FOS » 31 Jul 2022, 10:50 am » wrote: ↑
Well let's see...what do you mean by 'swear off'? I do believe in racial self determination. I do not think any race should be ruled by a foreign race.
Sure I would say that national socialism is a pure form of socialism because it is the only kind that is internally consistent and consistent with biological science.
Sure I respect science...actual science. I don't have much respect for climate change hysteria...
And no...I don't start out as being a nazi. Lol. Nobody does. It took time to realize the vision of the nsdap is what most closely describes my own world view as well. I did not even know that until I studied what they actually believe.
Why do you make "racial" a social separation within the same species about self determination? Simple which generation gap arrived at within an ever changing population present. Include the evolving process with time/space relativity.
which generation gap is one within? last arrived great great grandchild, became 1 of 2 parents, arrived at 1 of 4 grandparents, entering 1 of 8 great grandparents, even after dying reaching 1 of 16 great great grandparents and beyond.
Equal evolving within adapt or become extinct environment. Compounding reproductive cycles that were actually here one of a kind, one at a time.
You avoid that on purpose, why? Everyone you debate avoids that common separation all the time debating what is fact vs kinetic actual evolving each is doing here now.