desert, probably better to use tin canteens. tin helps with reflexes.

An average human body stores around 16 milligrams (mg) of tin.  Since tin has only recently been considered an essential nutrient in humans its exact role in the body is not clear.  However, the available research suggest it may be responsible for the following functions:
– Increasing your energy levels.
– Enhancing your mood.
– Enhancing your reflexes.
– Preventing cancer.
– Preventing digestive problems.
– Preventing skin problems.
– Preventing sleep problems.
– Supporting healthy growth.
– Supporting proper hearing.
– Supporting the adrenal gland (which release hormones related to stress).

Health benefits of plastic- zero.
Tin is an element and also a metal but not a transition metal. Aluminum, Gold, Silver, belong to this group among others. The body has small amounts of various metals in the body, most notably iron which makes your blood red. I think the health benefits of tin would be a difficult thing to run a study on given that it is in trace amounts. Of course there is always a mountain of studies on just about everything medicine around the world. Scientific advances are considered for the good of humanity in most cases and therefore open across borders with a myriad of institutions carrying out experiments.
Plastic is also so prevalent that there are traces of something called microplastics are polluting our water and just about everything. No one knows the long term effects of this but microplastics are in your body right now in microscopic levels and studies are being done on their effects on human health.
Nothing is easier than defending the status quo.
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30 Jul 2022 12:49 pm
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Skans » 30 Jul 2022, 11:36 am » wrote: Whether some woke people "consider" it a disorder or not is irrelevant.  It is a developmental disorder, whether you want to believe it or not.  Your unwillingness to even objectively attempt to understand this proves that your critical thinking is clouded by your desire to follow the Democrat woke rule book.
THis is based upon your personal opinion that homosexuals are unhealthy. 
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30 Jul 2022 12:52 pm
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...hopefully some day they find a cure for your Trump/Republican Cacksucking Syndrome (TCS) and your monetary ignorance...  ;)  
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30 Jul 2022 3:41 pm
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ScottMon » 30 Jul 2022, 12:49 pm » wrote: THis is based upon your personal opinion that homosexuals are unhealthy.
Not unhealthy, just retarded, or malformed.
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30 Jul 2022 3:59 pm
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peepee » 30 Jul 2022, 12:52 pm » wrote: ...hopefully some day they find a cure for your Trump/Republican Cacksucking Syndrome (TCS) and your monetary ignorance...  Image
peepee............ » Today, 9:01 am » wrote: 
Today, 9:01 am
peepee wrote..."this from someone who says he hates jewish people" ...

peepee » 25 Jul 2022, 9:46 am » wrote: ↑25 Jul 2022, 9:46 am
Image Image

peepee wrote..."this from someone who says he hates jewish people" ...
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30 Jul 2022 11:49 pm
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Skans » 30 Jul 2022, 3:41 pm » wrote: Not unhealthy, just retarded, or malformed.
Retardation was once a medical term.  Now its a gereric insult.
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31st Arrival
31 Jul 2022 7:00 am
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Skans » 30 Jul 2022, 3:41 pm » wrote: Not unhealthy, just retarded, or malformed.
Doubt retards instinctive awareness with one's sense of proportionately alive here as spontaneously one of a kind simultaneously evolving like the rest of the universe beyond their own skin.

Willingly never accepting why and how one exists as kinetically present is humanity's original sin since inventing the language of contextual souls developing the staged performances of "We the people choose to believe actual life is too complicated to navigate without rule of law.". Let nobody defy what humanity says is true facts or else.
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