I am honest about it and I am monitored all the time. sure it is done by software, but it is still being monitored like everyone else using technology to communicate person to person electronically, wirelessly, via the internet cloud I will use a 52 year old sci-fi fiction to fruition movie.Cedar » 02 Aug 2022, 7:56 am » wrote: ↑ If I were honest about it I'd probably get a visit from the FBI. :ninja:
Cleopatria was not evil. She was simply unsuccessful at keeping Egypt independent from Rome.sootedupCyndi » 02 Aug 2022, 12:58 am » wrote: ↑ For woman of History. i like the evil ones.
Helen of troy
it isn't evil to deny how actual life operates in real time, but evil arrives being honest about it in real time as everyone else makes reality happen each generation forward now where rule of law commands people to honor vernacular tribalism or else. It is the only way to manage everyone equally ignoring life doesn't exceed being alive now.Xavier_Onassis » 02 Aug 2022, 8:35 am » wrote: ↑ Cleopatria was not evil. She was simply unsuccessful at keeping Egypt independent from Rome.
She was rather admirable, as I understand that she was the first of a dozen Ptolomies that actually learned the language of the Egyptian people.
Helen of Troy was not evil, either.
She was either kidnapped against her will, fell in love and ran off with her lover, or figured that she would be better off in Troy than Sparta. Sparta was NOT a female-friendly place.
Eve was born ignorant and was not warned against talking snakes.
Delilah was a Philistine patriot.
Leonardo da VinciSJConspirator » 01 Aug 2022, 1:52 pm » wrote: ↑ My top five
Henry George
Nikola Tesla
Nicolai Bukharin
Henry Ford
Che Guevara
Rambo and Conan are FICTIONAL.Warcok » 01 Aug 2022, 4:55 pm » wrote: ↑ Donald Trump
Napoleon Bonaparte
Christopher Columbus
Conan the Barbarian
George Washington
What is this crap? For a retard you are suddenly showing a surprising knowledge of historyXavier_Onassis » 02 Aug 2022, 8:35 am » wrote: ↑ Cleopatria was not evil. She was simply unsuccessful at keeping Egypt independent from Rome.
She was rather admirable, as I understand that she was the first of a dozen Ptolomies that actually learned the language of the Egyptian people.
Helen of Troy was not evil, either.
She was either kidnapped against her will, fell in love and ran off with her lover, or figured that she would be better off in Troy than Sparta. Sparta was NOT a female-friendly place.
Eve was born ignorant and was not warned against talking snakes.
Delilah was a Philistine patriot.
Wrong. Conan was a Welsh king who conquered north west France, now called Brittany. The comic book character of course wasn't true to life but it was based on a real person.Xavier_Onassis » 02 Aug 2022, 6:19 pm » wrote: ↑ Rambo and Conan are FICTIONAL.
There is a pretty good chance that Jesus is also fictional.
Che did not like Africans either.Xavier_Onassis » 02 Aug 2022, 8:43 am » wrote: ↑ The FBI does not arrest anyone for claiming to like Che Guevara.
El Che was a great speaker, very smart, and super photogenic.
He was intolerant of gays, and unsuccessful in his plans for world revolution.
Henry Ford was also smart, but antisemitic and less than successful in his later years, after the Model T era.
He was stubborn and refused to listen to his son Edsel (who had really nothing to do with the car).
There have been fewer really worse failures than Fordlandia, where Henry Ford decided to grow his own rubber in Brazil.
He also wanted to teach Protestant morality to Brazilians. Bolsonaro he was not.
Read "Fordlandia", sometime.
Monderegal » 02 Aug 2022, 6:30 pm » wrote: ↑ Shakespeare
Thomas Jefferson
Winston Churchill
George Lucas
Samantha Power (I know that's an odd one)
Not cause he disagreed with them lol
Patton went explicitly pro nazi right before being assassinated
FOS » 02 Aug 2022, 6:35 pm » wrote: ↑ Patton went explicitly pro nazi right before being assassinated
winston Churchill did not like the nazis simply because they were german and he didn't want competition for the English empire.. he later supported white only immigration to England, and he never really had any sort of rebuke for the nazi ideology. He just didn't like germans.Monderegal » 02 Aug 2022, 6:38 pm » wrote: ↑ Didn't know that. I will refer you to my choice of Winston Churchill. Not a big fan of Nazis.
Monderegal » 02 Aug 2022, 6:38 pm » wrote: ↑ Didn't know that. I will refer you to my choice of Winston Churchill. Not a big fan of Nazis.
FOS » 02 Aug 2022, 6:40 pm » wrote: ↑ winston Churchill did not like the nazis simply because they were german and he didn't want competition for the English empire.. he later supported white only immigration to England, and he never really had any sort of rebuke for the nazi ideology. He just didn't like germans.
This is the opposite of the truth. Churchill was more interested in eugenics than the nazis were. So was the usa. Allied propaganda against Hitler is all projection. In fact, the nazis derided the usa for their treatment of ******. And what eugenics thr nazis did participate in, they took it from the usa...but they moderated itMonderegal » 02 Aug 2022, 6:48 pm » wrote: ↑ Winston Churchill probably didn't hold the deep seething Eugenics beliefs that propagated Nazi Germany. I'm sure he was a product of his time, but he won the war in Europe. I'm not going to delve into the politics of Hitler here, but I want to note that I strongly hold notions about the moral bankruptcy of Hitler's regime. Not without blemish perhaps, but you can say that about any historic figure. Hitler to me holds extremely deep blemishes for both his beliefs and acts as the chancellor of Germany.