A Psychological Profile Of Hitlertards

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By peepee
1 Aug 2022 8:28 am in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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1 Aug 2022 8:28 am
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https://www.livescience.com/60157-what- ... cists.html

"...Overall, the researchers found that alt-right members are more likely to self-report aggression (committed both in person and online) and that they are higher in negative personality traits, especially psychopathy, a trait defined by antisocial disorder and lack of empathy.

Alt-righters were also more Machiavellian, or willing to manipulate others for their own gain, and more narcissistic than the non-alt-righters. In addition, alt-righter were more likely to dehumanize minority groups as well as political groups like government workers or journalists, Forscher told Live Science.

 The research was preliminary and could not fully represent the entire alt-right movement. Survey respondents consisted of 447 alt-right adherents and 382 non-adherents, all recruited online. Nevertheless, the researchers found an intriguing schism among the alt-righters. Most of them clustered into two groups: Two hundred and twenty-six endorsed a set of attitudes and beliefs that the researchers dubbed "populist." These people were more concerned about government corruption than the rest of the alt-righters were. Another 217 skewed more "supremacist," the researchers found. This group was simply more extreme in many ways, Forscher said..."

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1 Aug 2022 8:32 am
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"...The recent prominence of white supremacists as a political force seems inextricably tied to the rise of Donald Trump: On white supremacist networks on Twitter, users focused on retweeting content about two primary topics: "white genocide" and Donald Trump, the George Washington University's report found. In the wake of the Charlottesville events, movement leaders like David Duke praised Trump's statements that decried violence on "both sides."

"Thank you, President Trump, for your honesty & courage to tell the truth about #Charlottesville & condemn the leftist terrorists in BLM/Antifa," Duke, the former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard, tweeted, referring to Black Lives Matter and anti-fascist protesters..."
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1 Aug 2022 8:37 am
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"...The people in the alt-right sample in general — and in particular, it seems, in the supremacist cluster — reported doing things that are bad," Forscher said. "They are reporting harassing others. They're reporting doxxing others [revealing personal information about people online], and they have a bunch of characteristics that are associated with aggressive behavior..."
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1 Aug 2022 9:15 am
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https://www.salon.com/2017/08/17/7-thin ... s_partner/

"...Unsurprisingly, alt-right adherents saw other racial and religious groups as less human and evolved than white people, who were rated, of course, as the most fully human of all.

Using a scale of 1 to 100, respondents rated white people’s humanity at 91.8, Jews at 73.09, Mexicans at 67.75, black people at 64.72, Arabs at 58.77, and Muslims at 55.4. The respondents scored men’s humanness at 88.47 and women’s at 83.12, while feminists’ humanity ranked far below at 57.22. Weirdly, at the very bottom of the list was Hillary Clinton, whose humanity they placed at 54.83.

Dehumanization is at the heart of every campaign of genocide and system of oppression. Dehumanization yields a justice system that criminalizes, over-polices and over-incarcerates entire groups, which is horrifying enough. When you continue the trend of describing people as not fully human, it becomes a lot easier to put them in gas chambers and internment camps; render them as chattel property; or kill off the native people of countries you've colonized..."
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1 Aug 2022 12:57 pm
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Hitler was a socialist. Dems are the new Nazis.
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2 Aug 2022 8:17 am
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 "...They score highly in 'dark triad' traits.
 The alt-right grew out of trollism, a culture that festered and grew in the bowels of 4chan and Reddit. Studies of trolls have found they score highly in “dark triad” personality traits, a trio that includes narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy. Turns out that the apple doesn’t far fall from the rotting tree. Alt-right adherents have higher than normal levels of these traits. Forscher and Kteily emphasize that these personality traits are “associated with callous, manipulative behavior....”
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2 Aug 2022 8:19 am
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johndnorth » 01 Aug 2022, 12:57 pm » wrote: Hitler was a socialist. Dems are the new Nazis.
goo goo ga ga, trumptard...  :loco:  
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2 Aug 2022 8:25 am
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peepee » 02 Aug 2022, 8:19 am » wrote: goo goo ga ga, trumptard...  Image
peepee » Yesterday, 8:05 am » wrote: 
Yesterday, 8:05 am
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2 Aug 2022 1:32 pm
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peepee » 01 Aug 2022, 8:28 am » wrote: https://www.livescience.com/60157-what- ... cists.html

"...Overall, the researchers found that alt-right members are more likely to self-report aggression (committed both in person and online) and that they are higher in negative personality traits, especially psychopathy, a trait defined by antisocial disorder and lack of empathy.

Alt-righters were also more Machiavellian, or willing to manipulate others for their own gain, and more narcissistic than the non-alt-righters. In addition, alt-righter were more likely to dehumanize minority groups as well as political groups like government workers or journalists, Forscher told Live Science.

 The research was preliminary and could not fully represent the entire alt-right movement. Survey respondents consisted of 447 alt-right adherents and 382 non-adherents, all recruited online. Nevertheless, the researchers found an intriguing schism among the alt-righters. Most of them clustered into two groups: Two hundred and twenty-six endorsed a set of attitudes and beliefs that the researchers dubbed "populist." These people were more concerned about government corruption than the rest of the alt-righters were. Another 217 skewed more "supremacist," the researchers found. This group was simply more extreme in many ways, Forscher said..."

Extremists are more extreme than non-extremists. 

Real brilliant study. Now do left wing extremists. 
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2 Aug 2022 6:03 pm
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What amuses me is that the 'symptoms' described here would also apply to anyone who simply genuinely rebels against the ruling class. 

Whether you are Julius Caesar, Lenin, or Oliver Cromwell. 

You have to be aggressive, machiavrllian, and 'narcissistic' to defy the existing ruling elite.. 

But the tone if this article is simply assuming that this is some sort of pathology.. imagine that...the only approach that can possibly succeed is a pathology...

I also find it funny that ththalassemia the divide into 'populist' and 'supremist'...what does the supremacist label mean? Because this is another contradiction. The machiavellian label itself assumes elitism. Machievelli himself...and all the political theorists influenced by him...assumed that only very few people are even capable of ruling while the vast majority of people simply are not...and this is a thing that simply must be accepted as true whether you like it or not. 

So the Description and labels picked by this fool basically expose his own lack of education. You can certainly be a 'populist'.. meaning you care about the welfare of the common man...while also being an elitist...which is an axiom of machiavelli. Meaning that you support the formation of autocratic leaders (like say Hitler) who are immune to subversion or bribery and impose policy and law that is good for the common man. I suppose one could call that populist supremacy. 

Anyway none of this is 'psychology.' It is political strategy. Most of the people engaged in it are not happy with the human condition..but if you simply ignore it then you are stupid. 

a weak, cowardly, indecisive person obviously will never have any affect on power. 
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2 Aug 2022 6:17 pm
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Machiavelli himself was a great proponent of liberty. Very explicitly so. But he knew that rainbows and unicorn farts do not produce liberty. Only power can defy power. Only a good guy with a gun can defy a bad guy with a gun.

The burghers that arose in Italian city states were very 'Republican' in their attitude and did not trust elite rule. As a consequence Italy was fragmented into a bunch of city states and none of them alone could defy the will of the French or holy Roman empire.

Machiavelli therefore wanted a united Italy under an autocratic prince...who was capable of keeping their power because they understand the nature of power...and hopefully faithful to the ultimate goal of liberty.

These are truths that midwits seem incapable of understanding and why half an education is even more dangerous than zero education.
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3 Aug 2022 7:10 am
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FOS » 02 Aug 2022, 6:03 pm » wrote: What amuses me is that the 'symptoms' described here would also apply to anyone who simply genuinely rebels against the ruling class. 

Whether you are Julius Caesar, Lenin, or Oliver Cromwell. 

You have to be aggressive, machiavrllian, and 'narcissistic' to defy the existing ruling elite.. blahblahblahblah
...not necessarily, you twisted maroon...and if a narcissist @sshole achieves high office they will be WIDELY HATED in short order...of course in the type of government/society a g@ddamned fool [and monetary ignoramus] such as yourself advocates ideas such as 'free speech', 'government transparency' etc. would have to be completely squashed...but in very short order [certainly here in murca] people would be full of fear and most importantly for you, ((((HATE))))  ;) for a government run by a authoritardian racist retard [and monetary ignoramus] like you... ...[hint for hitlertards: ..that's why your all-time 'government hero' lasted only 12 years and left his people in massive death and destruction...

...it's pretty simple to anyone not a f@cking @sshole:...intelligent, decent, fully-developed people don't like being controlled by retarded twisted control freaks, you retarded, twisted control freak... [and monetary ignoramus]  ;)  
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3 Aug 2022 7:24 am
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FOS » 02 Aug 2022, 6:17 pm » wrote: Only power can defy power. Only a good guy with a gun can defy a bad guy with a gun.These are truths that midwits seem incapable of understanding and why half an education is even more dangerous than zero education. [That's why us Nazi retards support people with zero education.]
:rolleyes:   :drool:  

...slugwit, sh!twit, quarterwit, nitwit there is a difference between 'just' 'power'/'authority'/'government'/etc. and 'unjust power/etc.' that you are 'incapable of understanding'..

...and your 'only a good guy with a gun can defy a bad guy with a gun' is simply stooooooooooooooooooooooooopid...for one thing history is full of bad guys with guns defying other bad guys with guns...

...just about everything that comes out of your hole is poop... word...  ;)  

[one wonders what this dumb@ss considers 'and education'...i'd loooooooooooove to him him expound here.... :rofl:   :clap:   :die:   :LOL:  ]
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3 Aug 2022 9:00 am
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peepee » 03 Aug 2022, 7:10 am » wrote: Image  
...not necessarily, you twisted maroon...and if a narcissist @sshole achieves high office they will be WIDELY HATED in short order...of course in the type of government/society a g@ddamned fool [and monetary ignoramus] such as yourself advocates ideas such as 'free speech', 'government transparency' etc. would have to be completely squashed...but in very short order [certainly here in murca] people would be full of fear and most importantly for you, ((((HATE))))  Image for a government run by a authoritardian racist retard [and monetary ignoramus] like you... ...[hint for hitlertards: ..that's why your all-time 'government hero' lasted only 12 years and left his people in massive death and destruction...

...it's pretty simple to anyone not a f@cking @sshole:...intelligent, decent, fully-developed people don't like being controlled by retarded twisted control freaks, you retarded, twisted control freak... [and monetary ignoramus]  Image

you are ruled, and always will be
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3 Aug 2022 9:06 am
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FOS » 03 Aug 2022, 9:00 am » wrote: you are ruled, and always will be
...of course there will always be 'rules' and therefore rulers, dumb@ss... how we derive them is where you hitlertards go off the rails...

..hitler dude, you're really really lame... ugh...    :rolleyes:  
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3 Aug 2022 9:08 am
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peepee » 03 Aug 2022, 9:06 am » wrote: ...of course there will always be 'rules' and therefore rulers, dumb@ss... how we derive them is where you hitlertards go off the rails...

..hitler dude, you're really really lame... ugh...    Image

well im not too thrilled by being ruled by people trying to genocide my race
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3 Aug 2022 9:17 am
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FOS » 03 Aug 2022, 9:08 am » wrote: well im not too thrilled by being ruled by people trying to genocide my race
Image   Image  

...you need to learn about and focus ((((INTELLIGENTLY))))) on your real and very hideous ruler$ and cease the retarded thinking that these republicrats are your 'rulers'... they are mere puppet$... 

...btw, your retarded focus on the puppet$/puppet $how is how (((((((I KNOW))))) you are a functional monetary ignoramus....
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3 Aug 2022 9:19 am
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peepee » 03 Aug 2022, 9:17 am » wrote: Image   Image  

...you need to learn about and focus ((((INTELLIGENTLY))))) on your real and very hideous ruler$ and cease the retarded thinking that these republicrats are your 'rulers'... they are mere puppet$... 

...btw, your retarded focus on the puppet$/puppet $how is how (((((((I KNOW))))) you are a functional monetary ignoramus....

our rulers are our rulers...by definition. nice logic, bro
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3 Aug 2022 9:26 am
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FOS » 03 Aug 2022, 9:19 am » wrote: our rulers are our rulers...by definition. nice logic, bro
...do you even understand the notion of puppet 'rulers'? [hint: they are not your true 'ruler$']  :loco:    

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3 Aug 2022 9:28 am
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peepee » 03 Aug 2022, 9:26 am » wrote: ...do you even understand the notion of puppet 'rulers'? [hint: they are not your true 'ruler$']  Image

when i said ruler, i meant ruler. logic dude
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