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By Jinn Martini
28 Jul 2022 2:21 pm in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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Jinn Martini
29 Jul 2022 4:48 am
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Xavier_Onassis » 28 Jul 2022, 4:39 pm » wrote: I have yet to see any evidence that there are aliens on this planet.
So  . . .  have you seen any evidence that they're not ?
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Jinn Martini
29 Jul 2022 4:51 am
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SJConspirator » 28 Jul 2022, 5:57 pm » wrote: They live in the ocean
Why ?
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29 Jul 2022 4:58 am
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JinnMartini » 28 Jul 2022, 2:21 pm » wrote:
Well, my guess is they fear us !
Why would they fear us... they have the technology to travel between stars, we have Elon Musk... lol... no one knows why they are here and what they want but they have their reasons for not making contact... officially at least...


In memory of Pumpkins

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Jinn Martini
29 Jul 2022 5:05 am
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Hank » 28 Jul 2022, 6:41 pm » wrote: It's our manifest destiny to seed the universe
While resources are becoming scarce  . . .  all we managed so far was to go to the moon  (if we actually did that - and I don't doubt it) !

And you're talking about conquering the universe ?

How estranged can you get from reality ?
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Jinn Martini
29 Jul 2022 5:13 am
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omh » 28 Jul 2022, 6:12 pm » wrote: .  . . .   getter  . . . .  
Wash zat's supported to meanie ?
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Jinn Martini
29 Jul 2022 5:18 am
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Jantje_Smit » 29 Jul 2022, 4:58 am » wrote: Why would they fear us... ?
Because of our belligerent lifestyle ?

Afterall we've been killing each other since the beginning of time !
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29 Jul 2022 5:21 am
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JinnMartini » 29 Jul 2022, 5:05 am » wrote: While resources are becoming scarce  . . .  all we managed so far was to go to the moon  (if we actually did that - and I don't doubt it) !

And you're talking about conquering the universe ?

How estranged can you get from reality ?
You think this is going to happen over night? First plane was invented in 1903, sixty years later we landed on the moon, forty years after that we put robots on Mars. During the entire span of human history we as a species haven't progressed so far in such a little time and you doubt that sometime in the future we will not be able to seed the universe? 

We won't be here to see it but it will happen . 
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29 Jul 2022 5:30 am
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JinnMartini » 29 Jul 2022, 5:18 am » wrote: Because of our belligerent lifestyle ?

Afterall we've been killing each other since the beginning of time !

As I said, their technology is light years ahead of us, if they feared us they could wipe us out in no time... or do you think the aliens must be a bunch of kumbaya hippies who would never do a thing like that... maybe they are much better at it than we are and are just laughing themselves silly at our amateuristic attempts to kill each other...

In memory of Pumpkins

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31st Arrival
29 Jul 2022 6:06 am
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murdock » 29 Jul 2022, 4:16 am » wrote: Never a coherent thought from this ****.
My kinetic thinking vs everyone reciting potential doubt between what if we and what about they, them, those.
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29 Jul 2022 10:20 am
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JinnMartini » 29 Jul 2022, 4:31 am » wrote:
GeorgeWashington » 28 Jul 2022, 7:33 pm » wrote: I said  that the world is abundant, and always has been.
But won't be forever !

Resources are finite !

There's no escaping that !
Nature is an inexhaustible storehouse of riches  
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31st Arrival
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GeorgeWashington » 29 Jul 2022, 10:20 am » wrote: Nature is an inexhaustible storehouse of riches  
nature, is the behavior between things existing at the same time, Natural balancing is how they mutually occupy time inhabiting space as reproductively present in ever changing forms shaped when conceived into an ancestral position limited to a one time cycle present.

Evolving is a constant flow of things never the same again. Nature is how each behave occupying space same time as everything else is evolving same way outside their individual point of displacement.

Time is noticeable by event horizons between all things present working as an ever changing total sum delivered forward to this event of my posting this reply.
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29 Jul 2022 12:45 pm
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JinnMartini » 28 Jul 2022, 2:21 pm » wrote: Countries something 

Do we have any clue If they are among us and why ?

I think they are   . . .  their main bases hiding behind Venus,  Jupiter or Saturn or further away !


For now, I'm in the camp of "I don't believe aliens have visited our planet". My reasons for saying this are:
  • The distance from our planet to any other planet capable of sustaining any type of life is just too far. 
  • The mass/energy required to 1) bend space, 2) travel faster than light speed or 3) or create a wormhole capable of tunneling quickly to other locations is outrageous - on the order of star-energy. 
  • Even if there is another intelligent life form out there with gobs and gobs and gobs of energy and technology - what's the point of coming to Earth?  We really aren't all that interesting.
  • Why would another species want to live life behind some planet somewhere for eons just to study stupid humans, or possibly octopus?
  • Doubtful that our radio-wave communications would have even been noticed by an advanced civilization somewhere in another part of our galaxy.
But, then there is Bob Lazar who is pretty convincing if you ever listen to him in an interview that he has actually worked out at Groom Lake on alien spacecraft............until.........
  • Bob explains that he worked on the craft's propulsion unit, and explained that it used anti-matter to bend space to travel.  I about spit out my lemonade when I heard him say that.  I mean, up to that point, he sounded pretty believable. His description of the "tiny chairs" inside of the craft for the aliens to sit and control it.  But, Bob lost it when he spewed this **** about anti-matter propulsion.  What he described there was total made-up **** straight out of Star Trek OS scripts.  He's clearly no physicist, and clearly doesn't know the F- about what he's talking about. 
And, Bob Lazar's account is the best evidence out there of alien visitation and space craft.

Also, think this through for a moment.  IF some alien species has the ability to visit our planet in cloaked craft; and IF they are adept at not letting us detect them; and IF their crafts can travel faster than light speed using anti-matter propulsion technology - explain to me how dumb humans came to be in possession of a working alien spacecraft?  F-ING ****!!!
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29 Jul 2022 3:21 pm
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JinnMartini » 29 Jul 2022, 4:31 am » wrote: But won't be forever !

Resources are finite !

There's no escaping that !

Not with recycling - and that is all the earth does, nonstop. 
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29 Jul 2022 10:03 pm
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big, yet isolated from humans,  undetectable, perfect for underwater bases 
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Jinn Martini
30 Jul 2022 6:01 am
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SJConspirator » 29 Jul 2022, 10:03 pm » wrote: big, yet isolated from humans,  undetectable, perfect for underwater bases
But if they're here  . . .  why would they want to hide from us?

They'd obviously have a far more advanced technolgy than we have    ----we have no bases underwater nor on any other planets----    so  . . .  why would they fear us and want to hide from us ?

There must be some logic in this reasoniong !
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Deezer Shoove
30 Jul 2022 7:33 am
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GeorgeWashington » 29 Jul 2022, 10:20 am » wrote: Nature is an inexhaustible storehouse of riches
Please seat yourself.


I like the very things you hate.
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30 Jul 2022 7:40 am
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JinnMartini » 30 Jul 2022, 6:01 am » wrote: But if they're here  . . .  why would they want to hide from us?

They'd obviously have a far more advanced technolgy than we have    ----we have no bases underwater nor on any other planets----    so  . . .  why would they fear us and want to hide from us ?

There must be some logic in this reasoniong !
Like the fact that there are no space aliens on Earth.
It is extremely probably that there is other sentient life other than humans in the Universe, because the Universe is immense.  But that same immensity, the distance between planets, prevents visitation.
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Deezer Shoove
30 Jul 2022 7:41 am
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JinnMartini » 30 Jul 2022, 6:01 am » wrote: But if they're here  . . .  why would they want to hide from us?

They'd obviously have a far more advanced technolgy than we have    ----we have no bases underwater nor on any other planets----    so  . . .  why would they fear us and want to hide from us ?

There must be some logic in this reasoniong !
If they have travelled as explorers, not as conquerors, they wouldn't be in battle strength or numbers.
Please seat yourself.


I like the very things you hate.
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Jinn Martini
30 Jul 2022 7:50 am
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Skans » 29 Jul 2022, 12:45 pm » wrote:
  • The distance from our planet to any other planet capable of sustaining any type of life is just too far. 
By our standards  . . .  yes !
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Jinn Martini
30 Jul 2022 8:11 am
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DeezerShoove » 30 Jul 2022, 7:41 am » wrote: If they have travelled as explorers, not as conquerors, they wouldn't be in battle strength or numbers.
Numbers do not really matter that much these days  . . .  we nuked Japan into submission  . . .  you can have a ten million soldiers army and have them obliterated in seconds !

I once had an invasion of red ants in my Indian home   . . .  amongst the nastiest out there  . . .  can't say how many  . . .  just poured gasoline on them and burnt them all, including their queen !

Never ever seen one, after that !

But there was a huge colony of them on a mango tree in front of our home !
Couldn't get myself to burn down the **** tree, thought !   
By the way  . . .  that's the same home where I witnessed some snake or other mesmerizing mice, in the roof  . . .  before gobbling them !

You just get used to cohabiting with snakes   . . .  as long as they stick to the roof !
Or monkeys breaking in to steal  edibles . . .  they never stole one single dollar, thought !
Not once  . . .  even when the money was in plain sight !

Why would they ?
I cannot picture  any shopkeeper accepting money from a monkey ?
They'd at the very least question how the hell the monkey got the money in the first place !
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