If every white person disappeared would the quality of life massively improve for the rest of humanity?

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4 Aug 2022 4:25 pm
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@FOS, Sorry in advance for taking the liberty. 

Does the title cause racial rage among white, conservative readers here? Does it bring about visions of human extermination, or even equate to it? WIll BBBBeeeeeCCCCCeeee and VeeeeeDDDeeee and PPPPeeeeePPPeeee implode, explode, or senselessly rant due to implications which don't exist?

The answer to the original question as posed by FOS is a resounding YES, and our outraged liberals know this. That truth brings on their flight or fight mode, and the written fight begins. Unfortunately for them, that fight cannot beat the ultimate truth. It must be draining on their psyche to fight what they know but will not admit is true.

Back to the thread title. It doesn't trigger me in any fashion, and my vote is "YES" again. The quality of life will turn into destructive, brutal, chaotic savagery and death for the remaining black population. Back to tribal ways of primitive man.

:rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:  

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4 Aug 2022 4:46 pm
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Would remain the same but innovation would stagnate. Lives of blacks would change because other minorities wouldn't accept the race card in exchange for preferential treatment. Blacks would also learn that supportive whites are far more tolerant of their occasional moments of rage than other groups would be. The most anti black person I have ever known was an older Vietnamese woman. Asians would end welfare after a month or two. 
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4 Aug 2022 4:58 pm
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Neo » 04 Aug 2022, 4:46 pm » wrote: Would remain the same but innovation would stagnate. Lives of blacks would change because other minorities wouldn't accept the race card in exchange for preferential treatment. Blacks would also learn that whites are far more tolerant of their occasional moments of rage than generally supportive cheerleading whites.

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4 Aug 2022 5:09 pm
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Neo » 04 Aug 2022, 5:02 pm » wrote: Sorry my proofreading failed horribly.

what?...you mean we are all human?....no way!!

you hit the nail on the head
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4 Aug 2022 5:14 pm
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Neo » 04 Aug 2022, 4:46 pm » wrote: Would remain the same but innovation would stagnate. Lives of blacks would change because other minorities wouldn't accept the race card in exchange for preferential treatment. Blacks would also learn that supportive whites are far more tolerant of their occasional moments of rage than other groups would be. The most anti black person I have ever known was an older Vietnamese woman. Asians would end welfare after a month or two.
Well stated. Kind of tongue in cheek on my part because my impetus was more about how and why liberals became so enraged about FOS's title, and now that the tables are turned...little consternation from them I will guess. Image  
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4 Aug 2022 5:25 pm
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DeplorablePatriot » 04 Aug 2022, 4:25 pm » wrote: @FOS, Sorry in advance for taking the liberty. 

Does the title cause racial rage among white, conservative readers here? Does it bring about visions of human extermination, or even equate to it? WIll BBBBeeeeeCCCCCeeee and VeeeeeDDDeeee and PPPPeeeeePPPeeee implode, explode, or senselessly rant due to implications which don't exist?

The answer to the original question as posed by FOS is a resounding YES, and our outraged liberals know this. That truth brings on their flight or fight mode, and the written fight begins. Unfortunately for them, that fight cannot beat the ultimate truth. It must be draining on their psyche to fight what they know but will not admit is true.

Back to the thread title. It doesn't trigger me in any fashion, and my vote is "YES" again. The quality of life will turn into destructive, brutal, chaotic savagery and death for the remaining black population. Back to tribal ways of primitive man.

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4 Aug 2022 6:26 pm
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DeplorablePatriot » 04 Aug 2022, 5:14 pm » wrote: Well stated. Kinf of tongue in cheek on my part because my impetus was more about how and why liberals became so enraged about FOS's title, and now that the tables are turned...little consternation from them I will guess. Image
I think it's a fair question, in the interest of equity and all. Notice spell check suggests changing equality into equity. This is by design. 
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4 Aug 2022 7:37 pm
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DeplorablePatriot » 04 Aug 2022, 4:25 pm » wrote: The answer to the original question as posed by FOS is a resounding YES, and our outraged liberals know this.
You mean they are better off with all those vaccines imposed onto them?
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nuckin futz
4 Aug 2022 7:43 pm
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DeplorablePatriot » 04 Aug 2022, 4:25 pm » wrote: @FOS, Sorry in advance for taking the liberty. 

Does the title cause racial rage among white, conservative readers here? Does it bring about visions of human extermination, or even equate to it? WIll BBBBeeeeeCCCCCeeee and VeeeeeDDDeeee and PPPPeeeeePPPeeee implode, explode, or senselessly rant due to implications which don't exist?

The answer to the original question as posed by FOS is a resounding YES, and our outraged liberals know this. That truth brings on their flight or fight mode, and the written fight begins. Unfortunately for them, that fight cannot beat the ultimate truth. It must be draining on their psyche to fight what they know but will not admit is true.

Back to the thread title. It doesn't trigger me in any fashion, and my vote is "YES" again. The quality of life will turn into destructive, brutal, chaotic savagery and death for the remaining black population. Back to tribal ways of primitive man.

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4 Aug 2022 11:28 pm
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Like Clara Peller always asked, "Where's the white meat?" 
I don't see any angry crackers yet.  Image  
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31st Arrival
5 Aug 2022 5:29 am
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DeplorablePatriot » 04 Aug 2022, 4:25 pm » wrote: @FOS, Sorry in advance for taking the liberty. 

Does the title cause racial rage among white, conservative readers here? Does it bring about visions of human extermination, or even equate to it? WIll BBBBeeeeeCCCCCeeee and VeeeeeDDDeeee and PPPPeeeeePPPeeee implode, explode, or senselessly rant due to implications which don't exist?

The answer to the original question as posed by FOS is a resounding YES, and our outraged liberals know this. That truth brings on their flight or fight mode, and the written fight begins. Unfortunately for them, that fight cannot beat the ultimate truth. It must be draining on their psyche to fight what they know but will not admit is true.

Back to the thread title. It doesn't trigger me in any fashion, and my vote is "YES" again. The quality of life will turn into destructive, brutal, chaotic savagery and death for the remaining black population. Back to tribal ways of primitive man.

:rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:   :rofl:  

Why didn't you ask If white people never existed, would humanity have ever developed to replace natural evolving forward here now and biology wouldn't corrupt natural displacement by suggesting now isn't eternity?

In 2009 I googled the timeline of established religions, the results I got back then aren't the results given in 2020. Like the one I got just evaporated.

For 2 years after I started using the phrase Intellectual Armageddon google would bring up my thread and in 2020 it stopped doing that. Personal experience is a great educator reality doesn't teach.
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5 Aug 2022 6:18 am
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DeplorablePatriot » 04 Aug 2022, 4:25 pm » wrote: @FOS, Sorry in advance for taking the liberty. 

Does the title cause racial rage among white, conservative readers here? Does it bring about visions of human extermination, or even equate to it? WIll BBBBeeeeeCCCCCeeee and VeeeeeDDDeeee and PPPPeeeeePPPeeee implode, explode, or senselessly rant due to implications which don't exist?

The answer to the original question as posed by FOS is a resounding YES, and our outraged liberals know this. That truth brings on their flight or fight mode, and the written fight begins. Unfortunately for them, that fight cannot beat the ultimate truth. It must be draining on their psyche to fight what they know but will not admit is true.

Back to the thread title. It doesn't trigger me in any fashion, and my vote is "YES" again. The quality of life will turn into destructive, brutal, chaotic savagery and death for the remaining black population. Back to tribal ways of primitive man.

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Death cults, the climate is wrong and people will die to solve the problem, same old world same old stuff.

Destined to be the masters of time.
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31st Arrival
5 Aug 2022 6:35 am
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Bob » 05 Aug 2022, 6:18 am » wrote: Death cults, the climate is wrong and people will die to solve the problem, same old world same old stuff.

Destined to be the masters of time.
Too master time, one has to understand the kinetics of the situation inside out, not theorize about it outside in and govern people by expectations rather than comprehending total sum of population's actions here now.
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5 Aug 2022 6:55 am
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omh » 05 Aug 2022, 6:35 am » wrote: Too master time, one has to understand the kinetics of the situation inside out, not theorize about it outside in and govern people by expectations rather than comprehending total sum of population's actions here now.

 How you know that now is not eternity, you are going to wake up tomorrow and the next day finding that you are in the future with the sun rising at the exact same time that it did in the year before and a commune group-gang is not going to change the actual situation.
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5 Aug 2022 8:45 am
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Woman shows cops ‘white privilege’ card instead of license in Alaska traffic stop

A woman pulled over during a traffic stop in Alaska last month showed cops her “white privilege” card instead of her driver’s license.

The local police department on Thursday said the two officers violated department policy when they let her go without a citation, the Anchorage Daily News reported.

https://nypost.com/2022/08/05/alaska-wo ... ffic-stop/
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31st Arrival
5 Aug 2022 8:55 am
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Bob » 05 Aug 2022, 6:55 am » wrote:  How you know that now is not eternity, you are going to wake up tomorrow and the next day finding that you are in the future with the sun rising at the exact same time that it did in the year before and a commune group-gang is not going to change the actual situation.
Follow the compounding genetics mutually evolving inside out as you are in the same time, same atmosphere, same species separate ancestors never duplicated once historically.

Sure lots of people perform as prior generations did, but it isn't the same total sum yesterday, today, or tomorrow. All things are balancing out forward now.
It is a universal constant among all things occupying time inhabiting space specifically here in series parallel thermodynamic results.

4 words, everything evolving together here.
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5 Aug 2022 9:15 am
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All these "what if"  questions about total impossible events are a total waste of time.
This is NOT a "White Man's Country", it has never been one.
There is ZERO chance that all White people or all Black people will "disappear".

It is no doubt fun for the racist assholes to blather about.

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31st Arrival
5 Aug 2022 9:26 am
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Xavier_Onassis » 05 Aug 2022, 9:15 am » wrote: All these "what if"  questions about total impossible events are a total waste of time.
This is NOT a "White Man's Country", it has never been one.
There is ZERO chance that all White people or all Black people will "disappear".

It is no doubt fun for the racist assholes to blather about.

What aboutism is the same thing whatifism is used to do? keep people's instinctive brain from navigating time as only occupying space now genetics sustains eternal separation of their sole time displaced ancestrally here.

That brainwashing done through power of suggestion and psychological class warfare working 24/7 academically, artistically, economically, politically, spiritually, socially, ancestrally 5 generations in a row now.

Convert each great great grandchild to follow their 4 previous generations did in the past forward from here as great great grandchildren only arrive one at a time changing population in plain sight here now.
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