Honesty about life in plain sight. When people willingly sacrifice their biological time evolving forward now cradle to grave to save humanity and reality of their choice, they get no second chances when extinction arrives.SJConspirator » 03 Aug 2022, 7:00 am » wrote: ↑ I dare you to name a value that you hold over that of greed, and demonstrate how you actually HAVE ANY values other than greed.
Even progressives can claim they believe in wokeness, and gay as it is, they actually hold transgenderism and reverse racism as values, to be sacrificed for. Many of these people are zealots, and they make sacrifices for their ideology.
When was the last time a Republican made a sacrifice for any of his/her values? Sacrifice means giving til it hurts. If you have $2 million and you donate $.050 that’s not sacrifice, BTW.
so called conservatives have no sound, no values, no virtues, nothing at the end of the day but an all consuming, raw naked greed. It is unfortunate, because if they had any values for things like community, urban improvement, charity, faith, family, honesty.. hell ANYTHJNG AT ALL, we would have a much better nation and a better world.
This is a joke right?SJConspirator » 03 Aug 2022, 7:00 am » wrote: ↑ I dare you to name a value that you hold over that of greed, and demonstrate how you actually HAVE ANY values other than greed.
Even progressives can claim they believe in wokeness, and gay as it is, they actually hold transgenderism and reverse racism as values, to be sacrificed for. Many of these people are zealots, and they make sacrifices for their ideology.
When was the last time a Republican made a sacrifice for any of his/her values? Sacrifice means giving til it hurts. If you have $2 million and you donate $.050 that’s not sacrifice, BTW.
so called conservatives have no sound, no values, no virtues, nothing at the end of the day but an all consuming, raw naked greed. It is unfortunate, because if they had any values for things like community, urban improvement, charity, faith, family, honesty.. hell ANYTHJNG AT ALL, we would have a much better nation and a better world.
omh » 03 Aug 2022, 7:05 am » wrote: ↑ Honesty about life in plain sight. When people willingly sacrifice their biological time evolving forward now cradle to grave to save humanity and reality of their choice, they get no second chances when extinction arrives.
However while evolving forward now, every decision is a second chance to change one's mind from faithful denying character's soul to honest sole displacement.
Cannot achieve balance defying natural balancing sustaining time each exists forward here.
Independent » 03 Aug 2022, 7:12 am » wrote: ↑ This is a joke right?
Curious. Have you ever lived in a small town?
Well the reason I ask is that in small towns you see all those things happen: compassion, charity, supporting each other, mercy, and grace.
Independent » 03 Aug 2022, 7:42 am » wrote: ↑ Well the reason I ask is that in small towns you see all those things happen: compassion, charity, supporting each other, mercy, and grace.
Don’t mistake not supporting government forced “charity” is a rejection of charity itself.
Perhaps you’ve been tainted by city living. My first taste of a city, I was astonished at how rude and selfish everyone had become.
yawn. Erosion of family values started by demanding everyone pick a reality to die for saving humanity's possibilities of better tomorrows limited to only existing here now.SJConspirator » 03 Aug 2022, 7:49 am » wrote: ↑ I grew up in the ghetto. Most of my experience has been very urban. I am not talking about small town charity.
I am talking Republicans in government, and by extension the people who elect them and the media they consume. All they talk about is money. When they do talk about the erosion of family values, they don’t make any serious effort to change the laws of the land.
There was the overturn of Roe v Wade, and that shows they value human life I suppose. But that shows a desire to populate the earth with more desperate, poverty stricken peasants to exploit.. again, greed.
That is a fair viewpoint. Don’t paint with a broad brush.SJConspirator » 03 Aug 2022, 7:49 am » wrote: ↑ I grew up in the ghetto. Most of my experience has been very urban. I am not talking about small town charity.
I am talking Republicans in government, and by extension the people who elect them and the media they consume. All they talk about is money. When they do talk about the erosion of family values, they don’t make any serious effort to change the laws of the land.
There was the overturn of Roe v Wade, and that shows they value human life I suppose. But that shows a desire to populate the earth with more desperate, poverty stricken peasants to exploit.. again, greed.
SJConspirator » 03 Aug 2022, 7:00 am » wrote: ↑ I dare you to name a value that you hold over that of greed, and demonstrate how you actually HAVE ANY values other than greed.
Even progressives can claim they believe in wokeness, and gay as it is, they actually hold transgenderism and reverse racism as values, to be sacrificed for. Many of these people are zealots, and they make sacrifices for their ideology.
When was the last time a Republican made a sacrifice for any of his/her values? Sacrifice means giving til it hurts. If you have $2 million and you donate $2.50 that’s not sacrifice, BTW.
so called conservatives have no sound, no values, no virtues, nothing at the end of the day but an all consuming, raw naked greed. It is unfortunate, because if they had any values for things like community, urban improvement, charity, faith, family, honesty.. hell ANYTHING AT ALL, we would have a much better nation and a better world.
Independent » 03 Aug 2022, 8:38 am » wrote: ↑ That is a fair viewpoint. Don’t paint with a broad brush.
Would you like to be judged by the progressive politicians in Washington?
I also don’t think putting your children first is selfish.
If you had to choose between feeding a stranger that knocks on your door if it meant my child would starve. You better bet I feed my children.
All we see from government is what they take from us.
...if this is really important to you, why did you support puppet trump?... anyone not an idiot understood he was/is no different... so why did you make a fool of yourself over him?... how did you get sucked in?....
peepee » 03 Aug 2022, 9:10 am » wrote: ↑ ...if this is really important to you, why did you support puppet trump?... anyone not an idiot understood he was/is no different... so why did you make a fool of yourself over him?... how did you get sucked in?....
FOS » 03 Aug 2022, 9:11 am » wrote: ↑ because he talked like someone who did not particularly want to genocide white people. but now i understand that no such person can possiblky result from any democratic process
thought it was nurturing them into adulthood. ^^^ really short sighted observation, but it is your established after birth social mentality talking.SJConspirator » 03 Aug 2022, 9:10 am » wrote: ↑ I see values as more abstract. Feeding your own kids isn't really having values, it's just instinct
peepee » 03 Aug 2022, 9:22 am » wrote: ↑![]()
...it's not just 'white people' who are being 'genocided'...furthermore, you advocate for the functional genocide of others...whether you admit it or not...or even understand it...
..and that's why you/yours should never get anywhere near government/power/authority/etc...
peepee » 03 Aug 2022, 9:28 am » wrote: ↑ ..and that's why you/yours should never get anywhere near government/power/authority/etc...![]()
...so 'people like you' want to 'genocide white people'?!? ...you come from some f@cked-up people, dude!FOS » 03 Aug 2022, 9:32 am » wrote: ↑ people like me already have all the power. They just want to genocide white people.
peepee » 03 Aug 2022, 9:36 am » wrote: ↑ ...so 'people like you' want to 'genocide white people'?!? ...you come from some f@cked-up people, dude!