On a serious note -Taiwan

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By Independent
2 Aug 2022 9:07 am in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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4 Aug 2022 3:21 pm
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omh » 04 Aug 2022, 9:31 am » wrote: not when you do stupid **** like that. You are on your own because when the other person's ideology is defeated you go back to bullying your own people.

I can be a best friend you will never meet or the last enemy you ever make me the villain your mob seeks to eliminate from real time.

I have always been on my own.
Since I was 17.           I break trail.......on my own.
I am a 2-fisted bastard out Texas.    Violent.
I can knock you down, take a piss on you, & then walk on down the road.  
No qualm.      I am......Rottweiler.           No leash required.
Now, you know why I am the toughest, strongest, smartest, meanest,
Mofo in any room that I walk into.     
Now, you know why.....hard White Men......call me Captain.
I will eat your goddamn lunch.......for breakfast.            I can start right  now

That lady out of Maine......is the only one........who cared anything about yo
trifling ***.    If you dis her,.......I will bitch-slap you so hard that you will walk
off........holding a mouth full of blood.

Have a nice day...................

@sooted up Cyndi  

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4 Aug 2022 3:39 pm
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Xavier_Onassis » 04 Aug 2022, 9:08 am » wrote: The French Resistance was largely composed of  members of the French Communist Party.
You are in know way smart. You are hopelessly ignorant of American and World History.
Edith Piaf and Josephine Baker, both proud members of the Resistance, would spit on you, ptui!

I was with the French Resistance.
In my last incarnation.
I died in '44.....trying to blow a bridge......to stop Nazi advancement.             


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31st Arrival
4 Aug 2022 4:06 pm
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Taipan » 04 Aug 2022, 3:21 pm » wrote: Sir,
I have always been on my own.
Since I was 17.           I break trail.......on my own.
I am a 2-fisted bastard out Texas.    Violent.
I can knock you down, take a piss on you, & then walk on down the road.  
No qualm.      I am......Rottweiler.           No leash required.
Now, you know why I am the toughest, strongest, smartest, meanest,
Mofo in any room that I walk into.     
Now, you know why.....hard White Men......call me Captain.
I will eat your goddamn lunch.......for breakfast.            I can start right  now

That lady out of Maine......is the only one........who cared anything about yo
trifling ***.    If you dis her,.......I will bitch-slap you so hard that you will walk
off........holding a mouth full of blood.

Have a nice day...................

@sooted up Cyndi  

You are a typical mindset of a person that won't accept actual life when explained to them exactly how it evolves in plain sight accounting for each lifetime occupying space in this atmosphere the same way the universe works in series parallel time being here now.

Evolving and genetic compounding different details constantly each result present inorganic or ancestral. The idea time is linear was the start of absolute corruption of ancestral progression within this species since before history was a written language or art on cave walls.
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