I am greedy, let there be on doubt about that - I'll take all of the money I can earn, save, or make from smart investing. However, I have at least 2 values I can name which I hold over that of greed:SJConspirator » 03 Aug 2022, 7:00 am » wrote: ↑ I dare you to name a value that you hold over that of greed, and demonstrate how you actually HAVE ANY values other than greed.
Even progressives can claim they believe in wokeness, and gay as it is, they actually hold transgenderism and reverse racism as values, to be sacrificed for. Many of these people are zealots, and they make sacrifices for their ideology.
When was the last time a Republican made a sacrifice for any of his/her values? Sacrifice means giving til it hurts. If you have $2 million and you donate $2.50 that’s not sacrifice, BTW.
so called conservatives have no sound, no values, no virtues, nothing at the end of the day but an all consuming, raw naked greed. It is unfortunate, because if they had any values for things like community, urban improvement, charity, faith, family, honesty.. hell ANYTHING AT ALL, we would have a much better nation and a better world.
you are a well trained completely educated idiot that rather believe in hypothetical value systems than understanding the kinetics to mutually evolving in plain sight.FOS » 03 Aug 2022, 9:38 am » wrote: ↑ when i said people like me, i meant people willing to weild power to benefit their own people, like i am. They just think the genocide of whites is their best play, so they are doing it.
Putting your family's needs before your own is an act of selflessness, and the antithesis of greed. Putting some urban ghetto-monkey's needs before your own is STUPID!SJConspirator » 03 Aug 2022, 9:10 am » wrote: ↑ I see values as more abstract. Feeding your own kids isn't really having values, it's just instinct
Homo sapien species. One category regardless which generation one became part of life in this atmosphere.NEILCAR » 03 Aug 2022, 10:01 am » wrote: ↑ I would suggest some of what the OP thinks as values, others may think of as "faults"
It is unfair to lump everyone into 1 category ... over all Conservatives believe in
God (any form you wise
Mom and Dad and family (you can't even say Mom anymore -birthing person lol)
give to charities
being responsible for your own actions
being responsible for your family
having a job and contributing to society
law and order
in general, we are not in favor of the Government running every part of our lives
I could list all of the libs faults over the last 6 years ... but in truth we live it and feel it every day right now.
I haven't seen any rich libs building mental hospitals or anything else...
after watching libs using Political Correctness and Woke lately ... I would suggest you do not get to talk to me about values...
SJConspirator » 03 Aug 2022, 7:00 am » wrote: ↑ I dare you to name a value that you hold over that of greed, and demonstrate how you actually HAVE ANY values other than greed.
Even progressives can claim they believe in wokeness, and gay as it is, they actually hold transgenderism and reverse racism as values, to be sacrificed for. Many of these people are zealots, and they make sacrifices for their ideology.
When was the last time a Republican made a sacrifice for any of his/her values? Sacrifice means giving til it hurts. If you have $2 million and you donate $2.50 that’s not sacrifice, BTW.
so called conservatives have no sound, no values, no virtues, nothing at the end of the day but an all consuming, raw naked greed. It is unfortunate, because if they had any values for things like community, urban improvement, charity, faith, family, honesty.. hell ANYTHING AT ALL, we would have a much better nation and a better world.
Are conservatives more charitable than liberals in the U.S.? A meta-analysis of political ideology and charitable giving - PubMed (nih.gov)Our meta-analysis results suggest that political conservatives are significantly more charitable than liberals at an overall level, but the relationship between political ideology and charitable giving varies under different scenarios
Conservatives are more giving than liberals | The Seattle TimesLiberals show tremendous compassion in pushing for government programs to help the neediest people at home and abroad. Yet when it comes to individual contributions to charitable causes, liberals are cheapskates.
The OP, @SJConspirator claims to have grown up in an urban ghetto. IMHO, that is NOT a point of pride or accomplishment. If he made it out, good for him, but I don't need some former ghetto-monkey shoving his so-called urban-morals down my throat.NEILCAR » 03 Aug 2022, 10:01 am » wrote: ↑ I would suggest some of what the OP thinks as values, others may think of as "faults"
It is unfair to lump everyone into 1 category ... over all Conservatives believe in
God (any form you wise
Mom and Dad and family (you can't even say Mom anymore -birthing person lol)
give to charities
being responsible for your own actions
being responsible for your family
having a job and contributing to society
law and order
in general, we are not in favor of the Government running every part of our lives
I could list all of the libs faults over the last 6 years ... but in truth we live it and feel it every day right now.
I haven't seen any rich libs building mental hospitals or anything else...
after watching libs using Political Correctness and Woke lately ... I would suggest you do not get to talk to me about values...
Skans » 03 Aug 2022, 9:45 am » wrote: ↑ I am greedy, let there be on doubt about that - I'll take all of the money I can earn, save, or make from smart investing. However, I have at least 2 values I can name which I hold over that of greed:
1. Dedication to Family. I will sacrifice any money I have for my family.
2. Rule of Law. I will not, however, steal money from others, engage in looting, trick people out of their money, live off of handouts from the government (other people), sell drugs for money or actively harm others for monetary gain.
Independent » 03 Aug 2022, 8:38 am » wrote: ↑ That is a fair viewpoint. Don’t paint with a broad brush.
Would you like to be judged by the progressive politicians in Washington?
I also don’t think putting your children first is selfish.
If you had to choose between feeding a stranger that knocks on your door if it meant my child would starve. You better bet I feed my children.
All we see from government is what they take from us.
SJConspirator » 03 Aug 2022, 10:46 am » wrote: ↑ Okay, here is an example.
In the 1950s, nation building was a popular value. The interstate highway system was the physical manifestation of that value.
If we still had that value, there would have been a mag lev rail from LA to NY by now, and the country would be better off for it.
But that value is gone, there is no will to improve this country anymore. What has replaced it? The same thing that replaced all other values of this country, sheer greed
SJConspirator » 03 Aug 2022, 10:59 am » wrote: ↑ So nobody rebukes greed, everybody celebrates it as the ultimate virtue. There is no deeper meaning to the country itself, no moral fiber that connects us, no value placed on unity or cooperation or community.
Just a wild land where judges and politicians are openly bribed because justice is another value rendered meaningless before greed
And people wonder why kids are suddenly nihilistic mass shooters lol
GREAT TOPIC SJC..!SJConspirator » 03 Aug 2022, 7:00 am » wrote: ↑ I dare you to name a value that you hold over that of greed, and demonstrate how you actually HAVE ANY values other than greed.
Even progressives can claim they believe in wokeness, and gay as it is, they actually hold transgenderism and reverse racism as values, to be sacrificed for. Many of these people are zealots, and they make sacrifices for their ideology.
When was the last time a Republican made a sacrifice for any of his/her values? Sacrifice means giving til it hurts. If you have $2 million and you donate $2.50 that’s not sacrifice, BTW.
so called conservatives have no sound, no values, no virtues, nothing at the end of the day but an all consuming, raw naked greed. It is unfortunate, because if they had any values for things like community, urban improvement, charity, faith, family, honesty.. hell ANYTHING AT ALL, we would have a much better nation and a better world.
Taipan » 03 Aug 2022, 11:18 am » wrote: ↑ Sir,
Have you ever shot a German soldier in the face with a .30-06 Springfield M1 Garand ?
No ?? Nor, have I.
But my father has.
He did so to prevent Nazi Domination of the Western World.
He was a 19yr.-old Missouri farm boy who charged the beaches of Normandy
on June 6, 1944. And now, you know where I come from.
Have a nice day.
No. Look at South Korea and to a lesser extent, Japan. Where we are very individualistic, these two nations are group-centric. Standing out is shunned and cooperation to benefit the group as a whole is valued. Also, each country has a high degree of racial homogeneity. Yet, their suicide rate is alarmingly high for a technologically advanced nations.SJConspirator » 03 Aug 2022, 10:50 am » wrote: ↑ good answer. Do you think that countries where people place cooperation as a high value might have less bankruptcies and suicides?
I suspect that the Church fathers decided this so that the parishioners would contribute to the Holy Mother Church.SJConspirator » 03 Aug 2022, 11:09 am » wrote: ↑ If greed is so great, why did early Christians name it as one of the seven deadly sins?