14 FBI agents blow the whistle

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By murdock
15 Aug 2022 6:16 pm in No Holds Barred Political Forum
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16 Aug 2022 1:43 pm
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nuckinfutz » 21 minutes ago » wrote: 
21 minutes ago
You will find out what real pain is, son!
Tell us all about the beatings you've dished out with your motorcycle chain.....provide details

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16 Aug 2022 4:59 pm
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omh » 16 Aug 2022, 6:15 am » wrote: expired also. The media is generating the fury that doesn't need flaming. Navigate real time, stop defending relative time logistics used against yourself by society's leaders directing the poutcomes of fellowships forward each generation added already changing population again.

Know what kinetic eternity is before chasing intellectual immortality and eternal life after dead.

why exactly did you vote for Biden...get caught up in the hype?
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16 Aug 2022 6:28 pm
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nuckinfutz » 15 Aug 2022, 7:46 pm » wrote: GET REAL, FOLKS:
Understand, Mar-a-Lago is NOT secure, is far removed from a SCIF, and is open to its high-paying members as well as guests, and you can be certain foreign agents have become members, guests, and/or financed useful spies at many levels of access. Then there are many employees at work there, actually hundreds, from grounds people to janitors, cleaning people, chefs and other kitchen personnel, security, drivers, maintenance people, etc, etc. Add to those the many outside vendors and service providers for goods, supplies, services, etc. The numbers of avenues for spies is staggering! And there are guest houses, pools, ocean access, tennis courts, etc.
By that logic then the Whitehouse is not secure. It's a museum thats open to tourists and guests, and you can be certain foreign agents have become guests. Then there are many employees at work there, actually hundreds, from grounds people to janitors, cleaning people, chefs and other kitchen personnel, security, drivers, maintenance people, etc, etc. Add to those the many outside vendors and service providers for goods, supplies, services, etc. The numbers of avenues for spies is staggering! 
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nuckin futz
16 Aug 2022 9:09 pm
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Warcok » 16 Aug 2022, 6:28 pm » wrote: By that logic then the Whitehouse is not secure. It's a museum thats open to tourists and guests, and you can be certain foreign agents have become guests. Then there are many employees at work there, actually hundreds, from grounds people to janitors, cleaning people, chefs and other kitchen personnel, security, drivers, maintenance people, etc, etc. Add to those the many outside vendors and service providers for goods, supplies, services, etc. The numbers of avenues for spies is staggering!
:evil:  That is true!
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16 Aug 2022 9:21 pm
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nuckinfutz » 15 Aug 2022, 7:46 pm » wrote: GET REAL, FOLKS:
Understand, Mar-a-Lago is NOT secure, is far removed from a SCIF, and is open to its high-paying members as well as guests, and you can be certain foreign agents have become members, guests, and/or financed useful spies at many levels of access. Then there are many employees at work there, actually hundreds, from grounds people to janitors, cleaning people, chefs and other kitchen personnel, security, drivers, maintenance people, etc, etc. Add to those the many outside vendors and service providers for goods, supplies, services, etc. The numbers of avenues for spies is staggering! And there are guest houses, pools, ocean access, tennis courts, etc.
What does any of those people that work there have to do with the F.B.I. whistle blow jobbers? lolz :lol:  
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16 Aug 2022 10:07 pm
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FOS » 15 Aug 2022, 6:19 pm » wrote: literally every fbi agent who DIDNT blow the whistle should just be fired immediately. How can you trust them to not be corrupt if they won't blow the whistle on such stuff?
No oversight and not accountable,  All governments are corrupt on some level. The W.E.F. compromised politicians and world leader plants that are called "Young global leaders" are doing the work for the billionaires at the W.E.F. they are using leftists to push their one world government dictatorship agenda where you will "own nothing and be happy" they are eugenics fanboys that think the world is too overpopulated, anybody in the political world that has said "Build back better" is working for the W.E.F. not for the people. They hate Trump for not going along with their agenda, that's why they **** with him so much.

They want to tank the global economy, control food production, ban guns, they already have compromised, the courts, governments, medical, the MSM, covid, global warming / climate change etc... they are buying up farmland across the world, and all of their projections are based on A.I. models that have been absolutely wrong with predicting real world results. They claim they want to save the planet and make it inclusive, diverse, and green friendly, but in reality they want to own and control everything from the internet to people themselves, for more wealth and more power.

If  people don't realize this is happening and not "conspiracy" - "cough" the leftists that they are using to push this agenda as they promise diversity, inclusion, utopia, etc... and deliver poverty, pandemics, fear, supply shortages, recession, lockdowns, climate doom, etc...
This 11-year-old girl gets it:

This guy nails it:

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16 Aug 2022 10:32 pm
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Veghead's usual level 0 response. 

Here comes his cop-out in 3.,.2...1...I predict that his cop-out will be to turn it on me, so he doesn't have to come up with anything.

The number of times Vegas posted without reading a comment vs Veghead:
Vegas: 1
Veghead: Daily.

Acknowledge your hypocrisy ^^^

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JohnEdgarSlowHorses » Today, 7:28 pm » wrote: ↑Today, 7:28 pm
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16 Aug 2022 10:41 pm
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Vegas » 16 Aug 2022, 10:32 pm » wrote: Veghead's usual level 0 response. 

Here comes his cop-out in 3.,.2...1...I predict that his cop-out will be to turn it on me, so he doesn't have to come up with anything.

The number of times Vegas posted without reading a comment vs Veghead:
Vegas: 1
Veghead: Daily.

Acknowledge your hypocrisy ^^^

Image Image
I think it's because he is too stupid to argue the content and doesn't want his *** handed to him, so to speak, while he is proved wrong with facts and evidence that contradicts his brainwashed, propaganda filled, Marxist ideological, CNN loving, idealized political bubble that relies on him being woefully ignorant, and in denial about the lies and failures of the current leftist political establishment that will receive their *** kicking in November. lolz
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16 Aug 2022 10:43 pm
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one1zer0 » 16 Aug 2022, 10:41 pm » wrote: I think it's because he is too stupid to argue the content and doesn't want his *** handed to him, so to speak, while he is proved wrong with facts and evidence that contradicts his brainwashed, propaganda filled, Marxist ideological, CNN loving, idealized political bubble that relies on him being woefully ignorant, and in denial about the lies and failures of the current leftist political establishment that will receive their *** kicking in November. lolz

I have known this clown since he joined in 2017. He has zero thoughts. None whatsoever. That's why he copy/pastes the internet. He has other people talk for him, he cannot think on his own. At all. 
Retarded Horse's view on women.

JohnEdgarSlowHorses » Today, 7:28 pm » wrote: ↑Today, 7:28 pm
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16 Aug 2022 11:12 pm
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Vegas » 16 Aug 2022, 10:43 pm » wrote: I have known this clown since he joined in 2017. He has zero thoughts. None whatsoever. That's why he copy/pastes the internet. He has other people talk for him, he cannot think on his own. At all.
Most liberals, leftists, progressives, can't think for themselves, that's why they love an ever expanding government political system that will tell them what they want to hear, even if it's not based on reality. Group identity politics, subjective mindset, the inability to distinguish from right and wrong due to the fact they believe anyone that has a different point of view or doesn't conform to their political ideology is a racist, Nazi, white supremacist, bigot, bad guy etc...

Almost every point they bring up is from an echo chamber of the MSM that they haven't figured out, lies to them a **** ton, they are told what to think, what to do, and love it. Wear a mask, get an injection, lockdowns are good, Orange man bad, no recession, Brandon is mentally fit etc…  They think the government cares about them and has their best interest in mind. They believe they are the good guys, that are fighting racism like it's still the 1960s, not because it is that way but because of their virtue signalling, morally superior, world view depends on it. How else are they supposed to be "the good guys, fighting the evil right wing extremists, Nazi, bigot, insert the new whateverphobic word of the day", hero's that can do no wrong, that they think they are? lolz
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31st Arrival
17 Aug 2022 5:48 am
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Minding your chain of command demanding everyone ignore how live-evil in plain sight take place serving humanity. mirror image of live spelled forward and backward.

What is your ancestral point of origin? conceived or birth? When did your ancestral lineage start? inception or conception? series parallel existing or separate times arrived and departed never same form since arrived fertilized cell.

winning and losing is an intellectual concept, balancing out incoming and outgoing results is evolving here now one at a time. Compounding simplicity every reality rejects intentionally as defined by law and order sustained by chain of command in every ideology one species performs globally employing vernacular tribalism to believe real cannot be limited to ancestral numbers present.
1. evolved into 1 of 16 great great grandparents.
2. evolved into 1 of 8 great grandparents
3. evolved into 1 of 4 grandparents
4. evolved into 1 of 2 parents
5. arrived each great great grandchild and siblings/cousins/members of the same ancestral changes/reproductions in same species.
6. evolving into zygote, embro, fetus, infant, toddler, adolescent, puberty, teen, adult that may or may not reproduce a next generation forward from here being alive now, mutually evolving as everything else universally present the same time.
7. eternity is the core of eternally separate details never duplicated twice here now.
8. Simple compounding total sum be it molecular geographical positions, cellular ancestral result native to one atmosphere's natural food chain reaction to evolving forward specifically displaced now.
9. Simplicity of navigating the whole is equal to total sum of ever changing details contracting results as ancestrally positioned as total sum populaiton of what continues living here now forward as arrived in plain sight.
10. self evident kinetic living taking place as performed by each displacement.
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17 Aug 2022 5:52 am
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omh » 17 Aug 2022, 5:48 am » wrote: So you never read my posts, just reply with programmed responses. Where is your brain navigating space while only existing as timed apart reproduction here.
Minding your chain of command demanding everyone ignore how live-evil in plain sight take place serving humanity. mirror image of live spelled forward and backward.

What is your ancestral point of origin? conceived or birth? When did your ancestral lineage start? inception or conception? series parallel existing or separate times arrived and departed never same form since arrived fertilized cell.

winning and losing is an intellectual concept, balancing out incoming and outgoing results is evolving here now one at a time. Compounding simplicity every reality rejects intentionally as defined by law nd order..
That technique is called "jerking your chain"....you should try to master it  

jerking your chain
To make fun of; to tease. From the slave days when overseers would jerk the chains of slaves

Yea, you are being paranoid. I didnt mean it - I was just jerking your chain.
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31st Arrival
17 Aug 2022 6:02 am
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nefarious101 » 17 Aug 2022, 5:52 am » wrote: That technique is called "jerking your chain"....you should try to master it  

jerking your chain
To make fun of; to tease. From the  mean it - I was just jerking your chain.
also known as avoiding life in plain sight for your career leading everyone else to pay to believe real isn't real by laws ordering social outcomes forward from here now. Catch 22 semantics never admits life is only evolving individually present now.

Tyranny is really an ugly business that only sustains self fulfilling manifested prophecies for those always chanting "We told you this would happen.".

You pull my genetic chain, I expose your chain of command denying life in plain sight, on a global scale as universally self evident deniers corrupting every added great great grandchild changing populating DNA results like never added again here.

I am the second coming of instinctive honesty within a brain society trains to mind vernacular tribalism so minority numbers rule majority of the people regardless in family, social narrative, generation gap between the 5 occupying space now.

I am the prophecy of Nostradamus' "One Male". Believe it or not doesn't change kinetic genetics inception to extinction results occupying space here now.

Time as governing outcomes forward here is debunked after 7,000 years of misleading other people's ancestries historically including current events performed within this species.
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