My point was that the wording of the measure wasn’t the easiest to understand, why can’t they just put the question in plain English.Monderegal » 03 Aug 2022, 1:56 pm » wrote: ↑ I did. The text of the Kansas state constitution states that all women have a legal right to an abortion. Like the American constitution, all 50 states have their own founding document. The amendment would have allowed the Kansas legislature to pass laws restricting abortion in direct violation of the constitution of that state. That's why it is an amendment. Constitutions can be rewritten in the form of additions to the language of the document. Perhaps not a law banning abortion, just enabling laws that would do so without being stricken down by the Kansas Supreme Court in violation of the Kansas state constitution. .
Judging by the turn out and what people in Kansasmm had to say .... I think Kansas has made an informed decision ... which is what the Supreme Court stated .... up to the States.Cedar » 04 Aug 2022, 8:27 am » wrote: ↑ My point was that the wording of the measure wasn’t the easiest to understand, why can’t they just put the question in plain English.
I imagine Kansas will revisit this topic at a later time.
Cedar » 04 Aug 2022, 8:27 am » wrote: ↑ My point was that the wording of the measure wasn’t the easiest to understand, why can’t they just put the question in plain English.
I imagine Kansas will revisit this topic at a later time.
Was he reelected? No, he was not. Can you claim anything good that he managed to do in Minnesota?GHETTOBLASTER » 03 Aug 2022, 1:05 pm » wrote: ↑ Didn't JESSE 'THE BODY" VENTURA end up being a productive Governor...?
It was phrased in such a way that to vote to keep the Kansas State Constitution as it was required people to vote NO.Monderegal » 04 Aug 2022, 8:47 am » wrote: ↑ I think that is probably the closest to English the lawyers could make it. What surprised me is that the ballot measure was defeated by a margin larger than the polls say that Kansas citizens oppose the restriction of abortion rights. Apparently, the pro choice crowd was motivated to go to the polls. Kinda like when Trump voters voted beyond their poll numbers in 2016 and 2020. Note that only 50% of eligible voters vote in America. The Democrats might show up in 2022.
You believe ideology owns your soul purpose to be in character as it should everyone else like you perform or else.Xavier_Onassis » 04 Aug 2022, 8:22 am » wrote: ↑ The Supreme Court has been packed with Catholics deliberately. The choose to believe that a woman does not even own her own body.
How stupid is that?
You are a great pretender reality is all anyone needs to know about to be a perfect citizen, but what is it to be just an eternally separated reproduction occupying space here now? Equally alive in one's skin is self evident.Xavier_Onassis » 04 Aug 2022, 8:56 am » wrote: ↑ Was he reelected? No, he was not. Can you claim anything good that he managed to do in Minnesota?
He was okay as a pro wrestler, but as a politician he was a disaster.
Would you like to amend the state constitution to allow the peoples representatives to regulate abortion?Monderegal » 04 Aug 2022, 8:47 am » wrote: ↑ I think that is probably the closest to English the lawyers could make it. What surprised me is that the ballot measure was defeated by a margin larger than the polls say that Kansas citizens oppose the restriction of abortion rights. Apparently, the pro choice crowd was motivated to go to the polls. Kinda like when Trump voters voted beyond their poll numbers in 2016 and 2020. Note that only 50% of eligible voters vote in America. The Democrats might show up in 2022.
But is that what was actually ON THE BALLOT?Cedar » 04 Aug 2022, 10:12 am » wrote: ↑ Would you like to amend the state constitution to allow the peoples representatives to regulate abortion?
Pretty easy to understand and straight to the point.
That pretty much the gist of it.Xavier_Onassis » 04 Aug 2022, 10:22 am » wrote: ↑ But is that what was actually ON THE BALLOT?
There were major efforts to claim that to vote for the people's rights, one should vote YES.
He ran on tax reform and he was able to make some changes.Xavier_Onassis » 04 Aug 2022, 8:56 am » wrote: ↑ Was he reelected? No, he was not. Can you claim anything good that he managed to do in Minnesota?
He was okay as a pro wrestler, but as a politician he was a disaster.
Notice you omitted which people were making the claims to vote yes?Xavier_Onassis » 04 Aug 2022, 10:22 am » wrote: ↑ But is that what was actually ON THE BALLOT?
There were major efforts to claim that to vote for the people's rights, one should vote YES.
specific issue vs specific evolving as the whole. You can't help yourself to always manifesting loopholes in actual life to be used against anyone being honest about actual life.Xavier_Onassis » 04 Aug 2022, 10:51 am » wrote: ↑ Of course is representative government. Those voting to not change the state constitution were expressing the desire of the majority of people to represent them in not changing the constitution.
There is nothing more clearly representative than by direct vote on one single specific issue.
You manage to barge into each and every conversation in this forum and blather about E=MC3 and the rule of 72 and seven degrees of separation and end all coherent dialogue. Why do you do this?
Keep sucking that theocratic dick, slo-mo.Independent » 03 Aug 2022, 8:40 pm » wrote: ↑ Oh my. Did this happen tonight? I didn’t see anything about it in the news!!
and who among you has not heard the inspiring tale of "Nimbod building the Tower of Doubt into Heaven"?omh » 04 Aug 2022, 8:15 am » wrote: ↑ After 20 weeks of being pregnant. That is roughly 4 and a half months. That is half term pregnancy. You are really a Nimbod building a tower of doubt into heaven after dead while living is eternally separated as ancestrally occupying space in plain sight.
History immortalizes ideas, eternal life is sustained in reproductive order of numbers occupying space here now. How much simpler can life be, unless idealistic doubters govern your tomorrows, today with incomplete facts that only prove loyalty to a royal we and prosecute anyone defying reality of any franchise established globally within this species?
I don't give a **** what Kansas decides to do with respect to Abortion. It's back in the hands of the States. They can decide to kill babies up to age 21 and a half years old for all I care.Monderegal » 03 Aug 2022, 9:27 am » wrote: ↑ If you were tracking the primaries last night you might be getting a feel of how the Dodd decision is playing out. Kansas, a state that is considered very Conservative, rejected a constitutional amendment to ban abortion with 59% of the vote. Perhaps a miscalculation by Trump when he chose his Supreme Court justices? Does anyone here think that this might also play into Democratic hands when the actual midterms take place? That seems like a pretty resounding defeat.
It all depends on how many politically pithed students graduated from college this year. Why, are you with child?Monderegal » 03 Aug 2022, 9:27 am » wrote: ↑ If you were tracking the primaries last night you might be getting a feel of how the Dodd decision is playing out. Kansas, a state that is considered very Conservative, rejected a constitutional amendment to ban abortion with 59% of the vote. Perhaps a miscalculation by Trump when he chose his Supreme Court justices? Does anyone here think that this might also play into Democratic hands when the actual midterms take place? That seems like a pretty resounding defeat.
your intellectual divide and conquer those conflicted about actual life is dumb founded in hope, faith, charity donating one's time to wishing real wasn't real and selecting typecast social order that fits their nature when naturally occupying time inhabiting space here demanding equality promising better days forward than genetics sustains here now.Xavier_Onassis » 11 Aug 2022, 3:54 pm » wrote: ↑ and who among you has not heard the inspiring tale of "Nimbod building the Tower of Doubt into Heaven"?