If every black person disappeared would the quality of life massively improve for the rest of humanity?

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31 Jul 2022 12:01 am in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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1 Aug 2022 2:06 pm
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Skans » 01 Aug 2022, 2:00 pm » wrote: I honestly do not know, but quite a few.   Particularly in the Northeast and Northern mid-west. I think you will find a significant number of Blacks working appliance factories, auto factories, on oil rigs and petroleum processing,  food processing factories, etc. Here's the deal - even if 10% of American Blacks are not working, that means 90% are in various industries.  Let's say out of that 90%, 40% work in "government" (which I think we need a lot less of).  That leaves nearly 25 Million Blacks working in various private industries gone.  Yeah, I'd say that would have a significant impact.  As to how much, I really don't know.

i just looked it up. only 10% of manufacturing jobs are done by blacks. And i would wager that the majority of them are literally being paid to do nothing, just to protect the company from racism charges. The average black man...even if he WANTED to contribute in manufacturing, is liable to do something stupid that will injure or kill someone
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1 Aug 2022 2:08 pm
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FOS » 01 Aug 2022, 1:42 pm » wrote: https://www.zippia.com/manufacturing-wo ... ographics/

manufacturing wouldnt notice ****** dissappearing

what you dont seem to understand is that the majority of ****** are literally too stupid to be useful in manufacturing. The few who DO work there, are probably paid to literally do nothing...just so the business can meet negro quotas.
also...lol...you think the USA would become less secure by losing one of its fifth columns?
Your chart does not account for factory workers, construction industry, oil and gas, nor food processing and food services. The majority of them are working somewhere. 

Your question is had to do with all blacks disappearing and impact on quality of life.  I believe I did my best to answer that. Much of what you have said in response is quite biased and unsupported.  I am not prepared to do a deep dive into what every Black person in America is doing for work, but statistics show that less than 10% are unemployed.  Even if you eliminate Blacks who work in government (another form of welfare), there are millions who work in private industry.  So, the majority of them are working and doing something. 
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1 Aug 2022 2:11 pm
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Skans » 01 Aug 2022, 2:08 pm » wrote: Your chart does not account for factory workers, construction industry, oil and gas, nor food processing and food services. The majority of them are working somewhere. 

Your question is had to do with all blacks disappearing and impact on quality of life.  I believe I did my best to answer that. Much of what you have said in response is quite biased and unsupported.  I am not prepared to do a deep dive into what every Black person in America is doing for work, but statistics show that less than 10% are unemployed.  Even if you eliminate Blacks who work in government (another form of welfare), there are millions who work in private industry.  So, the majority of them are working and doing something.

the category 'unemployed' does not cover all the people who dont work lol...come on. It just means the people looking for work who cannot find one. The black people who are on welfare (the majority of them) or in prison (a third of them) are not going to count as 'unemployed'
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1 Aug 2022 2:12 pm
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FOS » 01 Aug 2022, 2:06 pm » wrote: i just looked it up. only 10% of manufacturing jobs are done by blacks. And i would wager that the majority of them are literally being paid to do nothing, just to protect the company from racism charges. The average black man...even if he WANTED to contribute in manufacturing, is liable to do something stupid that will injure or kill someone
I think the majority of Blacks who work in private industry are hard workers. I have no reason to claim or even believe they are getting paid to do nothing.  Your other claims about Blacks being too stupid and thus would wind up injuring or killing someone are simply baseless. 
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1 Aug 2022 2:16 pm
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Skans » 01 Aug 2022, 2:12 pm » wrote: I think the majority of Blacks who work in private industry are hard workers. I have no reason to claim or even believe they are getting paid to do nothing.  Your other claims about Blacks being too stupid and thus would wind up injuring or killing someone are simply baseless.
the average iq of black people in the usa is 85 (70 in africa, who we are importing en mass)

the lowest iq a person can have where the military can even find a use for you is 87. The military has learned that if your iq is lower than 87, you become more of a liability than a benefit
i mean...literally ask a black person if he thinks black people are hard workers lol. I think most of them will be honest with you
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1 Aug 2022 2:17 pm
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FOS » 01 Aug 2022, 2:11 pm » wrote: the category 'unemployed' does not cover all the people who dont work lol...come on. It just means the people looking for work who cannot find one. The black people who are on welfare (the majority of them) or in prison (a third of them) are not going to count as 'unemployed'
You're right, 10% might be a low figure.  But, even if it is 30%, that leaves 30-35 million employed people unaccounted for.
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1 Aug 2022 2:18 pm
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Skans » 01 Aug 2022, 2:12 pm » wrote: I think the majority of Blacks who work in private industry are hard workers. I have no reason to claim or even believe they are getting paid to do nothing.  Your other claims about Blacks being too stupid and thus would wind up injuring or killing someone are simply baseless.
If we could have Tinker Bell wave her Hypothetical Magic Wand and make over 50% of all USA MURDER DISAPPEAR by only eliminating 13% of our USA  population...wouldn't you think that was a good bargain...?
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1 Aug 2022 2:19 pm
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Skans » 01 Aug 2022, 2:17 pm » wrote: You're right, 10% might be a low figure.  But, even if it is 30%, that leaves 30-35 million employed people unaccounted for.

its more than 30% lol 30% if blacks are literally in prison and we are paying for them
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1 Aug 2022 2:25 pm
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FOS » 01 Aug 2022, 2:16 pm » wrote: the average iq of black people in the usa is 85 (70 in africa, who we are importing en mass)
Is there a study that has actually measured this?  If so, what study?
i mean...literally ask a black person if he thinks black people are hard workers lol. I think most of them will be honest with you
If you want to get into anecdotal evidence, I have known several Black individuals who are quite bright. One is an accountant, another works as a financial analyst for Morgan Stanley, a couple of Bank managers, a company executive, a highly proficient loan closer (not rocket science, but takes skill and organization).  I have known several black children who performed exceptionally well in private school, and on their ACT/SAT (one was quite dark too). 

I don't know what the average IQ is for Blacks.  I suspect you don't either.  However, I do know they are not all idiots, lazy or unable to compete with smart white kids. 
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1 Aug 2022 2:28 pm
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Skans » 01 Aug 2022, 2:17 pm » wrote: You're right, 10% might be a low figure.  But, even if it is 30%, that leaves 30-35 million employed people unaccounted for.

I would guess that only about 15-20% of black people are employed in any way, and the vast majority of them are in government jobs or doing something that requires absolutely zero skill or knowledge.

In fact, a dude calculated a few years ago how much the average black person 'contributes' to the economy by examining all sorts of data about tax contributions and cost of welfare programs (he did not even include the increased police budget)...and found that the USA actually LOSES 3000/year for every black person here
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1 Aug 2022 2:30 pm
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Skans » 01 Aug 2022, 2:25 pm » wrote: Is there a study that has actually measured this?  If so, what study?

If you want to get into anecdotal evidence, I have known several Black individuals who are quite bright. One is an accountant, another works as a financial analyst for Morgan Stanley, a couple of Bank managers, a company executive, a highly proficient loan closer (not rocket science, but takes skill and organization).  I have known several black children who performed exceptionally well in private school, and on their ACT/SAT (one was quite dark too). 

I don't know what the average IQ is for Blacks.  I suspect you don't either.  However, I do know they are not all idiots, lazy or unable to compete with smart white kids.
there are literally thousands of studies that confirm this. Thousands. it is THE most consistently replicable and predictive measure in the entire feild of psychology. Why would you suspect i dont know? lol you can just google this man. THere have been many studies from rushton, jensen, lynn, etc.
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1 Aug 2022 2:30 pm
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GHETTOBLASTER » 01 Aug 2022, 2:18 pm » wrote: If we could have Tinker Bell wave her Hypothetical Magic Wand and make over 50% of all USA MURDER DISAPPEAR by only eliminating 13% of our USA  population...wouldn't you think that was a good bargain...?
Most murders are black on black.  And, I don't live in an area where I need to worry about angry black people running around with hammers bashing white guy's skulls in.  I'm only interested in addressing FOS's original question.  Black people do more bad **** than white people  - that's a given, you get no argument from me there.

But, a huge percentage of them also work, and I challenge you to explain how society would not be impacted by the immediate disappearance of Blacks.
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1 Aug 2022 2:36 pm
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Skans » 01 Aug 2022, 2:30 pm » wrote: Most murders are black on black.  And, I don't live in an area where I need to worry about angry black people running around with hammers bashing white guy's skulls in.  I'm only interested in addressing FOS's original question.  Black people do more bad **** than white people  - that's a given, you get no argument from me there.

But, a huge percentage of them also work, and I challenge you to explain how society would not be impacted by the immediate disappearance of Blacks.
Nature hates a vacuum.
We would some how figure out a way to survive the hypothetical and instantaneous disappearance of 40 Million ******.
Do you know what it costs the taxpayer to keep ****** alive and under control...?
I do believe the [[[[[[GLOBALIST SOCIAL ENGINEERS]]]]]] have a strategy that will speed up the average negroe's ability to assimilate into a modern day, technology based  society.....promote race mixing with Caucasians.
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1 Aug 2022 2:41 pm
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Xavier_Onassis » 01 Aug 2022, 1:00 pm » wrote: FOS calls himself a Nazi. There are more than a few Nazis.

The whole idea that every member of a part of the human race should be exterminated merely because of the way they were born (like Black people) rather than what they have allowed themselves to become (like Nazis) is cruel, stupid and absurd.

You appear to be a dimwit who cannot even manage to use a spellchecker cheif, I mean CHIEF.
 Your first mistake, CHEIF, is you think blacks are human. We kill rats and roaches for the way they are born.

Calling yourself a Nazi doesn't make you a Nazi anymore than putting a dress on and calling yourself a woman 
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1 Aug 2022 2:43 pm
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Warcok » 01 Aug 2022, 2:41 pm » wrote:  Your first mistake, CHEIF, is you think blacks are human. We kill rats and roaches for the way they are born.

Calling yourself a Nazi doesn't make you a Nazi anymore than putting a dress on and calling yourself a woman
Lot of black English Professors would know how to spell "Chief."  
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1 Aug 2022 2:44 pm
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1 Aug 2022 2:47 pm
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FOS » 01 Aug 2022, 2:30 pm » wrote: there are literally thousands of studies that confirm this. Thousands. it is THE most consistently replicable and predictive measure in the entire feild of psychology. Why would you suspect i dont know? lol you can just google this man. THere have been many studies from rushton, jensen, lynn, etc.
You would be correct about the Rushton-Jensen study (IQ of 70 for sub-Saharan Africans).  I would not dispute that.  Look at your OP and my response to it.  I do disagree with you with your assertion that most Blacks don't work, or sit around doing nothing.  The stats don't support that.  Therefore, if they do work, then their absence would be impactful on the rest of society.  That is the extent of what I stated in response to your OP.  I wouldn't read too much into it if I were you.
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1 Aug 2022 2:48 pm
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FOS » 01 Aug 2022, 2:06 pm » wrote: i just looked it up. only 10% of manufacturing jobs are done by blacks. And i would wager that the majority of them are literally being paid to do nothing, just to protect the company from racism charges. The average black man...even if he WANTED to contribute in manufacturing, is liable to do something stupid that will injure or kill someone

I'm pretty sure we will find BROWN PEOPLE high on the list of productive industrial plant workers...well ahead of Blacks by a huge margin.
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1 Aug 2022 2:50 pm
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Skans » 01 Aug 2022, 2:47 pm » wrote: You would be correct about the Rushton-Jensen study (IQ of 70 for sub-Saharan Africans).  I would not dispute that.  Look at your OP and my response to it.  I do disagree with you with your assertion that most Blacks don't work, or sit around doing nothing.  The stats don't support that.  Therefore, if they do work, then their absence would be impactful on the rest of society.  That is the extent of what I stated in response to your OP.  I wouldn't read too much into it if I were you.
the stats DO support that. Where are you getting stats? 'unemployed' just means a person actively looking for work and cant get it. A person who is happy to be on welfare or happy to live in prison is not counted. Neither are people too young to work or past retirement.
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1 Aug 2022 2:51 pm
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GHETTOBLASTER » 01 Aug 2022, 2:36 pm » wrote: Nature hates a vacuum.
We would some how figure out a way to survive the hypothetical and instantaneous disappearance of 40 Million ******.
Do you know what it costs the taxpayer to keep ****** alive and under control...?
I do believe the [[[[[[GLOBALIST SOCIAL ENGINEERS]]]]]] have a strategy that will speed up the average negroe's ability to assimilate into a modern day, technology based  society.....promote race mixing with Caucasians.
Teach your freaking kids not to fornicate with blacks!  How difficult is that?  I don't have to hate Blacks to know that mixing with them or allowing my children to mix with them is a dumb idea.

I will say this, however, I get sick and tired of watching commercials and movies that have mixed race couples.  It's **** and I turn that crap off.
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