Spot on, *** dicker - spot on.
Ok, Seems legit. Ty...
why pretend I am, when I never was. Again it was fiction and the other use of the word rainman is about an attorney practicing Injury law suing everything with deep pockets and wins.
Like when given the free choice that we all's not very many of us who would choose the fetid chunks spewed forth from your festering piehole over the 60+ courts, six Trump loaded appellate courts, the Trump loaded SCOTUS, Trump's DHS Cybersecurity Division, and the Republican election officials who tabulated votes in all those battleground, rim job.Cannonpointer » 14 Aug 2022, 9:14 pm » wrote: ↑ What would you say is the most dishonest, obviously false-on-its-face thing that you have been instructed to parrot?
Please - the thing with the very least dignity - the thing that would embarrass even even the unclean whore who spawned you?
Spot on, *** dicker - spot on.
Xavier_Onassis » 14 Aug 2022, 9:19 am » wrote: ↑ No, they do not.
As you accurately point out, they are ****.
They claim they believe the Big Lie.
what are the options given to exercise free choice when facing insubordination, treason, blasphemy from one's own ideology? Either with we or against they, them, those people promising tomorrows or eliminating non compliant ancestors forward from here.Ike Bana » 15 Aug 2022, 7:17 am » wrote: ↑ Like when given the free choice that we all's not very many of us who would choose the fetid chunks spewed forth from your festering piehole over the 60+ courts, six Trump loaded appellate courts, the Trump loaded SCOTUS, Trump's DHS Cybersecurity Division, and the Republican election officials who tabulated votes in all those battleground, rim job.
And the pathetic rim job insult monger thinks flaming my slut biological mother will upset me.
Whatever, rainman.omh » 15 Aug 2022, 9:11 am » wrote: ↑ what are the options given to exercise free choice when facing insubordination, treason, blasphemy from one's own ideology? Either with we or against they, them, those people promising tomorrows or eliminating non compliant ancestors forward from here.
Morality, legality, ethics are used against personal honesty about understanding the situation mutually evolving here now. Deep state of mind secrets that sustain self fulfilling prophecies as social destinies of societal evolution becomes next generation already here 1 great great grandchild at a time.
No, pookie - I don't think that.IkeBana » 15 Aug 2022, 7:17 am » wrote: ↑
And the pathetic rim job insult monger thinks flaming my slut biological mother will upset me.