Dem lies
... Dem accused Trump of colluding with the Russians ..(dem fake news) ... but we found out hilary actually colluded with the Russians thru the Steele Dossier and hilary and the dem party had to pay a fine because of that fact.
... Dem accuse Trump of obstruction ... (dem fake news) never mine he didn't collude so there was nothing to obstruct.
... Dem drag Kavanaugh and his family thru the mud (dem fake news) to this day no formal complaint of sexual harassment has been against Kavanaugh at the Federal, State, or local level (something brandon can't say)
... Dem say hunter's laptop was Russia disinformation (dem fake news) dem intentionally suppressed the story using the FBI.
... Dem used the FBI to get illegal FISA Warrants ...
...Dems used the FBI as a spy for hilary in the Russian Bank probe. see Durham original investigation.
,,, Dems are allowing drugs to cross the southern border killing US Citizens and do nothing about it.
... Dems do not enforce the laws, Chicago has the toughest gun laws - no one is enforcing not prosecuting them, Dem prosecutors are releasing known criminals so that they can do another crime, Dems did nothing as Seatle and Portland burned, raped & pillaged, hell the dem vice president had a fund for bail to get the rioters out so that they could do it again.
... Dem leadership in cities, counties, and states
actually defunded the police ... and not one dem spoke against it.
Tell me again how you are not afraid of Trump ... Trump hasn't been President for around 17 months, and you sent the FBI to his home to spy on him. lol Basically the dems have lied about Trump for over 7 years and the only result is he has been found innocent ... I think that trend will continue.
Doesn't sound like the dem party is the party of law and order. to me...