why is it a theory when it is self evident they became that high because those in charge made them that high. Many reasons separate angles of deflection used simultaneously moving them in one direction forward, higher to justify green energy promises of better tomorrows.Vegas » 04 Aug 2022, 10:41 am » wrote: ↑ There are a few reasons, of course, so I am not saying this is the only reason. I am saying it could be a reason among the others. A theory prosed is that OPEC is like a gang, they are run by an organized ruthless gang. Putin has close ties with this gang. What happens when a gang member gets hit by outside influences? Their fellow gang members fight back to protect them. Given Putin's ties with this gang, they consider Putin one of their own. So, if you mess with Putin, you mess with the gang. OPEC didn't like America imposing sanctions on Russian. This was considered an act of offensive aggression on one of their gang members. Therefore, OPEC is intentionally giving a big "**** you" to America right back...as well as any nation that opposes Putin. Therefore, they are minimizing the supply, while boosting the prices...because **** all of us. That's why.
johndnorth » 04 Aug 2022, 11:15 am » wrote: ↑ The reason gas prices are high is senile Biden. Senile Joe could solve the problem by executive order. The USA could easily drive the price down and really put the boots to both OPEC and Putin. Senile Joe is a pawn of China and Russia. Both countries paid off Hunter Biden and senile Joe (The big guy) took his %10. Gas prices started rising the day senile Biden took office. High gas prices are what the dems want. Senile Biden told voters he would wage war on fossil fuel. Dems knew gas prices would rise and they liked it. Senile Joe owns it and dem foolishness of saying gas prices are coming down is like saying we are not in a recession. Gas $2.79 in Mass the day senile Joe took over. Gas $4.50+ now. Dems are happy. Bye bye dems.
johndnorth » 04 Aug 2022, 11:15 am » wrote: ↑ The reason gas prices are high is senile Biden. Senile Joe could solve the problem by executive order. The USA could easily drive the price down and really put the boots to both OPEC and Putin. Senile Joe is a pawn of China and Russia. Both countries paid off Hunter Biden and senile Joe (The big guy) took his %10. Gas prices started rising the day senile Biden took office. High gas prices are what the dems want. Senile Biden told voters he would wage war on fossil fuel. Dems knew gas prices would rise and they liked it. Senile Joe owns it and dem foolishness of saying gas prices are coming down is like saying we are not in a recession. Gas $2.79 in Mass the day senile Joe took over. Gas $4.50+ now. Dems are happy. Bye bye dems.
I want some data and sources.NEILCAR » 04 Aug 2022, 12:48 pm » wrote: ↑ In 2018 (4 years ago) the US Oil Production surpassed Saudi and the Russian to become the world's largest producer of oil.
In biden's inaugural day message biden declared war on US Oil Production
In less than 2 years biden has completely destroyed the US Oil Industry and made American dependent upon importing oil
Those 3 statements are true.
If you want to blame Russia, big oil, or the gas station owner ... you will not solve the problem.
The problem is biden oil policies...
**** in one hand and wish in the other. Let us know what you get first.
Damn fine fiction.johndnorth » 04 Aug 2022, 11:15 am » wrote: ↑ The reason gas prices are high is senile Biden. Senile Joe could solve the problem by executive order. The USA could easily drive the price down and really put the boots to both OPEC and Putin. Senile Joe is a pawn of China and Russia. Both countries paid off Hunter Biden and senile Joe (The big guy) took his %10. Gas prices started rising the day senile Biden took office. High gas prices are what the dems want. Senile Biden told voters he would wage war on fossil fuel. Dems knew gas prices would rise and they liked it. Senile Joe owns it and dem foolishness of saying gas prices are coming down is like saying we are not in a recession. Gas $2.79 in Mass the day senile Joe took over. Gas $4.50+ now. Dems are happy. Bye bye dems.
American oil production is at historically high levels.NEILCAR » 04 Aug 2022, 12:48 pm » wrote: ↑ In 2018 (4 years ago) the US Oil Production surpassed Saudi and the Russian to become the world's largest producer of oil.
In biden's inaugural day message biden declared war on US Oil Production
In less than 2 years biden has completely destroyed the US Oil Industry and made American dependent upon importing oil
Those 3 statements are true.
If you want to blame Russia, big oil, or the gas station owner ... you will not solve the problem.
The problem is biden oil policies...
So are gas prices. Coincidence that this happens when a single party controls the Whitehouse and congress which happens to have murdering fossil fuels as a major party platform.
It's amusing to see someone like you outraged when you see hype that's thrown back in your face...Xavier_Onassis » 04 Aug 2022, 2:57 pm » wrote: ↑ In less than 2 years biden has completely destroyed the US Oil Industry and made American dependent upon importing oil
\What a TOTALLY STUPID thing to post, If the US Oil Industry were TOTALLY DESTROYED, there would be pumping, transporting, refining and selling NO OIL AT ALL.
They are actually making out like bandits, Profits are at an all time high.
Might as well buy theirs first
It is hilarious to watch you jump between logical one sided truths. This post ^^^^^^here you play literal interpretation third of the time I watch you play relative truth against figurative outcomes that reached fruition somewhere in history.Xavier_Onassis » 04 Aug 2022, 2:57 pm » wrote: ↑ In less than 2 years biden has completely destroyed the US Oil Industry and made American dependent upon importing oil
\What a TOTALLY STUPID thing to post, If the US Oil Industry were TOTALLY DESTROYED, there would be pumping, transporting, refining and selling NO OIL AT ALL.
They are actually making out like bandits, Profits are at an all time high.
you don't need data sources ... you are in the biz ... you know they are true lol ...