My challenge to board conservatives

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3 Aug 2022 2:49 pm
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SJConspirator » 03 Aug 2022, 11:09 am » wrote: If greed is so great, why did early Christians name it as one of the seven deadly sins?
Christians did not name greed as one of the seven sins. The 7 sins are:

1.  Pride
2.  Covetousness
3.  Lust
4.  Anger
5.  Gluttony
6.  Envy
7.  Sloth

Nothing warns of an individual man's accumulation of monetary wealth.
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3 Aug 2022 2:52 pm
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SJConspirator » 03 Aug 2022, 10:46 am » wrote: Okay, here is an example.

In the 1950s, nation building was a popular value. The interstate highway system was the physical manifestation of that value.

If we still had that value, there would have been a mag lev rail from LA to NY by now, and the country would be better off for it.

But that value is gone, there is no will to improve this country anymore. What has replaced it? The same thing that replaced all other values of this country, sheer greed
Welfare and illegal immigration killed that spirit. Next?
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3 Aug 2022 2:56 pm
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SJConspirator » 03 Aug 2022, 7:00 am » wrote: I dare you to name a value that you hold over that of greed, and demonstrate how you actually HAVE ANY values other than greed.

Even progressives can claim they believe in wokeness, and gay as it is, they actually hold transgenderism and reverse racism as values, to be sacrificed for.  Many of these people are zealots, and they make sacrifices for their ideology.

When was the last time a Republican made a sacrifice for any of his/her values?  Sacrifice means giving til it hurts.  If you have $2 million and you donate $2.50 that’s  not sacrifice, BTW.

so called conservatives have no sound, no values, no virtues, nothing at the end of the day but an all consuming, raw naked greed.  It is unfortunate, because if they had any values for things like community, urban improvement, charity, faith, family, honesty.. hell ANYTHING AT ALL, we would have a much better nation and a better world.

"I dare you to name a value that you hold over that of greed, and demonstrate how you actually HAVE ANY values other than greed."

I thought you used to know something.  Your first sentence demonstrated yer true ignorance of conservatives.

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3 Aug 2022 3:09 pm
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SJConspirator » 03 Aug 2022, 7:00 am » wrote: I dare you to name a value that you hold over that of greed, and demonstrate how you actually HAVE ANY values other than greed.

Even progressives can claim they believe in wokeness, and gay as it is, they actually hold transgenderism and reverse racism as values, to be sacrificed for.  Many of these people are zealots, and they make sacrifices for their ideology.

When was the last time a Republican made a sacrifice for any of his/her values?  Sacrifice means giving til it hurts.  If you have $2 million and you donate $2.50 that’s  not sacrifice, BTW.

so called conservatives have no sound, no values, no virtues, nothing at the end of the day but an all consuming, raw naked greed.  It is unfortunate, because if they had any values for things like community, urban improvement, charity, faith, family, honesty.. hell ANYTHING AT ALL, we would have a much better nation and a better world.
"In his book, Who Really Cares: The Surprising Truth About Compassionate Conservativism (Basic Books, 2006), Brooks discovered that approximately equal percentages of liberals and conservatives give to private charitable causes. However, conservatives gave about 30 percent more money per year to private charitable causes, even though his study found liberal families earned an average of 6 percent more per year in income than did conservative families. This greater generosity among conservative families proved to be true in Brooks’ research for every income group, “from poor to middle class to rich.” ... o-cha.html

This is an older study...feel free to find a new study that contradicts it.
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31st Arrival
3 Aug 2022 3:37 pm
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Skans » 03 Aug 2022, 2:49 pm » wrote: Christians did not name greed as one of the seven sins. The 7 sins are:

1.  Pride
2.  Covetousness
3.  Lust
4.  Anger
5.  Gluttony
6.  Envy
7.  Sloth

Nothing warns of an individual man's accumulation of monetary wealth.
7 sins and 10 commandments? 30% of something are missing and the question is it about anything in particular or everything in general.

Second thing greed and gluttony are relative to same behavior in separate topics. Food or money.
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3 Aug 2022 3:52 pm
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Until your mortgage is all paid off and you are carrying zero debt from month to sure as hell can't be accused of greed.
Let's take that a step further..unless you have enough savings to replace your house after it burns to the ground or to pay cash for an emergency heart transplant shouldn't worry about being accused of greed either.
I admit to feeling a little bit guilty of greed if I buy the last box of a hard to come by ammo that I already have a lot of .
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3 Aug 2022 3:56 pm
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omh » 03 Aug 2022, 3:37 pm » wrote: 7 sins and 10 commandments? 30% of something are missing and the question is it about anything in particular or everything in general.

Second thing greed and gluttony are relative to same behavior in separate topics. Food or money.
Actually "greed" has been more associated with covetousness.  However, "Greed" is not one of the 7 sins. I have listed out all 7 sins, and Greed simply is not one of them.  The Catholics try to sneak in Greed as one of the sins, but it is not.  Pope Gregory I first enumerated them, and he did not dictate "Greed".

Greed is a compulsion to accumulate more than you could ever use.  Covetousness has more to do with wanting what someone else has.  Gluttony was historically understood to mean drunkenness. The term Covetousness was derived from the Old Testament and had more to do with wanting another man's woman or wife. 

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3 Aug 2022 4:05 pm
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Skans » 03 Aug 2022, 2:49 pm » wrote: Christians did not name greed as one of the seven sins. The 7 sins are:

1.  Pride
2.  Covetousness
3.  Lust
4.  Anger
5.  Gluttony
6.  Envy
7.  Sloth

Nothing warns of an individual man's accumulation of monetary wealth.
It is indeed true that greed is not one of the Seven Deadly Sins. However, when Jesus says that "it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to gain the Kingdom of Heaven", he was clearly speaking about greed and its disadvantages.
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3 Aug 2022 5:23 pm
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Xavier_Onassis » 03 Aug 2022, 4:05 pm » wrote: It is indeed true that greed is not one of the Seven Deadly Sins. However, when Jesus says that "it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to gain the Kingdom of Heaven", he was clearly speaking about greed and its disadvantages.

Then you should take his advice and strive to remain poor..!!

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3 Aug 2022 6:43 pm
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Skans » 03 Aug 2022, 2:49 pm » wrote: Christians did not name greed as one of the seven sins. The 7 sins are:

1.  Pride
2.  Covetousness
3.  Lust
4.  Anger
5.  Gluttony
6.  Envy
7.  Sloth

Nothing warns of an individual man's accumulation of monetary wealth.
please explain what #2 means, I'm confused by that word

Edit : nvm you already did
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31st Arrival
4 Aug 2022 5:04 am
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Skans » 03 Aug 2022, 3:56 pm » wrote: Actually "greed" has been more associated with covetousness.  However, "Greed" is not one of the 7 sins. I have listed out all 7 sins, and Greed simply is not one of them.  The Catholics try to sneak in Greed as one of the sins, but it is not.  Pope Gregory I first enumerated them, and he did not dictate "Greed".

Greed is a compulsion to accumulate more than you could ever use.  Covetousness has more to do with wanting what someone else has.  Gluttony was historically understood to mean drunkenness. The term Covetousness was derived from the Old Testament and had more to do with wanting another man's woman or wife. 

with 7 sins comes 7 virtues as everything has opposites to balance out action and reaction. Now that means there are 7 axioms of doubt with bipolar results surrounding any action and reaction. going from 14 to 28 in a simple compounding evolutionary flow of ever changing total sum displacements here now.

lets work 3 generation gaps instead of 5. 8 great grandparents, 4 grandparents, 2 parents, each arriving great great grandchild. Build a graph that shows where each are balancing as displaced genetically timed apart in life here now ad where the past generations and next generations flow within event horizons that pinpoint their biological time when displaced.

I created such a 4 dimensional graph that spans 5 generations and it works since inception to current population of any species and its means to reproduce additional lifetimes until extinct event occurs, yesterday, today, or tomorrow. rule of 72 formula to calculate yield between combined actions and reactions of life evolving in plain sight.

If you view my signature, it is the figure on the right. the first two are governing philosophies of anything else is possible and working theories and theologies suggesting eternal life evolves beyond mutually timed apart now psychology, metaphysic, quantum mechanics, relative time theory, economic values, social consensus directing behavior cradle to grave through vernacular tribalism.

Kinetic physical absolutes sustained by molecular migration of ever changing forms shaped here now. Thermodynamics in real time.
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4 Aug 2022 5:35 am
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omh » 04 Aug 2022, 5:04 am » wrote: with 7 sins comes 7 virtues as everything has opposites to balance out action and reaction.
That singular sentence of yours is correct.  The rest of what you said is complete nonsense and does not deserve to be re-posted or to take up precious bandwidth.  But, you already know that!
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31st Arrival
4 Aug 2022 6:00 am
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Skans » 04 Aug 2022, 5:35 am » wrote: That singular sentence of yours is correct.  The rest of what you said is complete nonsense and does not deserve to be re-posted or to take up precious bandwidth.  But, you already know that!
Completely define what government does ancestrally here now? Controls human behavior cradle to grave through power of suggesting life is more than reproductively centered as eternally separated biologically here.

How does your intelectual logic operate against Natural World Order? Promising a New World Order tomorrow. Living has never exceeded mutually evolving in plain sight of self compared to everything else universally present.

Point of origin is same time final departure happens here. process vs deniers of the process everything is situated in now regardless universal geographical area.

Physical absolutes, self evident results one species made a habit of socially defying real time to create village idiots thinking they are guardians of the galaxies with wordplay/cosplay, cosmic faith, spiritual fantasies, science fiction time is more than the personal event horizon of being here now spontaneously one of a kind simultaneously occupying space since conceived or never existed before or after one's time living here now.

Equality doesn't deliver fairness, just equal time occupying space now. How everyone chooses to behave in compounding numbers of never the same ancestors twice makes eternally separated nirvana or hell.

I discovered serenity of self evident displacement where I don't have to prove being a royal we, loyal us, compliant they, them or those people, outcast that doesn't belong in any ideology cradle to grave and everyone rejects my thinking to protect their own misdirection narrative life exceeds genetics eternally separating numbers present.
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