New patents for new insulin based products. No one buys old school insulin, they are too lazy for that noise.
Class warfare is so 19th centuryScottMon » 08 Aug 2022, 7:51 pm » wrote: ↑ Because some rich people freak out when they're a little less rich. Poor people never freak out because they have learned how to be poor already. The rich need the poor a lot more than the poor need the rich.
It was but Crony Capitalism brought it back with a howl. The great resignation shows how much our economy depends on low wage earners.
Pretty sure no new patents have been filed lately.Neo » 08 Aug 2022, 8:06 pm » wrote: ↑ New patents for new insulin based products. No one buys old school insulin, they are too lazy for that noise.
Wouldn't be the first time you were wrong, there are thousands of medical patents are filed every year. Generic insulin is $7 a bottle, fancy long lasting pumped insulin is $70 a bottle. Coors is a dollar a can, single malt whiskey can command hundreds of dollars for 16ozs.
But I found none are for insulin.Neo » 08 Aug 2022, 8:26 pm » wrote: ↑ How many patents are filed in 2020?
As of 2020, the number of patent applications worldwide amounted to about 3.27 million. That was a slight increase compared to the previous year when the number reached around 3.22 million applications.
Per year.
Neo....Neo » 08 Aug 2022, 8:06 pm » wrote: ↑ New patents for new insulin based products. No one buys old school insulin, they are too lazy for that noise.
Thousands are for patented insulin derived products such as Lantus. Insulin is $7 a bottle, Lantus is $100. You can get a beat up car for 1000 dollars but try to get into a Lamborghini for less than a couple hundred grand.
Problem is, no one is making generic Insulin. There is more profit in markups and restricted markets. Only 3 companies make insulin.Neo » 08 Aug 2022, 8:38 pm » wrote: ↑ Thousands are for patented insulin derived products such as Lantus. Insulin is $7 a bottle, Lantus is $100. You can get a beat up car for 1000 dollars but try to get into a Lamborghini for less than a couple hundred grand.
Applicant. Tradename. Estimated Patent Expiration
Sanofi-aventis U.s. Llc. LANTUS. 2033-03-P
Now you are approaching a valid point. Why aren't companies making generic insulin?? Government red tape involved in setting up a synthetic insulin manufacturing lab is too high to get a return on investment. Reduce the liability costs and startup costs imposed by the government and you would perhaps see more generic insulin production. Big pharmaceutical would all resist this as it might threaten the profits they are making on their Lamborghini insulin derived products. Not too difficult from the illicit drug trade, the whales keep the little fish in check.ScottMon » 08 Aug 2022, 8:43 pm » wrote: ↑ Problem is, no one is making generic Insulin. There is more profit in markups and restricted markets. Only 3 companies make insulin.
Ok, That is a potential solution. I don't see the companies going for it though.Neo » 08 Aug 2022, 8:48 pm » wrote: ↑ Now you are approaching a valid point. Why aren't companies making generic insulin?? Government red tape involved in setting up a synthetic insulin manufacturing lab is too high to get a return on investment. Reduce the liability costs and startup costs imposed by the government and you would perhaps see more generic insulin production. Big pharmaceutical would all resist this as it might threaten the profits they are making on their Lamborghini insulin derived products. Not too difficult from the illicit drug trade, the whales keep the little fish in check.
roadkill » 08 Aug 2022, 6:49 pm » wrote: ↑ Short terms claims by way of the language.
"Inflation Reduction Act" is a lie.
It will crush small business and the middle class. Remember...the Biden admin also claims we're not in a recession when the definition of a recession has already happened.
You used yer here's one of many other sources that I will use...any corp tax that the dems hand to corporations can only be paid by the consumers, the workers, and the investors. If you choose not to believe that, it's yer choice.
That is the apologia.Neo » 08 Aug 2022, 8:48 pm » wrote: ↑ Now you are approaching a valid point. Why aren't companies making generic insulin?? Government red tape involved in setting up a synthetic insulin manufacturing lab is too high to get a return on investment. Reduce the liability costs and startup costs imposed by the government and you would perhaps see more generic insulin production. Big pharmaceutical would all resist this as it might threaten the profits they are making on their Lamborghini insulin derived products. Not too difficult from the illicit drug trade, the whales keep the little fish in check.
So you admit you lied when you said there was no development cost.
I didn't lie. We developed the drug a hundred years ago.ConsRule » 09 Aug 2022, 7:51 am » wrote: ↑ So you admit you lied when you said there was no development cost.
There was still R&D said there was no development cost. Then you said the R&D had already been covered. One of your statements was a lie. Be an adult and admit it.
you seem like an expert. How much should insulin Cost? Are diabetics getting it too Cheaply? Maybe the pharmaceutical companies are getting ripped off.ConsRule » 08 Aug 2022, 1:31 pm » wrote: ↑ haven't proven a **** thing.
Second...I never said it wasn't cheap to manufacture. and shipping have absolutely nothing to do with the R&D necessary to develop a drug.
I never said I was an expert (your words, not mine)...and any product should be priced at what the market will bear.SJConspirator » 09 Aug 2022, 3:44 pm » wrote: ↑ you seem like an expert. How much should insulin Cost? Are diabetics getting it too Cheaply? Maybe the pharmaceutical companies are getting ripped off.