You don't do sarcasm very well, do you?
LOOK AT THE POOR EMOTIONALLY DISTRESSED BITCH RANT AND RAVE WHEN THE POOR EMOTIONALLY DISTRESSED BITCHES DOUBLE STANDARDS GET EXPOSED...!!!Xavier_Onassis » 10 Aug 2022, 7:47 pm » wrote: ↑ Why don't you just let people decide for themselves when to be outraged. There is no effect is one or a million people are outraged at something. Mind your own effing beeswax, why doancha?
Throw criminals in jail? There you go again, spouting off what has become rarer every day.Monderegal » 10 Aug 2022, 4:55 pm » wrote: ↑ You throw the criminals in jail and you establish justice. Don't dehumanize in the process. That's my answer.
Xavier_Onassis » 10 Aug 2022, 7:47 pm » wrote: ↑ Why don't you just let people decide for themselves when to be outraged. There is no effect is one or a million people are outraged at something. Mind your own effing beeswax, why doancha?
GHETTOBLASTER » 10 Aug 2022, 4:06 pm » wrote: ↑ Good move..!
99% of your "people problems" will be with Libtards who are fleeing from their Pet Pavement Apes.
Be sure about the local water situation.
In the higher elevations it can be sketchy.
Wyoming is quite nice.
The area east north east of Glacier Peak Washington is great if you don't mind being really in the middle of nowhere.
Monderegal » 10 Aug 2022, 3:03 pm » wrote: ↑ Street thugs in gangsta rap don't represent the black community as a whole. Deal with it.
DeplorablePatriot » 10 Aug 2022, 8:07 pm » wrote: ↑ Throw criminals in jail? There you go again, spouting off what has become rarer every day.
And we all know CPS and the police did nothing to the big fat **** for posting this photo...child endangerment and feral street monkey indoctrination. Thug nigs are allowed to practice *** without repercussions.GHETTOBLASTER » 10 Aug 2022, 3:00 pm » wrote: ↑ CHIMPIN' AINT EASY MANE...IZE GUNNA BUSSACAP INYO AZZ MUFFUGGAH!!!
DeezerShoove » 10 Aug 2022, 7:36 pm » wrote: ↑ You don't do sarcasm very well, do you?
Demanding that all people being dragged through the criminal justice system not be "dehumanized" is a ridiculous ask.
There are so many that are just plain human debris in the mix.
Can you honestly say you wouldn't, as a law enforce officer, be a tad unsympathetic to their phony whining after a few hundred cases?
What seems "dehumanizing" to you is just another day of rounding up assholes.
Some will get their feelings hurt no doubt. "Dehumanized" is subjective, Cutes.
Yeah yeah - let's hurry and use EXTREME OUTLIERS. In keeping with your argument not to judge the many by the few!Monderegal » 10 Aug 2022, 6:40 pm » wrote: ↑ Barack Obama? MLK? I played basketball in high school. I'm 6'8" and was tall back then too
The notion that everyone is the same is a far more dangerous thought to propagate. It leaves the people you love with their guard down, so that you can feel all speshul and evolved. That's pretty ****.Monderegal » 10 Aug 2022, 8:28 pm » wrote: ↑ Dehumanization can also be in the framing. The notion that a race of people are somehow "subhuman" is a worrisome thought to be propagating. Criminal justice is a sanction on the individual and their personal choices in the form of deterrence or retribution.
How much would they have to pay me to be a CPS worker there...?DeplorablePatriot » 10 Aug 2022, 8:24 pm » wrote: ↑ And we all know CPS and the police did nothing to the big fat **** for posting this photo...child endangerment and feral street monkey indoctrination. Thug nigs are allowed to practice *** without repercussions.
All of the calories with none of the sugar.Cannonpointer » 10 Aug 2022, 6:16 pm » wrote: ↑ "Fatherless Bastard Children" is a mighty long way to say ***.
Cannonpointer » 10 Aug 2022, 9:54 pm » wrote: ↑ The notion that everyone is the same is a far more dangerous thought to propagate. It leaves the people you love with their guard down, so that you can feel all speshul and evolved. That's pretty ****.
Common sense is teaching everyone you love to avoid *** - dumb ***.
Now, you can accuse me of "laying the groundwork for genocide" ALL DAY LONG. And I am STILL going to caution everyone I know to LIVE as far from *** and STAY as far from *** as they possibly can - even if I believed my doing so might somehow leads to genocide. Which, inci-****-dentally, is exactly what black folks do. They don't "try to improve" the **** ghetto. They get the hell out of there and leave it to the ***. And they do all in their power to avoid ***, once away from them. And they teach their kids to stay away from ***.
Now, as it happens, I cannot distinguish a black man from a *** with any great facility. White trash? I can spot it down the block. New suit, Ray Bans, late model car - doesn't **** matter. I know it when I see it. But your of-coloreds? No, sir. They all look like to me. So I just stay the **** away from them, and I urgently advise those I care about to do the same - ESPECIALLY women, - because *** are dangerous. I haven't done crowd scenes in 30 **** years because ***.
When my wife wanted to see the fire works in San Francisco to usher in 2002, I bought tickets for a dinner cruise with champagne at midnight, dancing and a prime view of the fireworks - out on the bay, away from the madding crowd. Why not just catch it for free from the Wharf, you ax? *** and spics is why. No way to know some stupid POC **** is not gonna jump off. Your POCs are mostly ****. You don't have to like it and you don't have to agree to it - you be you, mother ****. I'll be me.
And I'll be in Scotland afore ye.
Countries ranked by People practicing open defecation (% of population) ( » 11 Aug 2022, 9:41 am » wrote: ↑ ............ a large reason the ghetto is still in the broken windows phase .......![]()
There's your first mistake - that racist utterance.Monderegal » 11 Aug 2022, 9:41 am » wrote: ↑ Well I will admit that perhaps going down MLK boulevard at midnight is probably not a good idea. When you start calling people "scum" and "animals" that's when I draw the line. That's just my perspective. The black community
Nope. ***.Monderegal » 11 Aug 2022, 9:41 am » wrote: ↑is actually pretty deep but they don't like outsiders. That is also probably a large reason the ghetto is still in the broken windows phase also.
Or, colloquially, "throw good money after bad." Please - continue.Monderegal » 11 Aug 2022, 9:41 am » wrote: ↑ In my view you really have two choices. Try to make progress and fall short
You left out lynchings - that puts your colored in check pretty quick. Sorry - OF coloreds.Monderegal » 11 Aug 2022, 9:41 am » wrote: ↑or let the problem rot and continue to ignore the ever growing difficult situation that is urban blight. That only compounds the problem by making the bad situation worse I don't think you can just write this thing off and continue to put the squeeze on black people. It's come to the point that the only answer is to punish more and more. I think a new approach is always warranted.
Cannonpointer » 11 Aug 2022, 3:52 pm » wrote: ↑ There's your first mistake - that racist utterance.
Putting King nd Obama in the same category as some ashy-elbowed crack donkey because of the color of their skin - VRY racist.
There is no black community.
Nope. ***.
The reason for forest fires is forests, and the reason for *** is ***.
Or, colloquially, "throw good money after bad." Please - continue.
You left out lynchings - that puts your colored in check pretty quick. Sorry - OF coloreds.
How many HUNDRED AND HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS have we invested over the last 50 years in reparations? We have given them entire spanking-new neighborhoods under section 8 to nigrify. And brother, have they **** nigrified 'em. We've given them WIC and food stamps and unmerited college slots and unmerited job slots and small business set asides. We've pretended that burning and looting is "mostly peaceful." What HAVEN'T we done for these animals? And to what effect?
We must separate ourselves from these beasts - give them their own states to nigrify. Subsidize them for a period of a few decades - while we build the walls to keep them contained when their society predictably zimbabwes in on itself and literal cannibalism becomes the order of the day.
Teaching everyone you love to distrust *** and refuse to fall for their pity party after 60 **** years of entirely wasted reparations. To get people to become race REALISTS and admit the unpleasant and unpolitic truth that the same exact evolution that favored blacks with higher testosterone and better athletic prowess also disfavored them with less intelligence and far less impulse control. They are superior in areas and inferior in areas - and (SPOILER ALERT!!!) there are outliers in each of those areas. But the exceptions merely prove the rule.
The illegitimacy rate among blacks was 14% in 1940. Their divorce rate has grown more than any other ethnicity's since then.
You mean free rent, free food, free money, affirmative action in hiring, getting government contracts, affirmative action in college placement? Yeah - **** brutal.Monderegal » 11 Aug 2022, 10:21 pm » wrote: ↑but I think a few curveballs have been thrown at the black community or *** as you call it over the last 50 years too.
There is the crack epidemic, and it WAS IN FACT concocted by the CIA under poppi bush. Our government preys on its citizens. That is in fact a mitigating argument. I can make dozens of arguments showing blacks have been mistreated - we ALL have been **** mistreated by a predatory corporatocracy. None of those examples will make blacks less comparatively unintelligent and untrustworthy compared to whites, in general.Monderegal » 11 Aug 2022, 10:21 pm » wrote: ↑Guns and drugs became a culture once crack began to hit the street from my understanding.
WTF? Who have you been listening to?
Cannonpointer » 11 Aug 2022, 11:39 pm » wrote: ↑ Teaching everyone you love to distrust *** and refuse to fall for their pity party after 60 **** years of entirely wasted reparations. To get people to become race REALISTS and admit the unpleasant and unpolitic truth that the same exact evolution that favored blacks with higher testosterone and better athletic prowess also disfavored them with less intelligence and far less impulse control. They are superior in areas and inferior in areas - and (SPOILER ALERT!!!) there are outliers in each of those areas. But the exceptions merely prove the rule.
The illegitimacy rate among blacks was 14% in 1940. Their divorce rate has grown more than any other ethnicity's since then.
You mean free rent, free food, free money, affirmative action in hiring, getting government contracts, affirmative action in college placement? Yeah - **** brutal.
There is the crack epidemic, and it WAS IN FACT concocted by the CIA under poppi bush. Our government preys on its citizens. That is in fact a mitigating argument. I can make dozens of arguments showing blacks have been mistreated - we ALL have been **** mistreated by a predatory corporatocracy. None of those examples will make blacks less comparatively unintelligent and untrustworthy compared to whites, in general.
And for the record? Cops abuse whites far more often than they do blacks. A huge percentage of media showing blacks being mistreated also shows those "victims" playing the fool and sitting pretty for it: "He din need ta shoot him, he cooda TAZED him!" Meanwhile, bad **** happening to whites barely GETS media coverage. Take a dare, sir. watch this video, then try to IMAGINE how many times you'd have seen this played, over and over and over, if the victim of police abuse had been black. It would be burned into your **** retinas:
WTF? Who have you been listening to?
Here's the election map from 1968. If Nixon had a "southern strategy," it was a miserable failure. The yellow is George Wallace.
If he was focused on old dixie, why did those racist west coast folks vote for him? Did his "southern strategy" take in all those California and Oregon dixiecrats? Because it sure as **** didn't help him in alabama and mississippi. The democraat took Texas. Nixon did worse in the south than anywhere except new england.
The election map from 1972 shows that the racist dixiecrats in Washington joined the alt-right nazis in California and Oregon, falling for Nixon's "Southern Strategy." ... 80x670.jpg